You'll just not have to stare at enemies with this 'mech.
The side torsos should start somewhere around the cockpit based on the modelling and Blood Pact PPC placement.
So maybe it'll have a very wide torso twist range so you can use the rearward parts to spread damage.
I think it'll play like a bigger Cicada, relatively fast and hit-and-run 'mech. The 350XL and jumpjet variants will help that.
But look at those lasers and the Commando to scale. This mech is gonna be TINY compared to the Centurion and will be difficult to hit. If it has a fast torso twist rate, the CT won't be much of a problem. In fact, I think you will be taking a lot of stray damage to the legs in this.
Also, if this mech is going to be as tiny as I think it is, that explains the cockpit shape. That looks like a cockpit the size of a Jenner's to me now.
One of the features of this mech is that it extends the engine compartment far to the front and to the back but not sideways, it has an excellent profile, so really it's the same size but for MWO's practical purposes it's smaller. Kind of like a Bushwacker.
Hopefully, once the sensor quirks come out, the Crab will get it's historically powerful sensor suites.
Edited by Edweird, 03 October 2015 - 01:33 AM.