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Back To Basics - Heat Scale Overhaul

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#41 Khobai


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 01:39 PM


The weapon has a 3.16 DPS, with a MAXIMUM DPS, dual wielding of 6.32.

dps is irrelevant.

this isnt the revolutionary war. mechs dont line up in rows, face eachother, and hold down the fire button. lmao.

I dunno how you play but its not how anyone else does. Most players dodge in and out of cover between shots. And they try to make intelligent trades which doesnt always mean firing when your cooldown is up. It means positioning and timing your shots so you do more damage to the enemy than the enemy does to you.

#42 Dimento Graven


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 01:42 PM

View PostKhobai, on 15 October 2015 - 01:39 PM, said:

dps is irrelevant.

this isnt the revolutionary war. mechs dont line up in rows, face eachother, and hold down the fire button. lmao.

I dunno how you play but its not how anyone else does. Most players dodge in and out of cover between shots. And they try to make intelligent trades which doesnt always mean firing when your cooldown is up. It means positioning and timing your shots so you do more damage to the enemy than the enemy does to you.
Then the burden is on YOU my friend to explain yourself.

If DPS is "irrelevant" as you say, then WHAT is making the gauss so "OP"?!!?!

Just the fact that YOU see it a lot on some top end builds?

WHAT are YOU basing your facts on?

I've established the facts of how the weapon works, its limitations, et al, on WHY it's not OP, but all you've done is provide some spurious generalizations to try and backup your false statement of "OP"...

#43 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 01:42 PM

View PostMazzyplz, on 15 October 2015 - 01:19 PM, said:

nice little chart bro; but this heat scale nonsense penalizes mechs like the awesome, the trebuchet, the quickdraw -
while mechs that use ammo or shoot gauss go unpunished; - and it doesn't make sense to bring clan novacat into the game with it's all energy hardpoints


so how do you offset this? you either don't and you ruin the game more than it is now

or you have to add all sorts of special case scenarios where some mechs or some weapons BLABLABLA.

this idea sucks sooooo bad.

it only reverts the meta back to when ballistic had 2x range for absolutely no reason

NO steps forward.
taken several steps back

You have to use some critical thinking here dude. Awesomes, Trebs and Quickdraws are more penalized by their hitboxes and the state Missiles are in, than changes to the Heat System.

And you do realize that the Heat System has two components Heat Capacity and Heat Dissipated.

The HPS of weapons is where an increase in Dissipation counters lowering Capacity and can be one method to reduce some Alphas. Also, the increased Dissipation should help handle Heat Output as mechs output damage, so one side benefit is less shutdowns in a match.

A Stock AWS-9M at 2.5x original values would be at 54.00 Capacity and 10.00 Dissipation a Second.

So no Heat Scale Penalties (Ghost Heat), Fast Fire, Modules or quirks, three ERPPCs spike to 45 Heat, plus any movement. Then the HPS is 11.25 on the weapons plus any movement.

So in practice, once the ERPPCs come off cooldown you can safely fire one to two ERPPCs on most maps, since the heat has gone down over those four seconds.

The main difference being the instant threshold is reduced from 76.8 to 54 in this particular case, with Dissipation going from 3.91 to 10.00

Therefore, if you want to do some punishing then where the focus should be is in where damage lands on target.

Utilize the Jump Jet Spreading when there is no lock, then utilize the SSRM Bones system to have weapons spread out across a target. Now that would really be a penalty. Then depending on how missiles get tweaked, just increase the spread.

#44 Mazzyplz


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 01:55 PM

srms still generate a lot more heat as do ERPPC and laser would be the first or best choice for these mechs.

heat scale would have these mechs penalized movement before even returning the same ammount of firepower onto other mechs; that's garbage.

think of a better idea i might get behind it -

hitboxes are a separate issue which has nothing to do with this so i refuse to even acknowledge that

mechs like the nova, in fact all energy mechs actually need some love and you in fact propose nerfs

just because lasers are in a good place in the live server and energy mechs use it because it's the only choice doesnt mean energy mechs are OP

Edited by Mazzyplz, 15 October 2015 - 01:55 PM.

