Johnny Z, on 15 September 2015 - 08:19 PM, said:
But it doesn't have superior speed. A stock MAD runs at identical speeds to a stock MAD IIC. To get up to 82 kph on a MAD, you have to run a 345 engine. Now, I've built some gnarly mock-ups already with a STD 345, but they require getting somewhat close (~350 meters) and what do you think the IIC is going to be packing? It'll cut you up as you get close and then continue to maul you once you are close. To boot, you can cram a C-XL 380 to 400 into the IIC and be moving in the same speed bracket while simultaneously having more tons to stuff guns into.
Naturally, pilot factors in, but on paper? I'd bet on the MAD-IIC every time.
If you haven't already, go play a fast Battlemaster. If you're good with it, it's probably one of the most hilariously liberating experiences in this game. Runs at 80, can tank damage because lots of armor, packs lots of guns with lots of cooling and decent range...its only real deficiencies are the arbitrary torso twist restrictions and the fact that it is still out-ranged and out-gunned by Clan laser boating. Even a BLR with the stock STD 340 is surprisingly light on its feet and hard-hitting with its stick.