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Questions About Textures?

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#21 Felio


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:54 PM

Is there a texture for every color of every camo, or is the color just tinting the camo procedurally?

A few colors and camos are shiny. Would it be possible to let us apply that effect to any paint job?

Edited by Felio, 15 September 2015 - 07:57 PM.

#22 Monky


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:21 PM

Have you begun working on textures for mech hats? I would like my stalker to have a trucker hat.

Why are the bottom res textures sooooooo poor looking? Low to Medium makes almost no performance difference but looks like potato compared to vodka.

#23 Pineapple Salad


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:51 PM

Would it be possible to add simple animated textures to for example cockpit instruments and dials? Many of the newer mechs have those little dials all over, that look more like stickers on a childs toy than something that actually has some function. Even a simple animation could create an illusion that they are meant to have some kind of purpose.

#24 White Bear 84


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:17 PM

This is a purely fun/out of game suggestion which probably is much lower priority but a good idea nevertheless..

Can we get some kind of browser tool where we can switch mechs/camo's to see what they look like without being in game?

Say we want to play around with textures and colours on the go (think mobile app here guys #™ ) p.s plz hire me for marketing team now. :P

But seriously, it would be great to tweak, check things out etc etc on the go or offline. even if the views were only side on, front and back to make it easier to code.

Could be a good way to promote the textures too!

#25 Kmieciu


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:43 PM

1. Are there any plans to upgrade the textures on the older mechs (Dragon, Commando, Jenner) ?
2. Will we be able to apply the default skins to the loyalty Crab, Atlas and Centurion?

#26 VanguardMk1


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 11:43 PM

Will the Hellbringer's inner right leg be fixed? Right now it misses a spot of camo there and that's been bugging me since I noticed it :D
Can they perhaps talk about overlays? the Beehive pattern for the Nova indicates that it will be possible so are there any more coming?

#27 Apocryph0n


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 12:28 AM

+1 to higher res textures for old mechs.

Also +1 to camo selection for Wave 1 and older IS mechs that had it locked (Heroes even? My Ember would approve of this)

Aaaand: Are there any plans to release a decal system soon-ish?

That's it. For now. :P



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Posted 16 September 2015 - 08:05 PM

HD Texture Pack


#29 Surn


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 01:06 PM

I think a demo on how the texture, bump map and other texture layers are created would help a lot of players understand everything involved.

#30 Scandisk


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 04:03 PM

Please Please Please, can you redo the textures on the pilot's model?

He looks so badly in need of a texture upgrade!

#31 Iqfish


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 07:23 PM

View PostScandisk, on 17 September 2015 - 04:03 PM, said:

Please Please Please, can you redo the textures on the pilot's model?

He looks so badly in need of a texture upgrade!

Funny side note:

The pilot is the standard CE3 body model. It has been like this for ages.

#32 Ryoken


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 01:35 AM

As none of my questions was mentioned in Vlog#14 and I think it might fit the texture artist Vlog even better here a repost:

First of all thanx sooo much to give us full camo pattern support on Founders, Hero, Pheonix, Invasion and Resistance mechs! Way to go PGI! Still so thankfull and buying all the "real" camo patterns like woodland, polygone, urban block, vagabond and tiger stripe for my Ebon Jaguar Invasion model! :D Got them for my Invasion Shadow Cat last sale, now I can grind C-Bills in Style!

To my questions:
1) Some camo patterns like the "Patton" camo seem to be a mixture of decals and camo patterns. Do future plans on camo consider separating actual camo pattern from unit markings and from pilot/crew inscriptions?
Layer1: Player can choose camo for overall mech
Layer2: Player can choose decals and location (e.g. House Logo Right Arm for Shoulder, Unit logo Left Leg)
Layer3: Player can choose crew/pilot inscriptions by location (e.g. some girls/guys name or funny remark on right torso)
Layer4: Player can choose some Noseart/Pinup by location (e.g. Shark mouth, a cartoon character or Sexy lady/guy)

2) Will there be an option to toggle on/off special geometries in the mechlab?
Yes as sarlic says it would be awesome to get options to modify single parts of the mechs. Like having to choose different head geometries, or different arms or legs. (rounded Timberwolf and Mad Dog leg geometry for everyone!) =)

3) Do you guys want me to proofread your German inscriptions? (Native speaker and playing Btech for nearly two decades!)

4) Will there be an option to create and choose different camo patterns for each map?

5) Will woodland camo be split into a three color variant and a four color variant?
Right now we have a three color variant of the woodland camo like on the Cataphract which resembles the NATO vehicle camo pattern and we got a four color variant of the woodland camo like on the newer mechs like Timberwolf which resembles the US Army clothing pattern.

6) Will polygone camo be split into the regular variant with equal sized polygones and into the more rare variant with small triangles and stripes? Or even a third variant with two polygone stripes?
Right now we have those two or even three variants of the polygone camo. I much prefer the version that came with equal sized polygones like on the first wave invasion mechs. However, there are some mechs like the Raven for example, which have some different camo that looks more like hundreds of small triangles with some polygone stripes painted over. And the third wave invasion mechs yet have another polygone camo like on the shadow cat where there are two polygone stripes on a more solid background color.

