Malagant, on 15 October 2015 - 01:47 PM, said:
Apparently you don't understand the history of warfare at all, seeing as every conqueror in history pushed the envelope of military technology to give his forces as big an advantage as possible to crush his enemies. Do you really think conquerers want a fair fight? Really? It is the way it has always been in history, yet when it happens in a fictional game setting you get bent out of shape crying foul, unable to see that later in the same fictional setting the gap between technology bases gets tighter than ever as everyone adapts. So for the love of Pete, give it a rest already...
Oh, give it a break. This is a game. This isn't warfare, there is no campaign, no logistics, nothing of the sort. My comments on this line have always been refering to
game design, not how warfare works. It has to be a good game
first and foremost, both MWO and Battletech. Massive balance disparities do not make a good game. You can deal with huge balance disparities when playing in a friendly group of gamers, but a public PvP game, that doesn't work.
In MWO, we cannot have assymetrical battles, we lack the population to make BV based balancing work. As such, the game must have balanced factions.
There are no conquerers here. Ultimately, MWO is solo and group queue matches; CW is a side addition, not the game proper... and even if it where, nobody wants to play a grossly unbalanced CW.
That the gap closes later doesn't do anyone any good. There would be precious few people happy to play IS knowing they're going to repeatedly lose every random game they play for the next couple years while they wait for the timeline to advance to the point where they can finally compete on a level playing field.
Very, very few players are going to enjoy random drops where they are pretty much guaranteed to lose.
RCola, on 15 October 2015 - 02:09 PM, said:
With these ECM parameters , it would be almost impossible to not Lurm ?
LRM's are better, no doubt, but they're still fundamentally poor weapons. At least now, they're not potentially totally wasted tonnage as they could be if you ended up in a match vs. an ECM heavy enemy team.
Basically, they are more reliable but still poor, at higher levels of play at least. Probably pretty strong at lower tiers.