Breaking The Meta Series
Posted 16 September 2015 - 06:39 PM
Posted 16 September 2015 - 07:36 PM
bad arcade kitty, on 16 September 2015 - 05:48 PM, said:
oh come on
low psr, high psr, it's all a pile of bs
right now a player with sub 25 games can be constantly dropping against members of the top units like cjx, sjr, lords in the solo queue

Posted 17 September 2015 - 07:30 AM
Novakaine, on 16 September 2015 - 11:26 PM, said:
Not my normal lurm spam sandwich

I prefer LRM15s for LURM spamming. I like them in pairs, the weight, damage potential, and reload time seem to be the sweet spot for LRMs.
An exception to that rule is on the spare AS7-S(L) I have. (I have two so one's for brawling, the other's for LURMing) Because of the missile tubes and number of missile hard points its a LRM25. One LRM10, three LRM5s, and I chain fire them. Its a weird build. The left side is LRMs and TAG, the Right side is AC20 and MLs. But it also works. Its like mashing the HBK-4G and the HBK-4J together in one mech.
The other exception, goes without saying I think, is the HBK-4J. That thing is a LRM10 god. When PGI takes that quirk away in the re-balacing it will be a sad day for the HBK-4J. Until then, I'm milking it.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 07:36 AM
Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:08 AM
Rhaythe, on 17 September 2015 - 07:36 AM, said:
Urbie with the negative weight engine

I can't wait for light autocannons as I like to mix it up from the usual lasers and SRM builds on lights, but its hard to pack on ballistics.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:09 AM
Rhaythe, on 17 September 2015 - 07:36 AM, said:
By definition, a "legit" IS light mech with an AC20 is a joke. See the Urbie's lore.
Having said that, the Urbie is totally legit and you should fear it. For the Urbie stalks your nightmares.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:28 AM
Apnu, on 17 September 2015 - 07:30 AM, said:
I prefer LRM15s for LURM spamming. I like them in pairs, the weight, damage potential, and reload time seem to be the sweet spot for LRMs.
An exception to that rule is on the spare AS7-S(L) I have. (I have two so one's for brawling, the other's for LURMing) Because of the missile tubes and number of missile hard points its a LRM25. One LRM10, three LRM5s, and I chain fire them. Its a weird build. The left side is LRMs and TAG, the Right side is AC20 and MLs. But it also works. Its like mashing the HBK-4G and the HBK-4J together in one mech.
The other exception, goes without saying I think, is the HBK-4J. That thing is a LRM10 god. When PGI takes that quirk away in the re-balacing it will be a sad day for the HBK-4J. Until then, I'm milking it.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:59 AM
Apnu, on 17 September 2015 - 08:47 AM, said:
Here let me help you:

Let me make that even better
Posted 17 September 2015 - 09:06 AM
Gyrok, on 16 September 2015 - 06:39 PM, said:
That is what most meta fanboys would call a bad build. My sincere congrats to you Gyrok for having the massive rocksolid...well you know....to play with this thing.
4 cERML and a single SRM2 with half a tonn of ammo like the Ice Ferret the OP had ain't a bad build no matter what kinda mech it's mounted in....unless it's an assault mech of course.
The build needs to have a certain flavor of true otherworldly weirdness to it in order to break away from the meta.
Furthermore you need tactics thought up by someone who truly belongs in an asylum for the insane.
Tactics that demands that you do the opposite of the current meta which is Form a deathball and charge...or do the Nascar.
Does this break away from the meta enough?
Non Meta Light Mech Tactics Guide.
It's a way to fight that demands you stay away from the team. Preferably alone or with 1 teammate at most.
It's actually proven somewhat useless against premade teams since they are so aggressive that matches end very quickly.
Most effective in PUG matches with a flexible build with capability to hurt a target at any range.
In short it's inferior to meta tactics during short stomp matches but has a lot of potential when a match drags on.
Now that's breaking away from the meta in plenty of ways i think.
Edited by Spleenslitta, 17 September 2015 - 09:06 AM.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:03 AM
Jman5, on 16 September 2015 - 11:37 AM, said:
Meta build are sturdy and strong at what they do, but it's not some magic voodoo.
Some mechs are just exceptional at punishing bad players. Novas are up there, so is the 2xUAC20 Warhawk. They're still not amazing mechs
Posted 24 September 2015 - 02:58 PM

Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:11 PM
Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:15 PM
Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:29 PM
Kristian Radoulov, on 16 September 2015 - 10:54 AM, said:
Where is your 6 Flamer Locust?
Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:38 PM
Jman5, on 16 September 2015 - 11:37 AM, said:
Meta build are sturdy and strong at what they do, but it's not some magic voodoo.
Sometimes it's the amount of effort you have to put into playing that decides if it's bad or good. Three mechs charge me around a corner when I'm in my Direwolf and I get 3 kills and live while mostly just standing in place and twist shooting. That doesn't happen when I'm in a Pretty Baby.
Some mechs allow you to take advantage of terrain features more than others, meaning 'bad' mechs will have less options in combat but can perform well in the right conditions. Good mechs pretty much kick ass no matter where you end up, be it peek and shoot or brawling with high facetime.
Hmm, to better sum it up, when I'm in my PB and I get like 600-700 I'm like "F-yeah!" and I'm just derping around to farm c-bills on my Dire and I get a 3-6 kill 1,000+ damage game and I blink at the end-game score screen and I go like "I didn't even do anything out of the ordinary. I just dropped and shot people."

Edited by Elizander, 23 October 2015 - 06:41 PM.
Posted 23 October 2015 - 06:41 PM
Lorian Sunrider, on 17 September 2015 - 08:59 AM, said:
Even better?
Also this is what I did to an urban mech just now
I hope this thread doesn't go to K-Town with this many noooooos!!
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