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Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Sept 10Th 5Pm Pdt

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#21 NephyrisX


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:30 PM

Are there aspects from Mechwarrior: Living Legends that you liked and would implement into Community Warfare in the future?

We also receive some positive feedback regarding cosmetic changes on our mechs such as Atlas heads. How likely will cosmetic changes be implemented in the future?

#22 Mcgral18


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:30 PM

When are Missiles as a weapon system going to get some love?
The Jesus Box issue for LRMs, and the general weakness of SRMs.

Only the Huggin with 300% RoF quirks make them worthwhile.

Edited by Mcgral18, 09 September 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#23 Kang The Conqueror


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:32 PM

Are you planning on adding any in game incentives to unit based play? As it stands there is no real reason to join a unit. Will we see some goals in game that units can work towards for tangible in game rewards? Leaderboards? A more in depth CW system with better awards?? Anything?

#24 unwary


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:34 PM

When's the next Battle of Tukayyid?

Can you make a cw version of Mining Collective?

Any plans on encouraging lone wolves to join a unit?

P.S. I like the new cw missions. keep being sneakily awesome

Edited by unwary, 09 September 2015 - 04:35 PM.

#25 Dean


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:34 PM

Russ ---- how many people play MWO? how many new players join every month? the reason I ask is I wanted to ask about the new player experience. Personally I have had a horrible experience and a friend of mine also had a bad experience. and I would like to see some kind of campaign like the new tutorial may be it. I have not played it yet. and Quit nerfing the clan mechs!!!!!!!!!!!! --- Dean

#26 Sigilum Sanctum


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:35 PM

Have you considered wave based horde mode as a simple solution to PvE before heavily investing in something like a full scripted campaign? I believe the community would enjoy Captain Adams in such a role.

#27 XX Sulla XX


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM

Can we get a pole with several options for decreasing buckets including player suggestions. And then see what the community wants. I think the game really needs less hard options so we can get good matchmaking.

Edited by XX Sulla XX, 09 September 2015 - 04:40 PM.

#28 Maerawn


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM

Stock mech button was talked about when urban mech was announced. Also at the town hall after that one, there had been no mention of it since... when are we going to get the button, even if it is just an option in the private lobby?

It was already stated you could just choice a customized mech and have the server drop a stock configuration so that players wouldn't have to rebuild mechs... this would help community events like stock mech Mondays

#29 aniviron


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM

Are there any plans to rework the skill tree before the end of the year? It's been in a "placeholder" state since beta, but despite the fact that it has a huge impact on the overall game's balance and affects every single match, it hasn't had any attention paid to it for years now.

#30 lpmagic


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM

On to the re-balancing :)

Are we going to see sweeping changes in the mech landscape?, IE will the meta be undone, and if so, how will you respond to the people who have spent many many dollars basing their mech selection on current needs?

will locusts and trebuchets run amok with their summoner brothers in tow? how significant are we talking? All quirks removed and reworked based off of empirical data?, and if so, can you share some of that data, we love data :)

Edited by lpmagic, 09 September 2015 - 04:40 PM.

#31 MechaBattler


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:46 PM

Any chance we'll get another pass on hit registration? The introduction of the Arctic Cheetah and it's "perfect" hitboxes really calls into the question the effectiveness of hit registration.

#32 Captin Crunch


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:48 PM

I'm Looking over the questions so far. Common theme is "when will you" and "why don't you" questions. Most of them seem to be about the timetable of future content direction and balance. I'm noticing lots of want for pve.

Here's a link to the august forum post about harebrained schemes new battletech title that intrigued me: http://mwomercs.com/...-on-the-horizon

Here's my question. If this new project does get crowdfunded and undergoes development, would it be a coordinated effort with pgi or a complete standalone title? There was some mention of sharing mwo assets. My greatest wish is to play some pve campaign style missions with friends. All I would need is turrets, tanks, helicopters, and eventually even some npc mechs on your already gorgeous maps. I would shell out for a working MFB (think "shut up and take my money" meme).

Also, since we are all tossing coins into the wishing well...

