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Solo Players Should Never Be Allowed To Drop In Community Warfare.

Balance Gameplay Mode

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#181 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:24 PM

View PostLeif Tanner, on 12 August 2015 - 01:19 PM, said:

Well, I will you the part about players who join the drops thinking they are playing with 11 A.Is in the mix. It is a shame that a lot of people go off and do their own thing, when MWO is a team game, not just the CW matches but also the solo drops. But the thing that annoys me the most with playing (either CW or solo drops) are how people do not use their Mechs in the right way the 'Mechs were designed for. Light pilots not scouting ahead, mediums and lights not supporting the heavies and assaults, entire lances who run off at the first sign of danger just to save their own skin whilst leaving their team mates left alone to get slaughtered by 4, 5, sometimes two entire enemy lances.
That is my main gripe in almost all the drops I have been in (I am not even going to get into how so many people bunch up it is impossible to move out of the line of enemy fire or that some people stop right in front of you when you are trying to target an enemy Mech and/or firing at the same time).

The issues you describe are real issues, all of which can be solved by finding and dropping with 11 other players who are on the same page. There are many successful CW drop decks (but NONE that include trial mechs), and many tactics that can be used on the battle fields, but NONE if it works when pilots THINK they are playing a "Solo" game.

Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 01:26 PM.

#182 Astrocanis


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:31 PM

How about this as a "possible" solution. When you drop in CW, the group you dropped in "persists" unless you leave the group. This has worked in a game called Rift for some time. You autogroup when you encounter a "rift" in the game world. You may then leave the group or you can choose to stay and try a few more things in a group. I've met several people doing that.

That might work in the game if they could manage to put together a lobby chat system (one that worked outside a game instance). At that point, recruitment becomes more than text inside a game.

#183 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:33 PM

View PostAstrocanis, on 12 August 2015 - 01:31 PM, said:

How about this as a "possible" solution. When you drop in CW, the group you dropped in "persists" unless you leave the group. This has worked in a game called Rift for some time. You autogroup when you encounter a "rift" in the game world. You may then leave the group or you can choose to stay and try a few more things in a group. I've met several people doing that.

That might work in the game if they could manage to put together a lobby chat system (one that worked outside a game instance). At that point, recruitment becomes more than text inside a game.

My god, a second person who 'gets it'...I think I am going to start crying. Thank you sir, THANK YOU.



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 02:33 PM

View PostHiasRGB, on 12 August 2015 - 10:10 AM, said:

Sry, my English is very bad, but my Point is obvious.

CW is no Hardcoremode.

Your point is you have a problems with what looks like a good match on both sides?



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Posted 12 August 2015 - 02:36 PM

View PostAstrocanis, on 12 August 2015 - 12:49 PM, said:

Cherry picking and very carefully saying "12 man premade is only 1%" is a very nice ploy.

A better question would be "How many premade groups are stomping PUGs?" don't you think? I don't want the bar lowered, but the price of entry, like the price of entry into EVERYTHING in this game, is simply too high. I don't need to measure my epeen against those who feel they must. I want to have an enjoyable time playing a game after work. CW does not fit that bill for me.

Mark Twain was right.

How can one "cherry pick" when that come right from Russ? What is the ploy?

Besides pointing out your boogeyman is not real.

Since CW is not for you, put your energy into solo/group queue where it can do some good.

#186 Uncle Totty


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:02 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 02:06 AM, said:

The moment, the very SECOND you start to work WITH the group....You STOP being a solo player, unless of course you are an oxymoron...then you can play "solo" WITH the "group".

When I say "I drop solo", I mean I do not join pre-mades. When I play the match, I play as a team member. When I hunt in the lobby, I do it as a solo.

Your first post was of you ranting that only 12-man pre-mades should be in CW. Also that solo players (now you are saying there is "no such thing". WTF, REALLY?), and any pre-mades 11 players or less were "killing the game" for you, some how. (How can you be so sick of "solo players" if you yourself only drop in 12-man pre-mades?

