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Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Sept 10Th 5Pm Pdt

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#81 Cyberkiller


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 06:59 PM

1. When will we see a map that is just one big city for urban combat? no rivers, no hills just buildings and streets?
2. What are your thoughts on releasing the other clans i.e. Clan Cloud Cobra or Clan Steel Viper?
3. Will we be able to use the unit coffers to help pay for people to break there contract to be able to join your unit.

#82 Xetelian


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:02 PM

  • Will steam trading cards and steam achievements be coming with steam launch? Will I be able to unlock a MWO background or emote?
  • Will the skill tree ever be changed? Will the skill Pinpoint be replaced or removed?
  • Will there be more cBill rewards? Living with <50% armor or AMS bonuses?
  • Have you considered incentivizing light mechs with cBill bonuses to raise their presence in the queues? Will you?
  • Can we have a customized mechlab? Flags, Christmas lights or a destroyed mechlab background?
  • Can we purchase a +30% cBill boost for any variant?
  • Can we get a daily login bonus?
  • Can we have daily quests or 'Orders' (IE: win 2 matches in a light mech and get 500,000 cBills)?

Edited by Xetelian, 09 September 2015 - 08:00 PM.

#83 0vertorque


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:03 PM

Will the reworked maps (Forest Colony and River City) make their way into CW?

Unseen when?

Will there ever be an expanded pilot/mech skill tree?

#84 Sonomaa


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:07 PM

In the intrest of having more people to play with and shoot at, will MWO be available on Steam?

Is there any work being done at lowering the wait times while looking for a match? Both CW and normal que.

Any chance that we could have a camo/color presets for our mechs depending on what map we drop on? Like the ability to configure my preference in the mech lab prior to launching a match search. It would make purchasing colors and camo much more worthwhile.


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:12 PM

Hi Russ,

Given the recent improvements to the maps and having eagerly listened to the developers talk about the designs and having a greater understanding and ability with the cryengine, I am wondering how far these designs could be pushed.

For example, River City and Forest Colony have both quadrupled in size.
How large could a map be made?
Is it possible to get something four times larger than the new River City or Forest Colony?

Given the greater understanding of the cryengine, is it also possible to introduce 'hot drops' into games whereby a new lance of players can drop into an existing match.

The reason for asking this is I feel CW in particular would benefit from having a domination mode on a very large map where players can drop in as a lance in an ongoing battle and fight for total domination of a map. This would be a great second stage after disabling the orbital cannons.
It could also be used to make the counter attack mode a seamless transition in the existing invasion modes if a team does not complete it's objectives.

Has this been considered at all with the development team?


50 50

#86 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:19 PM

Question, will mechs ever be able to raise/elevate their arms toa 60-90% angle from resting point to fire arm mounted weapons? This has the potential to make more mechs viable for play instead of the current meta. Skill tree could be included to determine how fast they can be temporarily raised and by how much, as it is with arm and torso twisting.


Edited by Tarl Cabot, 09 September 2015 - 07:48 PM.

#87 Cion


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:22 PM

Please explain your priorities of the following (put them in order of priority)

- Increasing CW quality (maps, reduce number of attack lanes, fluff/lore, etc)
- PvE
- Refining Home UI (Skill tree, etc.)
- New Content (Maps, Mechs, etc.)
- Solaris

PS: Russ, dont let hater and negative people get too much of your time. I'd rather you be making a great game then arguing w hater on twitter.

#88 Xolin


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:23 PM

Saw this on the last one but it didn't get asked..... Which is OK..... Anyhow

With all the changes to the crytek engine, will mwo see a Linux native client?


Would it be possible to get a second pilot, so we can take advantage of both our clan mechs and IS mechs without breaking contacts, or dumping money into 2 separate accounts?

BTW -loving the Comstar interceptions!

Edited by Xolin, 09 September 2015 - 07:26 PM.

#89 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:24 PM

Why are Clan Gauss so much better than IS? Why hasn't anything been done about such an obvious imbalance?

#90 Ano


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:27 PM

Patch schedule -- too much?

How comfortable are PGI with continuing the (approximately) two-week patch cycle?

If feels a little like the current patch schedule might be slightly overwhelming your QA team; each patch is followed by a hotfix to correct significant (in some instances gamebreaking) issues; less major but irritating issues are often, but not always fixed in the next patch, which inevitably introduces a new set of bugs and problems.

While I'd be the last person to ask you to do less work on the game, or release fewer new and improved features, I wonder if perhaps a switch to a 3-week patch cycle might reduce the number of post-patch issues and lingering problems without significantly reducing your ability to add the improvements and features we're all excited for?

#91 Kin3ticX


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:50 PM

Clans had the slower lights but the full compliment of streak packs. Now that has changed with the arrival of the ACH.

When will Inner Sphere get its full compliment of Ultras, LBX, Streaks, and ER Lasers?

With the arrival of non-omni Clan 'mechs, does this mean IS can get any tech upgrades like Light Fusion, ammo types, or armor types?

