Almond Brown, on 18 August 2015 - 07:27 AM, said:
Fair enough but given what we know of elo, does ones K/D really reflect ones 1v1 skills or that they play with a Group who make it possible to kill more Mechs than there are enemies, on a consistent basis.
Elo and KDR are separate measures, measuring completely different things.
Elo measured how often you won, and by how much, vs. elo predictions. Theoretically a high elo meant you were regularly beating people as good or better than you (the only way to increase elo).
KDR represents how many 'mechs you kill before you yourself are killed.
Elo fails because it is mechanic that can't really be employed in a randomized team setting. The only true way for elo to work is 1v1, or for SET team vs. SET team, where the same players are pitted against teams of 'same players' (in other words the team members don't change from match to match).
AT BEST, all elo could do was make a prediction on which side would win and that's it.
Current elo strives for the everyone will eventually "Bat 500" average.
PGI's implementation of elo would never do that. It simply assembled teams, and made predictions based off the cumulative elos on each side, and based off the outcome vs prediction a score was awarded.
A Tier system made public will chase many as they see they are not getting better "fast enough" for everyone else's liking and simply STOP playing.
I disagree with this. Quite frankly I've seen many players who for various reason can't play at a 'top tier' level sticking with this game since closed beta, and continuing to play, regardless of the fact that they know they'll never be able to improve beyond a certain point.
Having something to strive (Bat 500) and being under someone else's "microscope" are not the same thing at all.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be some units/clans out there that will not allow ANYONE unable to provide proof of tier one status of joining their ranks.
That's their choice, it doesn't make them bad or mean, it just makes them extremely selective. There will be PLENTY of other units out there that will (and have always) taken anyone who is willing to play, at least try to win, and isn't a completely flaming ********.
Ultimately, the tier one selective groups will be the vast minority, and if it bothers someone that they can't join that unit/clan, they just have to improve their skills. The thinking that you are entitled to join any team you want because THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT, smacks of the 'participation award' generation that we have so foolishly raised up.
GOD FORBID we make ANYONE feel bad for doing badly, OH NO, their precious ego might be bruised and stunt their growth...