Edited by Nathan K, 12 August 2015 - 03:14 PM.

#187 Uncle Totty


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:25 PM

View PostAstrocanis, on 12 August 2015 - 01:31 PM, said:

How about this as a "possible" solution. When you drop in CW, the group you dropped in "persists" unless you leave the group. This has worked in a game called Rift for some time. You autogroup when you encounter a "rift" in the game world. You may then leave the group or you can choose to stay and try a few more things in a group. I've met several people doing that.

That might work in the game if they could manage to put together a lobby chat system (one that worked outside a game instance). At that point, recruitment becomes more than text inside a game.

Fast and easy drop in/drop out, with in lobby VOIP. (Maybe let me look at my teammates drop decks?) I am okay with this.

Just do not ask me to join your unit. I am not drinking that kool-aid again.

#188 sdsnowbum


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 04:04 PM

View PostTWIAFU, on 12 August 2015 - 02:36 PM, said:

How can one "cherry pick" when that come right from Russ? What is the ploy?

Besides pointing out your boogeyman is not real.

Since CW is not for you, put your energy into solo/group queue where it can do some good.

Well it's cherry picking because 1% of matches 12-mans vs pugs is one very specific parameter.

What is the frequency of 11-man+1 solo vs 12 pugs? 10-man+2 solos vs 12 pugs?

Heck I'd say all the way down to an 8-man on one side vs 12 pugs is going to be an insurmountable imbalance for the 12 pugs.

I know the 12 pugs defending happens all the time, because of the queue info they give for the planet.

I know the 12 pugs attacking happens much less often. Not only because I see the queue, but because that's how the system works. There could be 11 singles in an attack queue, and if a 8-man group queues up they will collect 4 of the singles and launch.

Edit: for math.

Edited by sdsnowbum, 12 August 2015 - 04:05 PM.

#189 Galenit


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 04:30 PM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 02:46 AM, said:

Imagine if solo que there was no c-bills, no EX, and 2 out of every 24 players in the match had to spend cash money before the match could start. Do you think the solo que would dry up just a little bit???

Your first suggenstion would kill cw (a),
your second suggestion would kill the game (b.).

Only 1% of the playerbase would not give enough revenue to justify more investments on this feature.

Only getting money from the 1% would not give enough revenue to pay the staff or the servers.
The 99% would not pay, because the grind would be to much.

Your solution would only work, if you (and the rest of the 1%) would be spending a lot of money every month.
Are you able to spend 10000$ (or more) every month?
And could the rest of the 1% do the same?

Most people playing this game have their challenges in rl,
they get better in rl and they devote a lot of time in rl to do that.
Thats why they only play casual in their few spare time for fun
and can spend a lot of money for this game.

The best way would be more cw modes, that will cater to all types of players.
12 mans, 4 mans (maybe it will come, they said sometimes something about it, (But they said a lot that did not happen ...) and solo players.

Like attacking a planet needs some scouting missions from 4 mans (catering small groups), then the war starts, the early fight is with soloplayers with up to one 3 or 4 mans or two 2 mans (catering solos and small groups but more to the solos), but to take the planet, you need a 12 man (catering the big groups) to fight it out.
Now find out how many missions of each type you need to fit the playerneeds and -base, like 3x scouting, 4x solo-cw, 3x 12 man to take a planet.

Edited by Galenit, 12 August 2015 - 04:44 PM.

#190 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:04 PM

View PostNathan K, on 12 August 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:

When I say "I drop solo", I mean I do not join pre-mades. When I play the match, I play as a team member. When I hunt in the lobby, I do it as a solo.

Your first post was of you ranting that only 12-man pre-mades should be in CW. Also that solo players (now you are saying there is "no such thing". WTF, REALLY?), and any pre-mades 11 players or less were "killing the game" for you, some how. (How can you be so sick of "solo players" if you yourself only drop in 12-man pre-mades?