#45 Night Thastus


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 01:58 PM

View PostMazzyplz, on 15 October 2015 - 01:55 PM, said:

srms still generate a lot more heat as do ERPPC and laser would be the first or best choice for these mechs.

heat scale would have these mechs penalized movement before even returning the same ammount of firepower onto other mechs; that's garbage.

think of a better idea i might get behind it -

hitboxes are a separate issue which has nothing to do with this so i refuse to even acknowledge that

mechs like the nova, in fact all energy mechs actually need some love and you in fact propose nerfs

just because lasers are in a good place in the live server and energy mechs use it because it's the only choice doesnt mean energy mechs are OP

Does no-one read the OP? I said that the "heat penalties" would be a very optional thing, very dependent on the testing.

However, having all heatsinks become TrueDubs means that 'Mechs like the Nova can fire more often. Which means more damage.

This system trades lower alpha-strikes for faster firing due to increased dissipation.

#46 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 02:16 PM

View PostMazzyplz, on 15 October 2015 - 01:55 PM, said:

srms still generate a lot more heat as do ERPPC and laser would be the first or best choice for these mechs.

heat scale would have these mechs penalized movement before even returning the same ammount of firepower onto other mechs; that's garbage.

think of a better idea i might get behind it -

hitboxes are a separate issue which has nothing to do with this so i refuse to even acknowledge that

mechs like the nova, in fact all energy mechs actually need some love and you in fact propose nerfs

just because lasers are in a good place in the live server and energy mechs use it because it's the only choice doesnt mean energy mechs are OP

Take a look at the chart again. Nasty Heat Effects occur above the buffer from HS + 14 (the first shutdown).

So take an AWS-8R (and yes plenty of room to optimize it), with MPLs, and SRMs.

If it LOLalphas, that is a Heat Spike of 28 Heat. With an HPS of 7.33

Currently it has a Heat Capacity of 71.76 and a Dissipation of 3.43

At 2.5x original values with 17 DHS that is 48 Capacity and 8.5 Dissipation, which is Heat Neutral.

A 12 ERSL, 2 ML Nova, Spikes to 48 on an Alpha, HPS runs to 13.97

Right now Capacity is 78.48 and Dissipation is 4.07

At 2.5x original values with 21 DHS Capacity is 56 and Dissipation is 10.5, a difference of 3.47 excess Heat per Second.

So do you stil think increasing Dissipation and adjusting Capacity is a nerf?

#47 adamts01


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 08:49 PM

Novas don't need love. I first tried one 2 days ago because it was gifted. Only 4 matches ever in it and I've averaged 448 with 1.5 kills including a loss. Not even basics. Just 6 meds and a freakin ton if heat syncs. It's slow but it has two 42 point alphas out to 440 and it cools down ridiculously quick. II plays different than a crowbar it had it's place. Just had to throw that in there.

And regarding this new scale, it could fire left arm, right arm, left right left right indefinitely. That sounds like a viable build to me.

Edited by adamts01, 15 October 2015 - 08:51 PM.

#48 Alex Morgaine


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 10:12 PM

30 heat, movement= heat, full dhs dissipation, but the most important part: 10 seconds warning delay to let your mech cool down before effects go off.get below the threshold of a certain effect before 10 seconds? No negative repercussions. Stay above the threshold? Effects persist for 10 seconds, then check again as need until below the safety mark.

#49 1Grimbane


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 12:02 AM

[color=#959595]I'm starting to wonder if all these griefers are just shabby players... calling for lower heat caps, saying that ghost heat is good.... the whole cone of fire for lasers deal....... you're all probably bad players that want to handicap others so you can do better or at least not suck so much. [/color]

[color=#959595]P.S. i love my 107 dmg pinpoint alpha on my daishi's 5 lrg pulse and 6 er med with full armor and good heat dissipation, i can two shot any mech in the game with a full duration alpha both times..... take that you high alpha hating cone of fire ghost heat loving freaks [/color]

#50 Karl Streiger


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 12:07 AM

View PostDimento Graven, on 15 October 2015 - 01:30 PM, said:

The reason it's on meta builds is because of HEAT. 15 pin point front loaded damage for low heat with a long range is definitely something to add to your laser/AC vomit build.

Thank you - file closed

When heat is the limitator its should be - a cold running weapon that can pinpoint 15dmg at extreme range without heat is something you want to have.

DPS as said for a Gauss is nonsense because you don't need to face the enemy - with timing (heck i didn't get the active player reward - and still the Gauss Charge is simple to handle) - your window of engagement (time you recieve fire)is very very short

the AC 2 is a DPS weapon.... or are you afraid to get one hit by 2 AC2s? 4? 6?..... 2 Gauss can ruin your day.
And we are talking about heat.... the AC 2 produce a serious amount of heat for its DPS - not to mention the reduced range.

