Hate to break it to you but "perfect instant convergence" has been in every single mechwarrior games from MW1 to MW4 it hasnt been a problem then and i dont see it being a problem now, all ya got to do is twist before you get hit or stay mobile.
Actually, it's been an issue in multiplayer since MW1, too.
Ah, GEnie topics complaining about being able to focus-fire a leg off, the oldschool equivalent of a CT coring shot...speaking of those-
You can't "twist" away a shot to the crotch, which is what you put a CT alpha into in any case. Burn them in the groin, no twisting away, enjoy the laser Ben-Gay treatment.
But you yourself stated that Guns that don't 'converge" now are "garbage" , aka LBX, LRM etc style, thus wouldn't making ALL weapons "spread" make them "garbage" as well?
In a system where some weapons converge easily to put all their damage in one spot and others spread, the spread-damage weapons are garbage by comparison. Nothing beats being able to get 100% of your damage going precisely where you want. Take that ability to easily line up pixel-perfect shots and spread weapons aren't left three steps behind.
P.S. HSR is the reason and has been stated as such by PGI since forever. So you want HSR removed then?
Nice try here too- HSR fails to function with -dynamic- convergence- that is, it can't work with constantly shifting weapons fire data. What I want is binary convergence- that is, HSR only has to check two potential states, which is actually less than what it does now.
One is "default"- a point a long distance from the firing 'Mech. Firing at random terrain features,etc? Weapons travel the same path every time, converging as if the "target" was multiple thousands of meters away. Don't have a locked target? Your shot will be predictable, just not aligned perfectly on center with whatever gets in the way of it travelling.
The second state is "locked on with sensors", which is a range value that's already being tracked every time you tap the R key. Weapons converge (and can be HSR checked) accordingly.