No, you had it right to start....you THINK you drop solo, you tell yourself and anyone who will listen that you are a SOLO player. You ARE dropping solo (even though it should have been made clear to you by now that you have NEVER ONCE dropped solo in this game), because that is your mindset.... You are not alone.

I don't want you to stop playing the game (or any LOL 'solo' player for that matter). I DO WANT PGI to make it clear that there is no SOLO game mode, I DO WANT PGI to make it clear that CW is about playing WITH 11 other people AGAINST 12 other people (lets be honest...this is the case in EVERY game mode...including "Solo queue"). I DO WANT PGI to give players the tools and resources they need to ensure that NO ONE ever 'drops solo' again.

View PostGalenit, on 12 August 2015 - 04:30 PM, said:

Your first suggenstion would kill cw (a),
your second suggestion would kill the game (b.).

Only 1% of the playerbase would not give enough revenue to justify more investments on this feature.

Only getting money from the 1% would not give enough revenue to pay the staff or the servers.
The 99% would not pay, because the grind would be to much.

Your solution would only work, if you (and the rest of the 1%) would be spending a lot of money every month.
Are you able to spend 10000$ (or more) every month?
And could the rest of the 1% do the same?

Most people playing this game have their challenges in rl,
they get better in rl and they devote a lot of time in rl to do that.
Thats why they only play casual in their few spare time for fun
and can spend a lot of money for this game.

The best way would be more cw modes, that will cater to all types of players.
12 mans, 4 mans (maybe it will come, they said sometimes something about it, (But they said a lot that did not happen ...) and solo players.

Like attacking a planet needs some scouting missions from 4 mans (catering small groups), then the war starts, the early fight is with soloplayers with up to one 3 or 4 mans or two 2 mans (catering solos and small groups but more to the solos), but to take the planet, you need a 12 man (catering the big groups) to fight it out.
Now find out how many missions of each type you need to fit the playerneeds and -base, like 3x scouting, 4x solo-cw, 3x 12 man to take a planet.

That is my point....if you asked "solo" players (again....you are lying to yourself if you think you EVER drop "Solo" in this game) to jump through all the hoops that 'teams' have to jump through to get a match...there would be no game. The fact that players even think they EVER drop solo is a clear failure on PGI's part to explain HOW to play the game they created (because there is no SOLO mode....even in the "solo queue").

Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 05:14 PM.

#191 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:12 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:04 PM, said:

That is my point....if you asked "solo" players (again....you are lying to yourself if you think you EVER drop "Solo" in this game) to jump through all the hoops that 'teams' have to jump through to get a match...there would be no game. The fact that players even think they EVER drop solo is a clear failure on PGI's part to explain HOW to play the game they created (because there is no SOLO mode....even in the "solo queue").

Okay, suggestion time.


They are NOT the same thing.

And my point last time you decided to ignore, just because someone joins a unit doesn't mean they magically start instantly being better at it.

I get that you are referring to solo as someone who doesn't communicate, doesn't work as a team, doesn't use TS, etc. But that does NOT ALWAYS EQUAL SOMEONE WHO DROPS SOLO!

Then you would get less people thinking you are an ******.

Edited by Lorian Sunrider, 12 August 2015 - 05:13 PM.

#192 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:16 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 12 August 2015 - 05:12 PM, said:

Okay, suggestion time.


They are NOT the same thing.

And my point last time you decided to ignore, just because someone joins a unit doesn't mean they magically start instantly being better at it.

I get that you are referring to solo as someone who doesn't communicate, doesn't work as a team, doesn't use TS, etc. But that does NOT ALWAYS EQUAL SOMEONE WHO DROPS SOLO!

Then you would get less people thinking you are an ******.

That suggestion is fair enough...now let me give you a suggestion...