The Gauss is OP - the only limit is the risk

Edited by Karl Streiger, 16 October 2015 - 12:13 AM.

#51 LordDante


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 02:40 AM

Gauss snipers everywhere !!!
adjust cooldown time and power up = problem solved

#52 Khobai


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 06:25 AM


If DPS is "irrelevant" as you say, then WHAT is making the gauss so "OP"?!!?!

The combination of high frontloaded pinpoint damage, low heat, and decent long range capability (good max range + high velocity) is what makes gauss overpowered.

Most other weapons only have one or two of those ideal weapon characteristics. Gauss is the only weapon in the game with ALL three of those ideal weapon characteristics. And on top of that it has virtually no drawbacks (chargeup is easy to manage with some practice, and lower health/gaussplosion has little or no negative effect on Clan mechs, because of built-in CASE and CXL being able to survive a side torso destruction)

Then theres also the fact that gauss is the absolute perfect complement to broken clan lasers because of its virtual lack of heat.

#53 Dimento Graven


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 06:44 AM

View PostKhobai, on 16 October 2015 - 06:25 AM, said:

The combination of high frontloaded pinpoint damage, low heat, and decent long range capability (good max range + high velocity) is what makes gauss overpowered.
No, those are what make it BALANCED. With all the other limitations the "Gauss ate my baby" crowd have whined for over the years to eliminate any one of those few things would mean the death of gauss in the game. I realize that's exactly what you're hoping for. No more easily dying for standing out the middle of an open field, like a moron, you'll no longer have to pay for playing stupidly.


Most other weapons only have one or two of those ideal weapon characteristics. Gauss is the only weapon in the game with ALL three of those ideal weapon characteristics. And on top of that it has virtually no drawbacks (chargeup is easy to manage with some practice, and lower health/gaussplosion has little or no negative effect on Clan mechs, because of built-in CASE and CXL being able to survive a side torso destruction)

Then theres also the fact that gauss is the absolute perfect complement to broken clan lasers because of its virtual lack of heat.
Yeah, and you're ignoring all the previously stated detractors that gauss is the only one to have too.

Again, for those that are just ignorantly prejudiced against it:

1. It is the ONLY weapon that is limited to being able to fire a maximum 2 gauss at a time.
2. It is the ONLY weapon with a 90% explosion probability, loaded or not, charged or not.
3. It is the ONLY weapon that has issues with chain fire.
4. It is the ONLY weapon with a charge up cycle, making it more difficult to use in close in fighting.

From the context of the rest of your statements what you REALLY are mad at are the clan builds that can equip a gauss and a lot of OP clan lasers. Yeah, the Clan lasers have a SIGNIFICANT advantage and are "OP" the way this game is currently structured (12v12). Very few IS builds can match clans for range and that's only because of some extreme quirking (of which we hear a never ending shrill whhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee from the EZ mode clan babies offended that ANY IS "anything" would approach matching Clan capabilities).

So yeah, the Clans being OP is an actual issue. But that's NOT the fault of the gauss. The gauss is about as balanced as it can get in this game. It's the fact that there are clan builds that can build an 80 point alpha that can reach out 1000+ meters and be fired 2 or 3 times in a row while being allowed to show up 12v12 against IS that's the real issue.

The "best" gauss build for IS is dual gauss, and 2 or more lasers on the King Crab (maximum of 4 lasers). The best gauss build for the Clans is either the quad gauss Direwolf, or the dual gauss, 6 to 8 laser Direwolf.

I don't think I need to explain how much more deadly the Clans are, BUT AGAIN, it's not because the GAUSS is OP, it's because PGI has chose to felate the Clanners for so long...

#54 Dimento Graven


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 06:52 AM

View PostLordDante, on 16 October 2015 - 02:40 AM, said:

Gauss snipers everywhere !!!
adjust cooldown time and power up = problem solved
That's a foolish notion.

Cool down made slower, or faster, power up time faster or slower, won't affect the sniper's aim, and you standing around in open ground will still be dead, it'll just be an extra second or two of life you can sit there whining about being hit by a gauss round...

#55 Khobai


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 06:55 AM


It is the ONLY weapon that is limited to being able to fire a maximum 2 gauss at a time.

Theres only one mech in the entire game that can use more than two gauss anyway. And allowing the direwolf to fire more than 2 gauss along with a ridiculous amount of CERMLs simply would not be balanced.

