Khobai, on 16 October 2015 - 06:55 AM, said:
Theres only one mech in the entire game that can use more than two gauss anyway. And allowing the direwolf to fire more than 2 gauss along with a ridiculous amount of CERMLs simply would not be balanced.
Actually you're wrong.
There are TWO 'mechs that can use more than two gauss.
I'll not offend your intelligence by pointing it out, you probably already remember the variant we're talking about, and yeah it wasn't super great, but it was always a surprise when it came out, and it could do a surprising amount of damage before it got blowed up like the glass canon it was...
Because only one mech can use more than 2 gauss your point is 99% irrelevant. And because the direwolf would be unbalanced as all hell if it could fire 3+ gauss your point is 100% irrelevant.
Yes, we're back to my point being that the gauss is actually balanced.
People who play stupidly and don't like it because in the hands of a skilled player it punishes them for their stupid play.
Clan mechs get built-in CASE and CXL. They dont have to worry about gaussplosions nearly as much as IS mechs. Also clan gauss takes up less crits so its less likely to get critted.
Yes, pointing more towards CLANS being OP, not the gauss, Clan gauss takes only ONE less crit slot than the IS, 7vs6, in reality with a 90% chance at exploding if hit, that's not a whole heck of a lot of difference.
There is no reason to chainfire gauss. ever.
You're wrong, but again, I won't explain why though. There's a few specialized situations where being able to chain fire it makes a BIG difference.
gauss isnt supposed to be used for closeup fighting. its a sniping weapon. if youre intentionally brawling with gauss youre doing it wrong. thats what backup lasers are for.
You're wrong. The gauss can be utilized at ANY range,
if you're skilled, it's just a lot more difficult to do it with gauss than any other weapon in the game due to the limitations.
But PGI had the same silly notion due to all the whining, and it's a good sniper weapon, and yes, due to the limitations you had better have some "back up lasers" to help defend yourself, if you're not skilled enough with the gauss, BUT, that just goes more to the point of the gauss ACTUALLY BEING BALANCED.
besides gauss is far from being the worst closeup weapon either. its still way better than SRMs for example.
Well it's certainly more "pin point" than SRMs, yes, but "better" is a relative term. The gauss, to be effective has to be aimed precisely, where as SRMs, you just have to point in the "general direction of..." and press the button. PLUS, SRMs are, by their very name DESIGNED TO BE USED IN SHORT RANGE SITUATIONS. To do the same with gauss requires A LOT more skill than using SRMs at short range.
IS gauss might be balanced.
Gauss is balanced. The IS has very little of the Clan factors that go into making almost EVERY OTHER weapon system "OP".
The fact that Clan 'mechs get to have builds where they get SPEED, plus MASSIVE ALPHA, plus SURVIVABILITY is what makes them OP. With IS 'mechs we can have, AT BEST, two out of the 3. We can have SPEED and a "BIG" ALPHA, but we have to give up SURVIVABILITY. If we want SURVIVABILITY we have to give up SPEED or a "BIG" ALPHA, or compromise on BOTH.
BELIEVE ME, your issue is NOT with gauss, it's with the Clan 'mechs that get to have the holy tri-fecta: SPEED, MASSIVE ALPHA, SURVIVABILITY.
But clan gauss definitely is not. Its 3 tons lighter than IS gauss with no added downside. but theres also built-in case and CXL which also contribute to clan gauss being significantly better than its IS counterpart.
Again, your issue is with "The Clans OPness" NOT the gauss. Yes, the smaller size and weight CONTRIBUTES to the Clan OPness of building MASSIVE ALPHAS with HIGH SPEED and HIGH SURVIVABILITY.
As I said before, a clan gauss nerf is coming, you can bet on it.
No, Clan gauss shouldn't be nerfed, the Clans as a WHOLE should be balanced.
We're forced into those 12v12 situations when the overall concept of "The Clan vs. The IS" is that The Clans would always be out numbered, allowing the IS to balance their superior numbers against the Clan's superior tech.
Now, for the public queues, I honestly don't care about 12v12. Everyone in the public queue has a CHOICE as to what 'mech they want to bring.
This is NOT true in CW.
In CW, IS players can't bring Clan 'mechs, so having 12 IS 'mechs face off against 12 Clan 'mechs, where the Clan 'mechs enjoy a MINIMUM 10% OP factor is ridiculously stupid and I think the faction map shows this stupidity in action.