Sarlic, on 15 September 2015 - 03:49 AM, said:
Doesnt take away that PGI's free to play model is terrible.
A lot of folks say this but I question the validity.
- Free to play gives access to game content without having to pay money up front.
- In a free to play model money is paid to obtain content faster, obtain access to limited distribution or paywalled content, for disposable items and for cosmetic items
These are common across all free to play games. The developer requires a steady cash flow to pay salaries, purchase hardware, support data centers, and cover infrastructure costs.
So .. what is the basic UNIT of in game usage in MWO? As far as I am concerned it is the mech, You can try to separate weapons and loadouts but the basic unit of usage in MWO is a mech chassis. (In other free to play games based on other genres the IP and game itself can have a much finer resolution on what the basic items that can be used in the game are ... fantasy and science fiction based free to play games have weapons/armor/transportation/housing that can all be monetized .. but we are playing Battletech (or a variant there of) in individual mechs from a first person perspective. The base unit of "currency" in this design is the mech itself.
So ... PGI has to design their free to play model around selling mechs since that is the fundamental unit in MWO. They sell premium time that gives better in game rewards reducing time required to acquire new content as well as allowing access to customized private matches. They sell mechs. They sell hero mechs as limited access content. They sell consumables and they sell cosmetic items to decorate your mech.
This all perfectly fits the free to play model in the context of the Battletech/Mechwarrior IP.
So .. maybe folks aren't complaining about the free to play model used in MWO but rather the pricing. This is more difficult to judge but MWO is stuck with a base unit (the mech) that provides a significant amount of in game content by itself. With one mech you can essentially play all of the available MWO content (though you might need trials if you want to try CW).
In order to earn income, PGI has to set mech prices such that they earn a decent income. The higher prices are offset by fairly regular sales (35 to 50% at least once or twice a year typically) as well as package pricing and bundle pricing.
Someone who objects to a $20 mech is likely to also object to a $10 mech. Some folks feel that mechs should be priced at $2 each so that then they might buy some. The problem with this is that PGI would have to sell ten times as many mechs to get the SAME revenue selling $2 mechs as they receive selling $20 mechs ... never mind increase their income. PGI may have statistics already ... but lets say that 10% of MWO players spend some money on it. Will dropping the price get a 100% spend rate from the community ... not a chance. PGI is the only one with the actual numbers but based on the number of folks I see dropping in EVERY match with some sort of tag representing a significant package purchase ... it is probably closer to 25% of current MWO have spent a significant amount of money on the game. These folks are more likely to stay around, more likely to spend more and they are also the people that PGI needs to be keeping in mind when they make any changes since these are the folks that keep them in business.
Anyway, when you balance mech pricing and time required to earn in game currency to purchase mechs it is a fine balance. Earning needs to be slow to encourage purchases but not so slow as to discourage folks from playing altogether. PGI is the only one with the telemetry to judge the current situation but whether they have this data and are using it is anyone's guess.
One last comment, I don't know who PGI got to design their free to play model and pricing but I would have to guess that it was neither Russ nor Paul since I don't think they could do it. If I had to guess I would say maybe Bryan or perhaps an outside consulting firm on free to play design.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with MWO free to play model that doesn't derive from the basic design of a mech based game.
P.S. There a number of additional things that PGI might be able to monetize but they haven't changed their monetization model since the game went live so my guess is that they no longer have the expertise in house to properly assess and make such updates. (The only change they made was requiring premium time to kick off customized private matches and that is just a band aid if I ever saw one ... almost all their monetization efforts focus on mech packs and always have).
Edited by Mawai, 15 September 2015 - 06:58 AM.