Because only one mech can use more than 2 gauss your point is 99% irrelevant. And because the direwolf would be unbalanced as all hell if it could fire 3+ gauss your point is 100% irrelevant.


It is the ONLY weapon with a 90% explosion probability, loaded or not, charged or not.

Clan mechs get built-in CASE and CXL. They dont have to worry about gaussplosions nearly as much as IS mechs. Also clan gauss takes up less crits so its less likely to get critted.


3. It is the ONLY weapon that has issues with chain fire.

There is no reason to chainfire gauss. ever.


4. It is the ONLY weapon with a charge up cycle, making it more difficult to use in close in fighting.

gauss isnt supposed to be used for closeup fighting. its a sniping weapon. if youre intentionally brawling with gauss youre doing it wrong. thats what backup lasers are for.

besides gauss is far from being the worst closeup weapon either. its still way better than SRMs for example.


The gauss is about as balanced as it can get in this game

IS gauss might be balanced.

But clan gauss definitely is not. Its 3 tons lighter than IS gauss with no added downside. but theres also built-in case and CXL which also contribute to clan gauss being significantly better than its IS counterpart.

As I said before, a clan gauss nerf is coming, you can bet on it.

Edited by Khobai, 16 October 2015 - 07:01 AM.

#56 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 07:00 AM

View PostKhobai, on 15 October 2015 - 01:15 PM, said:

Then why is gauss is on practically every single top tier meta build there is? Oh because it is true.

1) so bring more ammo? if youre using the right mechs then tonnage for ammo isnt a problem.

2) clans get built-in CASE. CXL isnt destroyed when your side torso gets destroyed either. so no the chances of it killing you are pretty small. especially if you do what I do on my dual gauss ebonjag and put both your gauss on the same side of your mech and torso twist your non-gauss side towards the enemy to shield yourself. lern2torsotwist.

3) thats why you carry lasers too. you snapshot with the lasers. and you only fire the gauss when the chargeup permits you to hit the enemy. And if youre exceptionally good with gauss like I am you can inituitively time your chargeups or hold your charge for just the right amount of time so chargeup is basically a non-issue.

4) you only need to fire two at a time. the rest of your loadout is lasers. and youre doing a highly competitive 50-70 damage alpha strike.

5) why are you chainfiring gauss? the hell?

6) and in this particular case the crybabies happened to be right. gauss/laser was extremely OP. hence why its getting nerfed. the clan laser nerfs are on the PTR now and the clan gauss nerf is coming soon.

One of the primary reasons gauss rifle is showing up more is to help manage a Clan's mech heat better, and as noted is usually with CERMLs, Clan mechs can lose the opposite ST and continue firing while many IS heavy/assault mechs would need to equip an IS XL engine to run similar builds or be slow as molasses.

As for the Heat Scale, it does need some of the BT HeatScale thresholds, 2 at 33/66 or 3 at 25/50/75. that reduces a mech's speed and agility at each level, and preferably a hard cap on max Heat Scale (40 or 50). Speed is life and those lights, fast med/heavies would have to change how often they fire, and even what is fired. IMHO right now MWO is similar to those MW4 no-heat servers until a mech hits the max Heat Scale cap.

And with the likelihood the current live quirks being changed drastically sometime in the future, and no actual engine crits in the game, set IS XL engine lifespan to be similar to the Clan XL engine, destruction only with loss of both ST or CT but give it a greater heat penalty. If the LFE is ever introduced, give it the same Clan heat penalty while Standard engines continues as is or make it slightly more durable.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 16 October 2015 - 07:02 AM.

#57 1Grimbane


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 07:15 AM

I agree with op's idea, with exception of lasers doing damage out side effective range, let me do reduced damage at max range..... ghost heat has ruined the "balance" system and why aren't my dbl sinks actually dbl? call them 1.4 sinks keep clan OP and move to clan vs IS in a 10-12 or 8-12 even..... and please don't make me get a degree in quantum physics just to keep up with the game mechanics, add gamemode option clan vs Is, it'll take some work but i bet it'll be extremely popular

Edited by 1Grimbane, 16 October 2015 - 07:32 AM.

#58 Dimento Graven


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 07:47 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 16 October 2015 - 12:07 AM, said:

Thank you - file closed

When heat is the limitator its should be - a cold running weapon that can pinpoint 15dmg at extreme range without heat is something you want to have.
Oh god forbid it's all the other weapons that can be fired over and over and over and over and over again until heat as 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of maximum for the entire match.

