I am glad to see people putting in their 2 cents on this topic. and I feel I should take a few moments to talk about the couple of comments I skimmed over.
First off, my KDR isnt something that is uber great. that was the point, its a TOTAL kdr and does not reflect the frames i main play. I have 185 mechs in my bays that are manually leveled (no gxp waisted for quick pushes through). the main point to that statement is that i put more focus on team play and winning as opposed to being a self serving player among 11 others i am in teams with.
2nd- love the video. you may mean it as troll, but you just give me free publicity. one game does not reflect all my drops. funny thing, i see you typing as opposed to speaking... and yet you feel as if you have some point to prove. heres a pro tip- get a mic and put your effort into leading instead of attempting to bad mouth anyone who promotes good team play. actions like that will often times make you look like a D-bag.
I love the assumptions about me being offended by a few people who do not appreciate what it is a do. Players who attempt to troll in a drop get insta muted on my end. this is an attempt to let those who think their opinions matter more than the team play. give their view in an area outside of drops.
And Last but not least- Thank you all (both good and bad reviewed) for taking the tme to post here. you all are making this experiment work. I can list all 700+ friends from my friend list (that requested me) to show that the positives out weighs the negatives, but this seemed to be a better way for the community to see where the whole stands in reguards to me and what i bring to the table.
keep posting, and I will keep reading, absorbing the views of the community i love to play with, and Ill keep taking the time to respond.
Edited by BottomLine, 04 September 2015 - 05:33 PM.