Okay, then you and I will have to agree to disagree on this, because none of what you mentioned is necessary in the least. It's making a system designed to be as simple as possible, impossible, because as you outlined, you feel this needs to be integrated among the entirety of 'Mech design across the macro-cosm of 'Mech designs, and it does not. Not in the least. As for Hard Points, there's no reason those can't fit into both Firepower and Defense aspects. For lower hard points, anything "abdomen"-level and below is considered Defense, and anything above goes into Firepower, period.
As for the formula for weapons...
Firepower (Keep in mind these are values I'm just pulling out of thin air, but is a taste of what I have in mind.)
Base weapon value (per unique weapon): ((Optimum Range * (Damage/Heat)) + ((Maximum Range/10) * (10/Cooldown))
Ballistic Weapon: ((Base weapon value/5) * Tons of Ammunition)
Advanced Zoom Module = (Ballistic Weapon * 1.5)
AC Cooldown Quirk at 10% = (Ballistic Weapon * 1.05)
Advanced Zoom and AC Cooldown together = ((Ballistic Weapon * (.5 + .05 = multiplier of * 1.55,
NOT 1.5 + 1.05 = * 2.55)), and this is ONE value applied to any number of ACs on the 'Mech. ie - If a 'Mech has 3 AC/5s on it, the ammunition tonnage would be applied to ONE Autocannon, the base values of the other two ACs added to that, and the combined quirk and module modifiers multiply against that total.
Missile Weapon: ((Base weapon value/7.5) * Tons of Ammunition)
Artemis IV FCS Module = (Missile Weapon * 1.15)
LRM Range Module 5 (+100 m range) = (Missile Weapon * 1.1)
Artemis and LRM Range together = ((Missile Weapon * (.15 + .1 = multiplier of * 1.25,
NOT 1.15 + 1.1 = * 2.25)), and again this is ONE value applied to any number of LRMs on the 'Mech. ie - If a 'Mech has 3 LRM-5s on it, the ammunition tonnage would be applied to ONE LRM, the base values of the other two LRMs added to that, and the combined quirk and module modifiers multiple against that total.
These calculations are just simple examples of how modules AND quirks can be calculated into a weapon's value without having to balance a weapon against anything. The weapon values, all values in Battle Value are calculated on formula's developed for them, and don't have to be compared to anything else, period.
Now, to move forward with this example... for low-slung weapons, those at the "abdomen"-level or below, unless they are considered to be larger weapons (PPCs, Large Lasers, AC/10s and 20s, all SRMs, LRMs would NEVER go into this group, etc.) they go into the Defensive group, as they are close-in fighters. All larger weapons on low-slung hard points lose 25% of their value immediately. For high-mount weapons, they go into the Firepower group.
The Firepower aspect then has all weapon Battle Values, based on their low or high placement on the 'Mech, added together for that group.
Now, here's the deal, each of the three aspects/groups have to be calculated on an equal ceiling value, such as 500 points each, as they will be averaged together to get the overall Battle Value, and the super special equipment, modules, and quirks that cannot be classified into Defense, Firepower, and/or Mobility, are valued for what they do (example below) and then used as an additive or multiplier to the average of the three main aspects.
ECM is my example, and if it wasn't already classified into Defense, and it gave some manner of aid out to 90 meters, it would add 1.09 or 1.1 as a modifier to the other three aspects already added together. Say you had four pieces of equipment, one providing 1.09, another 1.15, another 1.05, and the fourth being 1.07 -just throwing numbers out here, again- so that you get a total of 1.36 multiplier (.09 + .15 + .05 +.07 = .36), granting 36% more Battle Value to the 'Mech, which is pretty significant, I'm sure you would agree but, then, super-special equipment is supposed to grant great values like that.
Your next question is going to be, "Well, what about the pilot? What if they don't have the opportunity to use it? What if they have the opportunity but don't?" To which I will answer simply: it does not matter. If they put the equipment on the 'Mech, it MUST be assumed they intend to use it, and the value is part of the 'Mech, taken into account WITHOUT the pilot's input. It is a generic number, period, and it is valued for the type of equipment it is, and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Now, let's take the opposite role, here, devil's advocate, and your pilot designs the 'Mech the way they do because that's what they do with that 'Mech, that's the role they fill and, game after game after game they use the equipment; sometimes, that equipment is countered, sometimes the conditions do not exist to allow the equipment to be used properly (example follows), and sometimes the environment has an effect, but most of the time the equipment works, and helps lead the team to a win. Would you then say "it follows that the player who designed the 'Mech and used the equipment effectively deserved to have the win"?