But it's the "GAUSS" and it's MAXIMUM 30 points of damage every 4 seconds that you have a problem with.

Not the fact that STUPIDLY this game has ignored the most important balance factor in BattleTech since its original creation, namely the HEAT AFFECTS TABLE, a table so goddamned important it was printed on EVERY SINGLE official Battlemech loadout sheet for the past 30+ years.

You see, if people, when vomiting their lasers, AC's, or missiles started having issues like their 'mech ran slower, their target reticule started shaking, their HUD started fading out, etc. etc. due to heat build up, it'd be more difficult utilize one of the FEW advantages gauss has: Low heat.



Seriously this what this argument has come down to.


DPS as said for a Gauss is nonsense because you don't need to face the enemy - with timing (heck i didn't get the active player reward - and still the Gauss Charge is simple to handle) - your window of engagement (time you recieve fire)is very very short
Yeah, and if you're a moron facing a gauss opponent, you'll sit there and wait for him to pop out over and over instead of moving to a different position that keeps him exposed. Remember, while he's behind cover he can't see you either, and if you're going to play stupidly and stand there whining about how he isn't 'playing fair' and letting you shoot him as much as you want, well, you deserve to die stupidly.

MOST dual gauss builds are NOT very fast, the Direwhale maximum speed is 53.5kph. MOST 'mechs can move faster than that. I think the fastest I've seen a KGC is somewhere near 70kph, and that's only because they put in the largest XL they could sacrificing survivability and ammo. Next you have Jaegers, Cataphracts, and the Catapult. Also, not typically very fast and any speed they do have will most likely require the loading of an XL engine.

The one or two other Clan 'mechs that can load dual gauss aren't worth mentioning because the limitations are such that ALL they can load are dual gauss and have no lasers.


the AC 2 is a DPS weapon.... or are you afraid to get one hit by 2 AC2s? 4? 6?..... 2 Gauss can ruin your day.
And we are talking about heat.... the AC 2 produce a serious amount of heat for its DPS - not to mention the reduced range.
I know people who load up 6 AC2 and completely wreck. Fast speed, longer range than gauss, nice bright muzzle flash to keep the enemy blind while you chain saw your way through their armor.

There aren't any well built 'mechs that will "blow up" by getting hit with a single round of dual gauss. Now, if you've created a stupid build, yeah, it's possible. Removing armor from your head, stupid, but not JUST because of gauss. I can headshot you with ERLL more easily than I can with gauss, and if you stupidly chose not to max out your armor in your head, you'll be as dead as you deserve to be. Likewise, if you pulled all the armor, or have less than 10 to 12 armor in the rear torso slots... Crimany, in that situation you should be more afraid of the SL/SPL or CSL/CSPL lights that can zoom up from behind and single shot you in the ass and 'ruin your day', which is a MUCH more commonly used build than dual gauss.

If you've got an open crit location, a gauss hitting it and making you die doesn't mean gauss is OP, it means you got your armor wrekt, and ANY weapon hitting that location would have killed you.


The Gauss is OP - the only limit is the risk
Ignorant people, unfamiliar with it, and looking for something to blame when they die while playing stupidly think so, yes. But, those that actually pay attention know that laser vomit and AC vomit builds are more common and much more deadly.

Clan AC/UAC boats, or Clan laser boats can actually kill you much more quickly than dual gauss can. Why? Gauss firing is limited to once every 3.5 seconds, at best. Lasers an AC/UACs have MUCH higher rate of fire.

DPS kill is killing you more often than PPFLD is.

30 points every 3.5 seconds is nothing when compared to a constant unending stream of blinding, cockpit rattling laser and AC fire.

Edited by Dimento Graven, 16 October 2015 - 08:16 AM.

#59 1Grimbane


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 07:54 AM

gotta say i tend to agree with dimento on this one, i can torso twist into incoming fire while charging up gauss and fire it right as i swing towards then continuing my twisting...... gauss is super easy to use yet it still retains a fair amount of skill needed to use it and keep on surviving to use it again effectively, i brawl with gauss most times (GASP) and the 3x ac5 or 4 ac2's is a murderous dps combination.... leveled many a people with constant stream of ac fire, it's great for suppression fire to keep enemy mechs in cover while you move in on them, fire AND maneuver, not stand and die

Edited by 1Grimbane, 16 October 2015 - 07:59 AM.

