firstly, this is NOT TT (as much as we lore nerds want it to be)
it isn't the same because, to use a single example, if TT armor values were used, you would be killed 2 times faster than now, doesn't sound too fun, especially at the lower skill level or like me, a lower computer level ( I average 14-16 FPS on a GREAT day)
I do not care about ECM changes, either way, I will still use it on my ECM mechs as it will always provide a benefit.
I do not understand why every tiny thing in a game needs balancing though, nothing in war is ever balanced to be fair, it comes down to the soldiers actually fighting, and their ability to utilize their equipment to it's fullest.
I do not understand why if balancing is going to happen that it cannot be at levels of say 10% vs 50%.
I do not understand why there are quirks at all, it forces the meta.
I do not understand why the whining about indirect fire, you cannot take my ability to see a mech and put my reticle on said mech and send my missiles downrange.
oh, and for the LRMpocalypse numbers, we have had about 6 of them since Open Beta, unless you want to consider every event in the last 7 months. (probably more)
I don't know what suggestions to make to nerf/buff any of these systems, I never saw a need to do it in the first place, just like with quirks... all that happens is you force the meta to whatever is least $%^*&$ up, and those who try to enjoy the game playing a varied role of mechs is basically left in the dark.... with Bubba and no lube....
Edited by Seamus McKenna, 16 July 2015 - 08:22 AM.