I suggest you stop lying to yourself by thinking you have ever ONCE dropped solo in MWO. Stop telling yourself you are a "solo player" because you are NOT, you NEVER have been, you NEVER will be. End the LIE, END IT NOW.

Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 05:22 PM.

#193 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:25 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:16 PM, said:

That suggestion is fair enough...now let me give you a suggestion...

I suggest you stop lying to yourself by thinking you have ever ONCE dropped solo in MWO. Stop telling yourself you are a "solo player" because you are NOT, you NEVER have been, you NEVER will be. End the LIE, END IT NOW.

The definition of someone who drops solo is someone who jumps into matchmaker by themselves, not someone dropping on a map by themselves.

This isn't a 1v12 game. So by your definition, no frigging ****.

So yeah, I drop solo. Constantly.

Edited by Lorian Sunrider, 12 August 2015 - 05:27 PM.

#194 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:29 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 12 August 2015 - 05:25 PM, said:

The definition of someone who drops solo is someone who jumps into matchmaker by themselves, not someone dropping on a map by themselves.

So yeah, I drop solo. Constantly.

And that RIGHT THERE is the LIE. You THINK that because you are not in a group when you hit the play now button...you are dropping solo. The REALITY is you are dropping with 11 other living, real life, players against 12 other living, real life players. There are no solo drops in MWO, there never was solo drops, there never will be solo drops. Yet here you are THINKING you are a solo player...ACTING like you are a solo player because of your "I play MWO solo" mindset.

You have NEVER dropped solo, not ONCE EVER.

Have a nice hot cup of reality, wake up from your "I'm a solo player" dream, then come back and rejoin the conversation.

Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 05:37 PM.

#195 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:31 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:29 PM, said:

And that RIGHT THERE is the LIE. You THINK that because you are not in a group when you hit the play now button...you are dropping solo. The REALITY is you are dropping with 11 other living, real life, players against 12 other living, real life players. There is no SOLO drops, there never was solo drops, there never will be a solo drops. Yet here you are THINKING you are a solo player...ACTING like you are a solo player.

You have NEVER dropped solo, not ONCE EVER.

No ****. Its not a 1v12 game. It's literally impossible to drop solo by your definition, so therefore your definition is wrong.

Seriously, I don't understand how you aren't getting this. Your use of the term solo drop is wrong. Get over it. There is no point in using the wrong term for what you are describing (when it already exists for something else entirely) when how you use it is an impossibility. Use the appropriate term.

There is a reason people are calling you an idiot in this thread.

I'm done.

Edited by Lorian Sunrider, 12 August 2015 - 05:36 PM.

#196 Armando


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 05:52 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 12 August 2015 - 05:31 PM, said:

No ****. Its not a 1v12 game. It's literally impossible to drop solo by your definition, so therefore your definition is wrong.

Seriously, I don't understand how you aren't getting this. Your use of the term solo drop is wrong. Get over it. There is no point in using the wrong term for what you are describing (when it already exists for something else entirely) when how you use it is an impossibility. Use the appropriate term.

There is a reason people are calling you an idiot in this thread.

I'm done.

The fact that every MWO drop is made up of...

...11 human players on your 'team'
...12 human players on the enemy 'team'

...is not my 'definition'. That is the reality of the game. It is a simple, indisputable, undeniable FACT.

Your IDEA that you ever dropped solo... that it is even POSSIBLE to drop solo in MWO... is what is wrong, period, end of story.

I don't blame you for your 'solo' mindset, in all honesty it is NOT your fault. (not even kidding)

The fault for your mindset IMHO is on PGI. They should have put a disclaimer to be read and check before players could install the game (much like the EULO) that said.


please read and check the box before proceeding with game installation.

That is the reality of what this game is. Don't let the fact that you are not 'in a group' when you launch into a match fool you...THIS IS A TEAM BASED PvP GAME WITH NO OPTION FOR SOLO PLAY.

Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 06:15 PM.