What about exotic weapons like Arrow, Thunderbolt Launchers, Long Tom Cannons, or perhaps Binary Large Lasers, Snub Nose PPCs, and Light Guass?

Edited by Kin3ticX, 09 September 2015 - 07:50 PM.

#92 Tlords


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:56 PM


This is awesome - I will be listening to this as I drive home tomorrow...

Re the town hall, I'm loving Dimento Graven's idea of heat affecting the performance of a mech. He prospered penalties other than shutting down when a mech goes past 100%. What are your thoughts on altering the current heat mechanics of the game to penalize firing rates, movement, aiming, and agility when a mech runs hot?

View PostDimento Graven, on 08 September 2015 - 06:56 AM, said:

Actually what is needed for balance in this game is a fully defined, fully qualified heat affects table.

It could address 'pin point' alpha issues (which really only punishes people who bother to aim, the vast majority of people in this game habitually 'spray and pray' so "pin point" as an issue to fix, will only punish skilled play, and allow the rest of the moronic masses to continue their endless laser and ballistics vomiting with little no ill affect on them) it could address the ridiculous 'pin-ball lights' that zoom into a group of 'mechs at high speed, firing lasers like crazy, bouncing off the legs of the larger 'mechs (with little affect) and move on, and it could affect the large alpha issue, all of these scenarios a user would have to be mindful of their level of heat and that there is a RISK to firing all their weapons, or playing in such a way that lets their heat approach and then stay near the 'shut down' level.

The heat affects table in BattleTech was THE most important table in the game. It was the ONE table that has been printed on every official 'mech load out sheet for the past 30+ years, AND, damn near EVERY OTHER BattleTech/MechWarrior game HAD a robust comprehensive heat affects table implemented.

Only in MWO do we see a 'binary' system of "working/shutdown" with no other affects possible UNTIL you go beyond shutdown while overriding.

That's tremendously silly.

We absolutely need to go from:

Posted Image


Posted Image

And to those that would immediately cry about making the MWO client do something dynamic while playing and how it's impossible, that's BS, MWO ALREADY does plenty of constant dynamic affects on 'mechs now, one primary example is terrain affects on movement, it does this constantly for 24 'mechs simultaneously.

A proper heat affects table would be 'more of the same'...

#93 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:56 PM

amazingly I may be home foer this for once

#94 The Boneshaman


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:57 PM

will you guys ever start releasing mechs that are not in $80 $120,or $240 mech packages again?
why do we have to wait 7 to 8 months before we get the mechs we buy from mech packages?

#95 Weaselball


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 07:59 PM

Question: any chance at splitting PSR between weight classes, like how old ELO was? For example, one PSR for assaults, one for heavies, etc.

I feel this gave a better representation of pilot ability, as some pilots (for example, myself) tend to do better and feel more comfortable piloting mediums and assaults over lights and heavies. As it stands, if I take a light mech out to try and improve myself with it, I am not starting in a tier that is fair to my ability to pilot lights. I'm being thrown into a tier that assumes I am playing my absolute best mech, which I am clearly not.

#96 Escef


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 08:00 PM

Status on decals?

Urbanmech for MC/c-bills?

AC10/LB10X RE:Weapon Balance... Any further tweaks in mind for these under performers?

Executioner: ballistic pods could use UAC jam chance and/or LBX cooldown quirks to make ballistic builds more viable.

PvE and Flamers, bonus damage to things like tanks?

PvE and CW, can we expect unit coffers to be used to buy support assets? (Say, light support tanks or sensor drones? Especially sensor drones, all the ECM currently available makes LRMs a bad weapon system.)

PvE and Monetization: will we be able to purchase scenarios and/or campaigns?

#97 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 08:04 PM

What is your personal "checklist" for Steam readiness? You guys have knocked out a lot of the main issues - mechlab, tutorial, social tools - so what else are you looking for? Will more content (i.e. new maps, modes, objectives) be added before going Steam live?

Edited by Rebas Kradd, 10 September 2015 - 09:44 AM.

#98 Sazabi Steppenwulfe


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 08:20 PM

View PostSmokeyhavoc, on 09 September 2015 - 04:21 PM, said:

What's going on with the unseen with the new developments over at Catalyst Game Labs? Are the chances better that we will see them in the game soon?

  • 25 July 2015: (Former) Unseen remodeled (Frabby)
As part of CGL's recent major announcement, they presented new art that explicitly retroactively replaces the old "unseen" art. Not all unseen designs have received a makeover yet, but the idea apparently is to put the unseen issue to rest for good."

#99 TheArisen


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 08:35 PM

Alright, recently there has been some desire expressed by the players for more customization. Custom geometry, custom HUD, custom mech hangers, etc.

Does Pgi have any plans regarding customization? Is there anything you have to say about adding more customization?

Edited by TheArisen, 09 September 2015 - 11:57 PM.

#100 Hawk819


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 08:37 PM

Question to Russ:

If there's a chance after CW Phase #3 is completed. Can we get better joystick support for the game?

My suggestion: Make a user friendly selection screen to allow us to choose our perspective device like the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro, etc.

Thank you.

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