#60 Dimento Graven


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 08:11 AM

View PostKhobai, on 16 October 2015 - 06:55 AM, said:

Theres only one mech in the entire game that can use more than two gauss anyway. And allowing the direwolf to fire more than 2 gauss along with a ridiculous amount of CERMLs simply would not be balanced.
Actually you're wrong.

There are TWO 'mechs that can use more than two gauss.

I'll not offend your intelligence by pointing it out, you probably already remember the variant we're talking about, and yeah it wasn't super great, but it was always a surprise when it came out, and it could do a surprising amount of damage before it got blowed up like the glass canon it was...


Because only one mech can use more than 2 gauss your point is 99% irrelevant. And because the direwolf would be unbalanced as all hell if it could fire 3+ gauss your point is 100% irrelevant.
Yes, we're back to my point being that the gauss is actually balanced.

People who play stupidly and don't like it because in the hands of a skilled player it punishes them for their stupid play.


Clan mechs get built-in CASE and CXL. They dont have to worry about gaussplosions nearly as much as IS mechs. Also clan gauss takes up less crits so its less likely to get critted.
Yes, pointing more towards CLANS being OP, not the gauss, Clan gauss takes only ONE less crit slot than the IS, 7vs6, in reality with a 90% chance at exploding if hit, that's not a whole heck of a lot of difference.


There is no reason to chainfire gauss. ever.
You're wrong, but again, I won't explain why though. There's a few specialized situations where being able to chain fire it makes a BIG difference.


gauss isnt supposed to be used for closeup fighting. its a sniping weapon. if youre intentionally brawling with gauss youre doing it wrong. thats what backup lasers are for.
You're wrong. The gauss can be utilized at ANY range, if you're skilled, it's just a lot more difficult to do it with gauss than any other weapon in the game due to the limitations.

But PGI had the same silly notion due to all the whining, and it's a good sniper weapon, and yes, due to the limitations you had better have some "back up lasers" to help defend yourself, if you're not skilled enough with the gauss, BUT, that just goes more to the point of the gauss ACTUALLY BEING BALANCED.


besides gauss is far from being the worst closeup weapon either. its still way better than SRMs for example.
Well it's certainly more "pin point" than SRMs, yes, but "better" is a relative term. The gauss, to be effective has to be aimed precisely, where as SRMs, you just have to point in the "general direction of..." and press the button. PLUS, SRMs are, by their very name DESIGNED TO BE USED IN SHORT RANGE SITUATIONS. To do the same with gauss requires A LOT more skill than using SRMs at short range.


IS gauss might be balanced.
Gauss is balanced. The IS has very little of the Clan factors that go into making almost EVERY OTHER weapon system "OP".

The fact that Clan 'mechs get to have builds where they get SPEED, plus MASSIVE ALPHA, plus SURVIVABILITY is what makes them OP. With IS 'mechs we can have, AT BEST, two out of the 3. We can have SPEED and a "BIG" ALPHA, but we have to give up SURVIVABILITY. If we want SURVIVABILITY we have to give up SPEED or a "BIG" ALPHA, or compromise on BOTH.

BELIEVE ME, your issue is NOT with gauss, it's with the Clan 'mechs that get to have the holy tri-fecta: SPEED, MASSIVE ALPHA, SURVIVABILITY.


But clan gauss definitely is not. Its 3 tons lighter than IS gauss with no added downside. but theres also built-in case and CXL which also contribute to clan gauss being significantly better than its IS counterpart.
Again, your issue is with "The Clans OPness" NOT the gauss. Yes, the smaller size and weight CONTRIBUTES to the Clan OPness of building MASSIVE ALPHAS with HIGH SPEED and HIGH SURVIVABILITY.


As I said before, a clan gauss nerf is coming, you can bet on it.
No, Clan gauss shouldn't be nerfed, the Clans as a WHOLE should be balanced.

We're forced into those 12v12 situations when the overall concept of "The Clan vs. The IS" is that The Clans would always be out numbered, allowing the IS to balance their superior numbers against the Clan's superior tech.

Now, for the public queues, I honestly don't care about 12v12. Everyone in the public queue has a CHOICE as to what 'mech they want to bring.

This is NOT true in CW.

In CW, IS players can't bring Clan 'mechs, so having 12 IS 'mechs face off against 12 Clan 'mechs, where the Clan 'mechs enjoy a MINIMUM 10% OP factor is ridiculously stupid and I think the faction map shows this stupidity in action.

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