Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Sept 10Th 5Pm Pdt
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:10 PM
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:11 PM
Edited by One of Little Harmony, 09 September 2015 - 05:14 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:11 PM
Words cannot describe how much I need to cram more Urbie into my hangars.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:12 PM
2. When are the changes to ECM that were mentioned coming?
3. Is the matchmaker going to be fixed when it comes to groups dropping into public matches?
4. Can the Community-Run Events Forums become a primary forum category over a sub-forum of the Community Hyper-pulse Generator?
5. When are we going to be able to access our "tier" on our own profiles?
6. Are user stats ever going to become public or opt-in option for our profiles?
7. Is there anyway to make it so premium time is only used when logged into and actually playing the game?
Edited by Soulstrom, 09 September 2015 - 05:20 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:15 PM
1 minute does not cut it switching dropdeck mechs from hot builds on a cold map to cool builds on a hot map.
When are we going to see saved dropdecks so we can switch from 4 mechs hand picked for one map to 4 mechs picked for another with the click of a couple buttons rather than frantically switching out all 4 mechs before the timer goes down? (and heaven help you if you hit the reset button instead of save)
Edited by Arkbird Phoenix Kell, 09 September 2015 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:15 PM
*sits around looking pensive as all heck*
OK I've thought about things a bit. First off, good work on the new maps and whatnot. The most recent patch seems to be providing noticeably smoother performance and control responsiveness, especially with thermal mode on the new River City and Forest Colony. Games the last few evenings were silky smooth, and frame rates seem to be maxed out more often. Love it.
Map Updates
Are all maps going to get major updates, or will some of them be minor/cosmetic, like adding destructible lamps, cars, trees etc. to Crimson Strait as an example? I think most maps are big enough now, and we don't need all existing maps to be super-sized. Being able to clear cut the lower area of Viridian Bog a little bit would be awesome, and there's still a few too many roots/rock steps that stop you dead in your tracks IMO.
Balance Updates
I'm always eager for any and all information on the large scale re-balancing effort. From previous comments, it sounds like the outlook is often "What would it take to make this mech top tier" but I would also appreciate "How can we encourage a variety of strong builds, including ones that keep the trademark stock equipment".
Thunderbolts are an interesting example, as they have a mix of generic energy quirks and some weapon-specific bonuses for certain energy weapons. This is pretty cool, though a ballistic quirk or two might be nice for the Tbolts that allow ballistics on the left arm

Also, a plea for Shadow Cat and Executioner quirks please. Exe with no quirks at all is lame, and the pods that don't spam energy hard points need some love. Small and medium laser vomit is just boring. Shadow Cat does have ok-ish tweaks, but everything still builds outwards from the ECM torso. I'd love anything with -UAC jam chance quirks, since UAC5 and UAC10 builds are my favorite for the Shadow Cat Prime.
Game Modes
As a guy who almost always uses the PUG queue, I have no real big issue with Skirmish or Conquest. A shorter match time limit would be my #1 suggestion, with faster resource collection rates for Conquest. I'd love to know how many matches are won on points, but I'm guessing not many.
Assault is still a bit of a gong show. I keep the box checked in my match maker for shorter wait times, but most of the time it's just another Skirmish match. Sometimes a whole team plays to scenario, and you get an EXTREMELY short game with little or no combat and the map ends. Very rarely is it a meaningful mixture of base capture and combat. I'd be OK removing Assault from the rotation until a more interesting alternative is ready.
Perhaps an objective that gives you a massive bonus for the remainder of the match, rather than ending the game automatically when achieved? Like capture the enemy's mobile command center and enemy mechs show up on your team's radar for the rest of the match. Or hijack a transmitter, and you unlock AI-controlled air strikes against the enemy for the remainder of the match. Something like that?
Edited by Luscious Dan, 10 September 2015 - 11:33 AM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:15 PM
How have the win rate metrics changed in CW since the Cheetah was released? IS does not have effective streak systems to handle light rushes as a strategy in the same manner Clans do.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:16 PM
2. Could we push forward to 3055 so we can have a black market to de-segregate clan and IS tech? That way loyalty isn't determined by which mechs people within a unit want to play.
3. And, for Kerensky's sake, when is CW Beta III going to launch? (I thought I remember something about 'by the end of summer' but it's not on September's road map.

Edited by Peiper, 09 September 2015 - 06:01 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:17 PM
(there's a question in there someplace.)
Aaaaannnd.... Reserved!
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:19 PM
Many people would like to see a few of the official canon Clan Hero Mechs like Phelan Kell's Timber Wolf, Natasha Kerensky's Dire Wolf and Brone Kotare's Stormcrow-Kotare. The official read-outs are readily available and Catalyst's MUL team can provide them if not.
Lastly, are there plans to allow IS Mechs modified with limited Clan tech and if not why not?
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:19 PM
There have been a number of good posts recently about adding different spawn point locations to the current maps to freshen game play and tactics. Having 2-3 spawn configurations would allow the larger maps to be used for battle across the whole map instead of just moving to the center like today. These locations could always be fine-tuned iteratively for competitive balance. Is doing something with different spawn locations on your active radar? Alpine Conquest was a great example of what can be done with this approach.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:20 PM
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:22 PM
So... any news on cosmetic custom geometry?
Edited by Alistair Winter, 09 September 2015 - 05:29 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:26 PM
Has their been any developments on the remaining Unseen mechs for MWO given the recent announcement by Catalyst game labs bringing them back?
Another one a bit more serious:
Recently, talks about the re-balance have focused on the fact that no matter how much quirk tweaking you give to the balance system, the game will still fundamentally revolve around high damage alpha chasing given the current mechanics of the game that only a certain number of mechs can adapt to.
Pre-Clan tech, the Heat scale / Ghost heat system was implemented to curve this mentality when it came to single weapon boating, but most will agree that all this did was shift the meta into high alpha synergies that where directly meant to bypass the intent of the Heat scale system.
Given that there is a large amount of people still see high pin point alpha as one of the current balance issues that has yet to be solved, is there anything coming up that might address the issue that mech viability in this game is primarily dictated by the ability to sustain 40-60 damage alphas? And hopefully level the playing field for mechs that simply cannot sustain that kind of design mentality?
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:27 PM
Also, might it be possible to show BAP on the weapons panel? It'd be nice to be able to see when 'Mechs have it in-game, to see the range you are getting from it and to see 'red-out' if the relevant component is knocked out or a Critical is scored on it. Again, an 'Active' and 'Inactive' would be useful (as countering enemy ECM lets them know you are close)
I'm hoping none of these would be too complex, and could help raise the profile of Electronic Warfare a little more in-game.
Edited by LasBlast, 10 September 2015 - 02:18 AM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:27 PM
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:29 PM
Is ammo switching for LBX's going to happen soon?
Could we ever see some non-binary heat scale effects on mechs? Something like mechs becoming slower or twisting slower as they get to high heat levels.
Sorry for all the feature requests, I am just hoping to see a few more details make it into this game.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:30 PM
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:33 PM
Any more info about logistics in CW?
Any ideas what the unit coffers will be used for?
Will there be more CW game modes other than Attack/Defend and Scouting?
Edited by Ripper X, 09 September 2015 - 05:33 PM.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 05:35 PM
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