Okay, now for my current in-game example... all of us, all the time, get the Spotting Bonus, right? At least ONE Spotting Bonus and, more often than not MULTIPLE spotting bonuses in each match, right? That aids in the calculation of our Match Score at the end, am I correct? Spotting bonus does not change because a pilot is better or worse, it triggers when it's supposed to and gives that bonus each time, and that is precisely what that super-special equipment would do.
Knowing that I am correct, because I have paid a great deal of attention to how this game works, for a LONG TIME, now, I will continue on with my example of the super-special equipment, above. The Spotting Bonus is static, and you get that bonus EACH TIME the in-game condition trigger is met to do so, right? It would be the very same with ANY equipment used in the game.
As you can see, from this simple example, the Battle Value of one weapon in the game has NOTHING to do with ANY of the other weapons in the game, period. Each weapon is calculated on a fixed scale, each item on a 'Mech is calculated on a fixed scale within one of the three main aspects, which ARE then further modified by the game-determined PS/GS of the only person in the game that can pilot THAT 'Mech from THAT Mechlab, the player who OWNS THAT 'Mech, and may also be modified by a multiplier derived from any non-sortable super-special gear, to get a total, which is calculated, WITHOUT the input of ANYTHING ELSE related to ANYONE ELSE in the game, when the Save button is clicked in the Mechlab.
Then, once that player, who has either not played any games, or whose game-determined PS/GS will have been modified since the 'Mech was last developed in the Mechlab, meaning the new PS/GS modifies the BV, now, taking exactly one-half second to re-calculate the overall BV of that 'Mech, is then dumped into a bucket with fellow players, whether friends, fellow mercenaries, loyalists, or PUGs, WITHOUT consideration for tonnage or PSR, as it's already been calculated into the 'Mech's BV and placed in the bucket, and another bucket is found with ONLY the total BV to consider on both teams, to either reach parity in BV with one another, or to hover within 5% of a game-set or commander-agreed maximum setting for Battle Value bucket total, and then they go play.
That is actually eliminating everything BUT Battle Value, for each 'Mech of which is calculated IN THE MECHLAB prior to being added to the bucket, and you can have Elite, Veteran, Regular, Green, and Cadet quality players on the same team, fighting against another team sharing the same thing.
The ONLY PROBLEM IS... and you brought this up, earlier, Wintersdark, is PGIs inability to overcome the even teams problem that most other games have overcome years ago. Whether it's CryEngine 3, or it's the server configuration as given them by the CryEngine folks, or it's just complete ineptitude in THIS PARTICULAR SUBJECT for PGI, I can't tell, but it's something they need to work on so we can fight with uneven teams.
AND THEN.... guess what...? The Clans could be restored to their astronomical values, and we could fight 5 - 7 Clan 'Mechs vs 12 Inner Sphere 'Mechs and have a damned even game to go with it. PSR and Tonnage are NOT even, right now, balance is non-existant, the match-maker still makes mistakes, and I've personally seen it at least once a night whenever I play, and I've now pretty much stopped playing MWO. It's only been a couple of days, and I DO love the simulator, but the lack of any real development on this game is alarming to me, and I try to come up with ways I know for a fact will fix it, and all I get is arguments from people -I'm not saying you, necessarily, Wintersdark- who would rather see this game shut down than continue on. If people want to continue to see an ever-decreasing community, which means less money going into this game, then we need to stay with the ******** we have in the game right now: a PSR system that uses benchmarks and doesn't rate people correctly, a non-3/3/3/3 tonnage-based matching system that pits whomever against whomever just willy-nilly, and the same old god-damned grind every single time we play, then they should continue to argue with me.
At least you, Wintersdark, propose problems to overcome, opportunities to grasp onto, and have hope for a solution, just like me.
Edited by Kay Wolf, 02 May 2016 - 03:47 PM.