Thanks for being one of the great people here in our community to promote giving and kindness. Also thanks for giving your time to make this tournament happen.
As for the WARHAMMER, isn't it DOA
As for charity I used to spent a ton of time feeding the homeless but have gone a new direction. I live in the second poorest place in the USA and drugs are very bad. We have so many children with out parents due to OD. Our church started a chapter of KOZ kids outdoor zone. We take these kids out and teach them real life survival skills, how to defend themselves and how to stay out of trouble and drugs. We give them a day of survival, love and good food. In the two years I have been doing this I can tell you the turn around in some of these kids is overwhelming. If you would like to help a good cause go to and make a contribution, it would be greatly appreciated.
These threads give me hope that we yet still have some love left here in the MWO forums, The warhammer looks awesome and to have one in my mech bay would be awesome. God Bless
Edited by StraferX, 05 October 2015 - 01:45 PM.