#197 Uncle Totty


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:09 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:04 PM, said:

No, you had it right to start....you THINK you drop solo, you tell yourself and anyone who will listen that you are a SOLO player. You ARE dropping solo (even though it should have been made clear to you by now that you have NEVER ONCE dropped solo in this game), because that is your mindset.... You are not alone.

I don't want you to stop playing the game (or any LOL 'solo' player for that matter). I DO WANT PGI to make it clear that there is no SOLO game mode, I DO WANT PGI to make it clear that CW is about playing WITH 11 other people AGAINST 12 other people (lets be honest...this is the case in EVERY game mode...including "Solo queue"). I DO WANT PGI to give players the tools and resources they need to ensure that NO ONE ever 'drops solo' again.

That is my point....if you asked "solo" players (again....you are lying to yourself if you think you EVER drop "Solo" in this game) to jump through all the hoops that 'teams' have to jump through to get a match...there would be no game. The fact that players even think they EVER drop solo is a clear failure on PGI's part to explain HOW to play the game they created (because there is no SOLO mode....even in the "solo queue").

Okay, NOW it is clear. It is a "people should learn to be team players" rant. Not a "Only 12-man pre-mades should be playing this mode" rant. And when you say "solo", you mean "CoDkidRamboWarlord". Because "solo" just means someone who is not in a pre-made group.

Also THIS kinda threw me off.

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:

PGI lied to me...

I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.

What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!

All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.

This brings be to the Topic Title:


To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.

FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).

As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending solo....it should have never been an option).

TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.

Thank you for your time.

- Armando

"CW should only be for 12-man pre-mades!"

#198 Uncle Totty


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:19 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:

The fact that every MWO drop is made up of...

...11 human players on your 'team'
...12 human players on the enemy 'team'

...is not my 'definition'. That is the reality of the game. It is a simple, indisputable, undeniable FACT.

Your IDEA that you ever dropped solo... that it is even POSSIBLE to drop solo in MWO... is what is wrong, period, end of story.

But before she joins the other 11, it is just her (solo), looking for a game for just her (who is solo now by the way) to join.

You are right, I am not solo when I am in a drop. I am solo when I am looking for a drop. A drop for me, just me, and only me (again, who is solo by the way) to join.

Edited by Nathan K, 12 August 2015 - 06:22 PM.

#199 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:20 PM

View PostArmando, on 12 August 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:

The fact that every MWO drop is made up of...

...11 human players on your 'team'
...12 human players on the enemy 'team'

...is not my 'definition'. That is the reality of the game. It is a simple, indisputable, undeniable FACT.

Your IDEA that you ever dropped solo... that it is even POSSIBLE to drop solo in MWO... is what is wrong, period, end of story.

I don't blame you for your 'solo' mindset, in all honesty it is NOT your fault. (not even kidding)

The fault for your mindset IMHO is on PGI. They should have put a disclaimer to be read and check before players could install the game (much like the EULO) that said.


please read and check the box before proceeding with game installation.

That is the reality of what this game is. Don't let the fact that you are not 'in a group' when you launch into a match fool you...THIS IS A TEAM BASED PvP GAME WITH NO OPTION FOR SOLO PLAY.

I lied. I can't ignore this stupidity.

YOUR OWN TITLE SAYS THE WORDS SOLO AND DROP! Obviously its a possibility according to you.

So if it isn't possible for someone to drop SOLO, WHY DO YOU HAVE A THREAD COMPLAINING ABOUT IT?

#200 Uncle Totty


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:25 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 12 August 2015 - 06:20 PM, said:

I lied. I can't ignore this stupidity.

YOUR OWN TITLE SAYS THE WORDS SOLO AND DROP! Obviously its a possibility according to you.

So if it isn't possible for someone to drop SOLO, WHY DO YOU HAVE A THREAD COMPLAINING ABOUT IT?

There are really TWO of him? :huh:

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