MischiefSC, on 11 September 2015 - 01:37 PM, said:
No. At no point, ever, was IS vs Clans balanced for PvP. Clans were always there for PvE; the GM played the opposite side and used magic plot armor adjustments to keep games balanced. For PvP Clans vs IS were never, ever in any way shape or form balanced. Not by BV or special gear or anything else. It was always broke as hell which is why the introduction of the Clans produced much rage from BT fans and shot BT in the head as far as playing at cons was concerned. It was all 3025 stuff and Clan vs Clan stuff, or GM run events of players as one side and the GM playing the other (to create a false balance).
It was never, ever, in any way shape or form, by any assessment save people who wanted to play CLPL builds against IS people who knew how LOLCLOWNSHOES broken that was. It was the same discussion as how people were saying the ACH was barely equal to (if not inferior to) the FS9, even with all of its quirks.
I feel sometimes like people involved in these decisions don't actually play the same game that I do. So no weapon quirks, just flat out inferior in mobility to 'average' lights and mediums... so absolute giggle happy food opportunities for heavies and assaults?
If you run a campaign IS vs Clan with the appropriate balance options, its a pretty balanced experience. Ive done plenty in Megamek.
And from campaign to campaign the IS starts to power creep since it can customize its mechs, and clans are locked with omnipods on omni mechs, or no customization. Its pretty complex.
Two dudes in their garage playing out of the box? Never was balanced. That ill agree with.