***I would really really like to see a solution to invisible walls. Maybe a place for the active community to aid the developers somehow. I don't understand the details of the situation, or the scope of this undertaking.

***I don't like rigid metas like Alpine's tall mountain control. I request another pass at drop zones, or maybe consider drop zones be chosen by weight instead of by the player's drop group. Because Nascar. Three early deaths usually determines the match (in non-CW).

***Last thing, I believe a lot of monotiny of the game comes from the blitzkrieg deathballs that are extremely common (and effective). Weapon convergance on a target without the need of a deathball might make lances quite effective.The in game command tool is heavily underutalized. I suggest a hotkey system to streamline the process, perhaps similar to mw4 mercenaries but could take many directions. More importantly, I think we need a visual target marker to help with converging fire. Put it right next to the dorito. BOOM! The competitve advantage of VOIP coordination is broken, and players dont have to be advanced enough to press Q and identify targets mid-battle. Evens the playing field, addresses new player experience, etc. Coordination relies too heavily on the in game voip. People can turn it off, people often go unheard, and third party software is still quite common, giving yet more advantage to larger groups.

Edited by Captin Crunch, 10 September 2015 - 10:39 AM.

#33 foundryguy


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:53 PM

My questions are: Any plans to look at how the game is monetized, and how C-Bill income works?

Will there be any Clan Hero mechs aside from (I) and (G) variants?

Will non-Omnipod Clan mechs be introduced?

Will CW have more match types in the upcoming Phase 3?

#34 stratagos


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:54 PM

Are there any changes planned in the way Premium Time is utilized? I'm still sitting on all of my allocation from the Founders package, plus the other purchases, because I'm not in a place where I can consistently play. It seems like a colossal waste to activate a full month - a week would be more feasible for people in a situation similar to mine

#35 shopsmart


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:56 PM

When will LB-X class ACs get solid shot switch to cluster and vice versa? It CAN be programmed.

When will streaks be able to be dumb fired due to ecm?

With the reduction of range of ecm, can beagle probes get their full function back? Aka their counter ecm ability when equipped on a ecm mech.

With AC10s now having x2 the amount of ammo from the table top game, can the regular ACs get that amount to? But keep the specialized ACs have the regular current amounts. Clans included.

#36 Kilo 40


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 04:58 PM

View Postfoundryguy, on 09 September 2015 - 04:53 PM, said:

Will non-Omnipod Clan mechs be introduced?


#37 MBT808


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:01 PM


My question is in regards to mech rebalance somewhat. I was wondering if the older mechs in MWO will be getting a graphics/textures update to bring them up to current standards?

and I do have a second question if thats okay,

Will there be any new/updated sound effects for weapons in MWO in the future?


#38 Kilo 40


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:01 PM

why has communication about the status of CW phase 3 been so poor and why has it taken so long?

#39 Throe


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:04 PM

I saw where there was mention of the possibility of a campaign mode sometime last year.
Regarding that:

How likely is it that we will ever see a campaign mode in MWO?
If we did see campaign mode, will it be offline similar to the way that the tutorials are offline?
If we did see campaign mode, will it be at an additional ~$60-80 cost, or will it be FtP like the rest of the MWO experience?

For the record, I would willing pay "full price" for what I would consider to be a triple-A title.

As a player with a "normal" ping of ~700, I enjoy the mere existence of the offline tutorial, being that it is completely lagless, and look forward with baited breath to the possibility of a campaign mode. That said, I must say that MWO's HSR is excellent from my perspective. I speak from the experience of being a Light pilot for most of 2013. It has gotten better since then. Thanks for making an excellent game.

#40 ApolloKaras


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:06 PM

View Postaniviron, on 09 September 2015 - 04:39 PM, said:

Are there any plans to rework the skill tree before the end of the year? It's been in a "placeholder" state since beta, but despite the fact that it has a huge impact on the overall game's balance and affects every single match, it hasn't had any attention paid to it for years now.

More specifically the 'pin point' skill which in its current state does nothing... I'm spending xp for a skill that does nothing lol

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