With Woodland camo and Polygone camo we basically have the problem of having two or even three different camo patterns under the same name. And the player can not choose which one to get on a certain mech.

3 color NATO vehicle Woodland camo pattern
Posted Image

4 color US uniform Woodland camo pattern:
Posted Image

Equal sized polygone camo pattern:
Posted Image

Two polygone stripes of different color on background polygone camo pattern:
Posted Image

Small triangles with stripes polygone camo pattern:
Posted Image

Also to add on the special geometry issue I want to comment on Dennis statement from Vlog#14:

View PostRyoken, on 17 September 2015 - 01:22 PM, said:

We can be happy that the forced on unique geometry is gone and paying customers don't suffer camo pattern restrictions for a product they payed for.

I think that your (I am answering to Tennex here) assumption concerning unique geometry in packages is wrong and want to point out MWO DEV VLOG#14 where Dennis told that the feedback on the loyalty Mechs unique geometry was rather poor.

#1) The forced on unique geometry on packaged mechs was in no way a big reason why people did buy those packages. They bought the packages to save the time needed to otherwise grind for those mechs as well as getting a 30% C-Bill bonus to grind C-Bills faster.

#2) The forced on unique geometry on packaged mechs, due to not beeing optional came with a forced on single usable skin, which annoyed more than 90% of the buyers to hell. Getting a camo pattern restriction for a product you payed for while everyone how purchased the mech with C-Bills got full camo pattern support for free felt like a punch in the face for every paying customer when entering the camo specs.

#3) The forced on unique geometry on packaged mechs and its sense of beauty, in the same way like camo patterns, did depend on individual taste. So likely the amount of people who favoured the "unique" geometry over the "standard" geometry was equal to the amount of people who disliked the "unique" geometry.

The people who liked the unique geometry would not buy a whole package just to get that tiny rollerbar.
The people who bought the packages to save time and get 30% C-Bill bonus saving even more grinding time got annoyed by forced on geometry and no camo pattern support at all.

And now Dennis and PGI think the players do not like unique geometry..which I think is not global truth, just the implementation did miss it's potential buyers.

Offer "special geometry" as OPTION, give them full camo pattern support and sell them for small MC prices.

Want round "Mk I Invasion Era Timberwolf Legs" get them for 300MC.
Want terminator T-800 stylish "Mk II Periphery Moded Atlas Head" get it for 150MC.

By this everyone would be happy and the players could build and modify their mechs piece by piece and PGI would earn.

MWO has the potentially most powerfull camo systems around as it offers selection of patterns & colors! Use this potential to make mech individualization one of the bigger incomes for PGI as it is definetely not p2w and binds players to their beloved mechs and your game.

Beste Grüße/best regards

Edited by Ryoken, 20 September 2015 - 01:49 AM.

#33 Martin77


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 03:31 AM

the mech pilot must have better textures. The hands and legs is the first thing you can see and it looks not very good.
Some textures on the ground must be higher.
The mechs look great and the environment

#34 Iqfish


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 05:59 AM

View PostMartin77, on 20 September 2015 - 03:31 AM, said:

The mechs look great

I disagree. They do not, in my opinion.

#35 tredmeister


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 06:16 AM

Are there any plans to camo the new dynamic weapons mounts? These mechs use to look good in their camo patterns...


#36 o0Marduk0o


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:17 PM

The used appearance of most IS mechs fits well to a warmachine, even if the texture resolution is low, which should obviously be fixed.
Why do all clan mechs look like factory new without any scratches at all? Those bright reflections are quite annoying. We have here no super cars in a show room but war machines like tanks, where nobody would remove scratches just because they look bad.



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:47 PM

View PostGyrok, on 15 September 2015 - 01:46 PM, said:

1.) When are unit decals/insignia/logos coming?

2.) Any new camo schemes upcoming?

3.) When can we have some purchasable skins like the loyalty mechs (a la the AS7/KGC/CN9), or different external components, like the Loyalty Atlas Head?

4.) When will invasion prime variant clan mechs finally be able to change the tertiary color to something besides dark battleship gray?

This deserves priority.

#38 Lauren Bamlett

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Posted 21 September 2015 - 07:56 AM

Aah, a pity! It would've been great to have this influx of questions but filming was done on Friday.

#39 VanguardMk1


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 08:28 AM

View PostLauren Bamlett, on 21 September 2015 - 07:56 AM, said:

Aah, a pity! It would've been great to have this influx of questions but filming was done on Friday.

Perhaps lock the thread when it's too late to ask questions? If people want to discuss subjects they can just start a discussion thread.

#40 Jonty Roodnick

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Posted 21 September 2015 - 10:08 AM

View Posttredmeister, on 20 September 2015 - 06:16 AM, said:

Are there any plans to camo the new dynamic weapons mounts? These mechs use to look good in their camo patterns...

We agree and plan to change them to use camo patterns instead of bare metal.

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