Yagarcanda, on 21 August 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:
then all mechs should be made as the arctic.
but thats not possible because a commando looks like a commando, nd a spider like a spider and a raven like a raven and a locust like a ****.
Agent 0 Fortune, on 21 August 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:
Ok, lets carry this to its logical conclusion.
10 Demand: Fix Hankyu hit registration.
20 Response: shoot the legs
30 Query: why
40 Response: because hit registration is broken for this mech
50 Goto 10
Hopefully you can see why "shoot the legs" is not a solution to this issue.
hitreg is not broken it is the shape of the mech tha makes it look like that but in fact stuff works normal for how te mech is shaped. The earlier people udnertsand that the earlier they stop their nonsense claims.
people want a fix for something not broken because they can't get rid of their bad habit shooting at CT's of lights. Which btw is not even a new thing to do.
its more like:
10: demand: fix
20: get told nothing is broken
30: ignore 20 Goto 10
Edited by Lily from animove, 21 August 2015 - 11:00 AM.