Ed Steele, on 02 August 2015 - 06:13 PM, said:
They might. In fact, I expect it. That simple word in their description of the game they're going to make, a "modern turn based game" seems to imply that they have some new rules on how the game will play rather than use an existing game's rule book, in my opinion.
Jack Gallows, on 02 August 2015 - 06:59 PM, said:
I actually would prefer they stay as well, although having played another game called Front Mission 4 I can see the benefit of simplifying the locations.
HBS could mush the legs together to be just 1 location, the front torso being combined to be just one location, and so is the rear torso as well, and "head" is not a location at all, but a "head hit" thing that happens on the critical hit special results table.
This puts it halfway between BattleTech, that has 11 hit locations, and BattleForce, that doesn't even have locations at all. I think having just 5 locations might work: front torso, rear torso, legs, right arm, and left arm, and don't bother with internals. Just have the chance of a critical hit go up as the armor of a location goes down.
I would keep the turn scheme from BattleTech as well. Initiative phase, movement phase where the loser of the Initiative has to go first so you can react to it, ranged combat phase, then melee combat, and an end phase where the heat and some other effects change things for the next round.