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Reporting A Player

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#1 MatterBeam


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:02 PM


I see no way to report a player in the game. I don't see a way to provide proof of misconduct, since we do not have replays or damage logs.

I read the Code of Conduct and I know that I am not allowed to reveal the names of these two players.

At 6:42-45 am UK time (5:42-45 UTC?), on forest colony, I spawned in a BJ-1Dc with 51 center torso armor and 39 side torso armor.

I was testing a new loadout (5 ML, 1 ERPPC).

About 30 seconds into the game, I fired my weapons into the ground. 30 seconds later, the first player, in a Kintaro, crashed into my side, stopped in front of me, turned around and faced me.

I fired my medium lasers above his head to make him go away. One medium laser grazed the head for aroun half a second.

After a short delay, he fired upon me with all weapons several times, for about 30 seconds, then left. A Summoner (player 2, not in the same clan or group as player 1), paused in front of me, and shot me as well before moving on.

I was left with yellow ST and orange unarmored CT. That's about 70 points of damage with an exposed center torso. After telling Player 1 in chat that he had reduced me to 74% armor in retaliation for the grazing hit of a single medium laser, I went on to meet the first enemy.

I died to two successive strikes of LRMs not a minute later.

What should I do now? I wrote down the names of the two players. Player 1's justification at the end of the game was that "it's public drops" in a deal with it manner.

#2 Vxheous


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:14 PM

you probably should not have fired your lasers to get him to "go away"

#3 VanguardMk1


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:15 PM

Some people don't like it when others test their weapons in the match itself and may do stuff like that. You shot first, which you shouldn't have done, even if hitting the Kintaro wasn't intentional. Perhaps just walk past them the next time?
There will always be some jerks that just want to mess with others, report them and if they do it often and get reported multiple times, they may get banned for it :)

To report a player, send an email to moderation@mwomercs.com

#4 Squirg


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:19 PM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 23 July 2015 - 10:14 PM, said:

you probably should not have fired your lasers to get him to "go away"

It really is your fault for hitting him first, and intentionally at that.

#5 Sarlic


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:23 PM


medium lasers above his head to make him go away. One medium laser grazed the head for aroun half a second.

Cant blame the guy taking this as FF.
I mostly apologise when i hit someone.

Edited by Sarlic, 23 July 2015 - 10:24 PM.

#6 MatterBeam


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:26 PM

View PostSarlic, on 23 July 2015 - 10:23 PM, said:

Cant blame the guy taking this as FF.
I mostly apologise when i hit someone.

So the appropriate response is to utterly destroy my mech, because of 2 points of damage? Heck, I could have dealt more when he crashed into me. And what's up with the second player also shooting me?

#7 Deathpactt


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:29 PM

Sorry but you fired first, last nite someone did exact same thing to me( I do not have kintaro so its not you) fired full weapons and crit my ct because I bumped him just at the start of the round with no enemy contact. I crit every piece of his mech and then let him to kill me so If I do not play that round, he will not play either+ cbill reduction for TK.

#8 Sarlic


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:33 PM

Yes. That's how it should have been. And then report the player.

But most players are taking right in their own hands. Which is understandable, but not wanted as it's not allowed aswell. Things change when a DW spawn and start shooting all over the place which is so obvious and multiple friendly teammates gank the DW is also understandable. Not the official way, but better then the half of the team wiped out.

But to the player it looked like you was intentional FF-ing him. Probaly the other took notice aswell thinking you was a TK-er.
Either way report. The way how you described it is the wrong way of making players 'go away'. Ignore and move on.p

You can always try to report with your own background info.

Edited by Sarlic, 23 July 2015 - 10:34 PM.

#9 EmeraldSongbird


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:35 PM

I had a Stalker alpha me once because I shot some MG rounds in his back. Don't mess with people on here, they will look for any reason to overreact, especially with how trigger happy they all are. Just move on man... sucks but it happens. :unsure:

#10 Kotzi


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:39 PM

Ye, its great when "Teammates" handicap the team because of peanuts. Last game i got such a nice "teammate" too. Shot my CT red in his Zeus. We could have killed him, but why? Just because he is an idiot does not mean that i have to act like a jerk too. Screw those immature idiots. Its their loss too, when they handicap their own team. They are just not bright enough to understand.

#11 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 23 July 2015 - 11:17 PM

#12 Kiiyor


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 12:38 AM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 23 July 2015 - 10:14 PM, said:

you probably should not have fired your lasers to get him to "go away"


Op, I feel for you, but #1 rule of pugging is to NOT fire your weapons if your crosshairs are anywhere near a blue triangle.

Every single micron of armour you remove from a friendly is a micron less opportunity for them to visit death and destruction upon their foes.

Also, your post reads like a sober person trying to put on their most proper behavior when describing the going on of the night before in a police report.

"I was just mindin' me own business, officer, when this chap approached me all puffed up, full o' the devil's fire, 'e was, spoilin' for a fight, 'e was! I swear on me mum!"

#13 kesmai


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 12:53 AM

Well, it looks like he was waiting for an apology in teamchat. You have to type fast after ff. Could it have happened you returning The fire of the kintaro? That would explain the summoner shooting at you. Really watch your fire in the spawn (and betTer elsewhere).

it seems ridiculous to report other players when you started the shooting?

Edited by kesmai, 24 July 2015 - 12:53 AM.

