Vellron2005, on 14 October 2015 - 12:51 AM, said:
I agree... I also bought all my mechs with cbills.. hard earned cbills.
And one more point..
I don't really understand why we "need" this big rebalance... I play both CLAN and IS mechs.. and I do similar damage, similar match scores, and am similarly useful in both.
I really don't understand why all the whining about CLAN's beeing OP... they are only marginally better at some things, and are worse in other things..
If you ask me.. things are pretty balanced right now.
If they should balance anything, its only those "DOA" mechs, and the absurd over quirking..
This is what you get by raising your kids with a "reward participation, not wining" mentality. You get people who don't understand that not everything in the world is equal, fair, or balanced. And that that's what makes the universe perfect. The overwhelming variety of imperfection.
This breeds a generation of "nerf it and make it all the same" kind of people..
God help us if ever we should encounter aggressive Aliens. We'll tell them to nerf their death rays cose' they are OP..
Don't you think you are being a bit grouchy? You are bringing real world issues into clan IS balance now? I can't believe we're having a "kids these days" argument over why PGI won't do 10 vs 12. They said they couldn't because of technical limitations, IMO we need to stop whining about it, suck it up, and help them balance Clan and IS tech so they are different but (roughly) equal. "Follow the lore" is not constructive feedback, it's frankly not going to happen.
PS: In modern online gaming balance is important. I'm sorry you feel that it's a whussy move, but it's a game dude, it's supposed to be fun, not teach life lessons.