Tina Benoit, on 15 July 2015 - 02:33 PM, said:
I believe ECM should be redesigned. In my opinion, rebalance is no longer an optimal solution - MWO battlefield evolved, and differs very much from circumstances, when ECM was designed. Here is few suggestions about ECM effects design:
"BattleTech 1707 - Master Rules, page 136
The Guardian ECM Suite is a broad-spectrum jamming and electronic countermeasure
device designed to reduce effectiveness of enemy long-range scanning and surveillance equipment... An
ECM suite has an effect radius of 6 hexes that creates "bubble" around the carrying unit. The ECM disruptive abilities affect all enemy units inside this bubble, as well as any line of sight traced through the bubble. It has no effect on units friendly to the unit carrying the ECM.
Within its effect radius, an ECM suite has the following effect on the following systems (the ECm does not effect other scanning or targeting devices such as TAG or Clan targeting computer).
Active Probes:
Active probes cannot penetrate the ECM's area of effect. The probing unit will notice it is being jammed.
Artemis IV FCS: ECM blocks the effect of Artemis IV FCS.
Artemis-equipped launchers may be fired as normal missiles through the ECM, but ...bonus is lost.
Narc Missile Beacon: Missiles equipped to home in on an attached Narc pod lose ...bonus for that system if they are affected by ECM. The Narc launcher itself is not affected by ECM."
So, ECM effects suggested to change:
ECM requirements remain the same - 2 slots, 1.5 tons, and ECM-capability of carrying 'mech.
ECM creates area of effect ("bubble"). Size of bubble is to be balanced, suggested 90 meters is fine. (Though i believe very small radius, 45 or 60 meters, plus ability to affect line of sight passing through bubble will be more interesting to gameplay, encouraging more frontline activity of ECM-carriers. But i guess it meets engineering obstacles, as new feature. So -) Bubble does not affect line of sight, passing through it, only units inside the bubble.
ECM decreases enemy sensors radius to X%. (To be balanced.. Lets say for 37,5%. Default spot distance is 800 meters? So it makes distance for spot ECM-shielded units 300 meters. BAP bonus to sensor does not apply, quirk and module bonuses does apply.)
ECM increases time to lock on carrier and shielded units, at any distance.
Enemy ECM no longer jams friendly signatures.
In addition - ECM disrupted after PPC shot for longer time (>150%-250%<)
So - ECM no longer denies targeting at all ranges - only on long and medium ranges, depending on sensor ranges of opposite team. ECM still saves from LRM/SSRM lockon, but not by denying targeting, but through increased time to lockon (something as current lock on working ECM-carrier, spotted by UAV), not only to carrier, but to other friendlies inside the bubble, at all distances, as long as ECM is not disrupted by PPC shot or enemy ECM in counter mode.
TAG and Narc beacon dismiss ECM lockon protection, but Narc beacon loses its bonuses. ECM dismisses Artemis IV FCS bonus.
So with this changes ECM becomes more flexible happening on battlefield, not "all or nothing" protection from targeting and lockon as now. You can taget and lock onto targets shielded by ECM, without disrupting it, but it will not be easy.
As main concern for ECM rebalance.
LRM needs nerf for indirect fire. By rules, mech cannot use its weapons on turn when he doing spotting for indirect LRM fire. Means indirect lockon is more complicated, than in MWO. But from gameplay perspective better to affect shooter, not spotter, so:
LRM can fire without having line of sight to target, but 1) lock only possible on targets with gathered information (you have to wait when you see name and mech model, not just red square); 2) lockon takes X% more time than lockon with line of sight (lets say 150-200%). Lock with line of sight on target works as usual, with no need for gathered information.
So with this changes LRM as primary weapon will require more skill or teamwork to use. Mechs using LRMs as auxiliary weapons should not be affected much (because they need line of sight for other weapons to use).
Now LRM-rains from safe places should be more rare, and happen to very passive teams, or enabled by skilled spotters.
"BattleTech 1707 - Master Rules, page 130
Capable of detecting and identifying even shut-down and camouflaged units at distances much greater than standart-issue electronic warfare suites, the Active Probe makes a valuable addition to any recon unit."
Losing disruptive ability to ECm effect, Active Probe needs redesign too.
BAP no longer can disrupt ECM.
BAP bonus for spotting distance does not apply when spotting ECM-shielded targets.
BAP spot distance for shut-down mechs increased significantly (300-400 meters). But mechs without BAP now can target shut-down mechs too, but on small distances, like 50-90 meters.
If enemy ECM-carrier is in range of sensors, and have line of sight to friendly BAP-equipped mech (BAP bonuses to sensor range do apply), ECM-carrier highlited with marker (same marker as now in use for ECM-jammed mechs). So you cannot target ECM-carrier, but you and your team can see where it is.
I'm sure i forgot to describe something, but i guess this is enough for you to imagine how suggested changes will work. Core idea is -
presence or absence of some equipment should not drastically influence battle. Current balance is bad in its core - it have some aspects (massed indirect LRM fire, ECM cover,) which are too powerful, and too easy to cancel completely at same time.
Edited by Sigmar Sich, 03 August 2015 - 09:46 AM.