#14 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 01:15 AM

well it looks like you got what you deserved

btw even simply testing your weapon without hitting somebody can get you shot... and i won' blame those too
don't shoot in the direction of your teammates when there are no enemies there

nobody is obliged to guess what you meant, you shot your teammate without any reason and without any enemy nearby, it's you have to be reported and nobody would blame those who would kill you asap as a team killer

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 24 July 2015 - 01:20 AM.

#15 TheCharlatan


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 01:29 AM

FF happens.
However you should NEVER willingly shoot an ally.
If he mistakes it for a TK attempt, he might shoot you back (which is disallowed as well).
In other words, you and the others 2 players all did something against the rules.
So you are all criminal scum ;)
Posted Image

#16 Piney II


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 02:32 AM

Friendly fire happens - especially in a short range death ball scrum. I can't begin to count the number of shots I've pulled into the sky or dirt when someone steps in front of me. I cringe when I see an enemy light being chased down and running right past me - knowing I'm going to eat some friendly fire.

As for shooting team mates while testing weapons at spawn - totally uncalled for. I stay well clear of pilots testing their weapons. There are some neck beards that like to shoot their team mates and think it's fun - I keep a list of them and will hunt them down when I see them on the red team.

If you get hit by a team mate, shrug it off and press on. Do not return fire - YOU might be the one that gets reported. There's always another match.

#17 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 02:37 AM

View PostTheCharlatan, on 24 July 2015 - 01:29 AM, said:

FF happens.
However you should NEVER willingly shoot an ally.
If he mistakes it for a TK attempt, he might shoot you back (which is disallowed as well).
In other words, you and the others 2 players all did something against the rules.
So you are all criminal scum ;)
Posted Image

Difference is I WILL stop after killing the guy trying to TK a team mate. I'd rather the team be down one jerk, than allow the jerk to continue. And IF PGI wants to punish me, They can... without complaint.

Shooting someone killing a team mate is NOT an Ally

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 24 July 2015 - 02:38 AM.

#18 GeistHrafn


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 03:52 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 23 July 2015 - 10:02 PM, said:


Send a report to moderation@mwomercs.com. Be sure to include:

Players name
Time (local or PST)
Map name
Game mode
Brief description of what happened
Screenshot (if possible or applicable)

#19 Raggedyman


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 04:29 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 23 July 2015 - 10:26 PM, said:

So the appropriate response is to utterly destroy my mech, because of 2 points of damage? Heck, I could have dealt more when he crashed into me. And what's up with the second player also shooting me?

No, the appropriate response would have been for them to have carried on and not lost it. Or to have asked you what you were doing.

Your appropriate response would be to not shot at a guy who knocked into you, doing you no harm. You escalated the situation, they responded with further escalation.

It is always better to deescalate such incidents and focus on shooting the enemy team.

#20 Kiiyor


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 04:48 AM

View PostPiney, on 24 July 2015 - 02:32 AM, said:

Friendly fire happens - especially in a short range death ball scrum. I can't begin to count the number of shots I've pulled into the sky or dirt when someone steps in front of me. I cringe when I see an enemy light being chased down and running right past me - knowing I'm going to eat some friendly fire.

As for shooting team mates while testing weapons at spawn - totally uncalled for. I stay well clear of pilots testing their weapons. There are some neck beards that like to shoot their team mates and think it's fun - I keep a list of them and will hunt them down when I see them on the red team.

If you get hit by a team mate, shrug it off and press on. Do not return fire - YOU might be the one that gets reported. There's always another match.

I have a slightly more... morally flexible return fire policy.

In the heat of battle, FF happens. People don't understand or respect fire lanes, people panic, people sense blood in the water when there's just a couple of enemy mechs left, people make poor life choices with artillery (i've had 3 FF kills with the one strike... yikes) people mistake a friendly target in the heat of battle, or people screw up. I get it, I've done it, I accept it.

I do, however, have a zero tolerance approach for avoidable FF. Shooting at the start of a match isn't rocket science. You can do it, but for the love of god check the minimap first.

If you shoot me at the start of a match, and the strike is anything more than a casual observer would categorize as a 'glancing hit', you have 5 Mississippis to apologize in chat before the Automated Disproportionate Response Software™ in my mech kicks in. I event start at ZERO Mississippi, instead of cheating and going straight to one. If I get an apology though, i'll pretty much never return fire, unless it was exceptionally blatant.

The new collision mechanics don't help either, as not being able to get past something leads to frustration, and frustration sends more blood and electrical impulses to the flexor tendons in that trigger finger, inexorably increasing the tension until not clicking is more of an effort than clicking....

[old man style story time rant]
I had a StormCrow stuck behind my Awesome the other night. I was trying to reverse, and found that impossible while the Crow was trying to give my mech an ***** with it's cockpit. I resigned myself to not reversing, and instead turned to move around - which just so happened to co-incide with the Alpha strike that he must have intended for my back. I started to type out a "WTF" in chat, but seeing that shooting me in the face had cost him plausible deniability, he decided to go for broke before I could retaliate. Pre-emptive-emptive strike I guess. My Awesome may not be tier 1 meta, but it can Alpha strike 3LPL and 3MLAS without breaking a sweat. The Crow died, but my mech was gutted.

I ended up reporting myself for the TK, lol.

[/old man style story time rant]

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