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Create Your Own BattleMech! Bragging Rights for Winner(s)!

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#121 Marxman


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:15 AM

A Mech I designed for the Boardgame some time ago. Picture is a bit blurry but you can download the pdf via the link below the pics :P

Posted Image

Posted Image


Hope you guys like it :P

Edited by Marxman, 14 December 2011 - 08:17 AM.

#122 Connor Macleod


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:47 AM

View PostGreenHell, on 13 December 2011 - 06:33 PM, said:

Try this one on for size!
I made this in a different thread, but I'll post it here as well.
I wanted to make the most "effective" mech for 75 tons from pre-3050 tech.
Here is my result!

Lancer LNC-R1


I don't have any fluff for it, but I hope you like it anyways.

Impressive loadout, but it's the fluff that wins you the contest. Anybody can load down a 'Mech and make it a true beast on the battlefield, even with all the tournament rules. I'm looking for creativity. The BTTT rules are just to ensure nobody tries creating the ultimate 'Mech with 2 Gauss Rifles, an AC 20, 2 PPCs, enough armor to outlast an Atlas, and a top speed of 97 km/h. (Okay maybe not that exact loadout, but you'd be surprised what some people try to come up with)

#123 ManDaisy


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 10:19 AM

aww pretty sure my is conversion is conversion after only using IS tech, musta slipped and forgot to change one of my weapons from clan to IS. Yup doubled checked, not a single clan item on the Innersphere daisy planter. Mech is 100% Inner sphere tech.

Edited by ManDaisy, 14 December 2011 - 10:25 AM.

#124 Kevin Kirov


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 12:21 AM

Name: Lancer LNC-1R (Name of Kerensky)


Its meant to have a LAMS but SSW doesnt have the LAMS for some reason but the AMS and the ton of ammo are the same weight.

History: Developed as an all energy command mech to be used in extended campaigns, such as the possible renewed invasion of the Inner Sphere. This mech was also developed to fulfill a brawler and electronic warfare role. It was developed jointly by Clan Goliath Scorpion and Clan Snow Raven on Circe. It got its name from the lances of light the lasers and PPCs are able to put out.

Tactics: The Lancer doesnt have enough heat sinks to fully controll its heat so the pilot has to be careful. At long ranges the PPCs work in conjunction with large lasers, allowing for the pilot to mix 3 to fire at any time without pulling too much heat. At shorter ranges the medium lasers and pulse lasers are able to punch holes in any remaining armor. The (L)AMS helps to keep enemy missles out of the picture and forces them to close into range of both the PPCs and the laser batteries.

Apperance: The Lancer has a head looking like a Crusader Great Helm from the Knights of old. on each side it has half a (L)AMS to provide better AMS coverage. The arms are like Summoner arms, the left with PPCs on either sides of the 'hand' with a flamer where the hand should be. The right arm has two ER large lasers on either side of the hand. The torso is roughly square, narrowing slightly at the hips. The ER Mediums are in a small triangle arrangement in the upper Left torso along with an Active Probe and a ECM Suite near the shoulder/top of the torso. The Medium Pulse Lasers are in a diagonal arrangement in the middle of the right torso. It has chicken walker legs.

Testing: The first Lancer prototype was tested against a Dire Wolf Prime. It was able to defeat it, but it was badly damaged. However the test showed the Lancer was able to punch well above its weight. More Lancers will be rolling off the production line soon. (I uploaded it to MegaMek and did a 1v1 against a Dire Wolf Prime and destroyed it in 9 rounds. Right arm destroyed, 1 IS left in RT, 9 IS left in LA and LT, 3 armor in CT. Took a beating but kept on ticking. There were other tests done as well, but this one was the most defininative, in one it took an unlucky shot to the head from a Hunchbacks AC/20 after finsihing off some other assault mech i cant remember what one)

Edited by Kevin Kirov, 20 December 2011 - 12:25 AM.

#125 Biggs McIntosh


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 10:39 AM

My original plan was to copy all the legal entrance into one post for easy viewing, but with formatting issues and just the amount of time needed to do that (I wont share how long I spent combing just through the Light and Medium entrants) I have decided on a new system. Below are a group of direct links to the posts of the legal entries. This is also where I will outline my thoughts and cast my “vote” for each category. Looks like Connor is judging so no need to vote, which is convenient since I never got around to it. Since I do not plan on voting in the Name of Kerensky competition, I will leave sorting out the clanners to some other soul with free time. I've had a few Clanners inquire why they weren't listed, so I will add have added a Name of Kerensky list later today since y'all were nice about it. Civil Clanners, who'da thunk?

Legal entries are those that (short Version):

1. are 3058 legal.

2. are not variants of standard mechs.

3. have art or a detailed appearance section.

4. have some fluff regarding tactics/use.

Light Entrants

COY-1A Coyote (Biggs McIntosh) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56832

KTR-1L Katar (Feor) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56289

GWF-2K Ghost Wolf (Jack Gallows) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56906

LRS-7 Hound (Ace Twain) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56953

Mercury II (Mythosha) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57896

IRQ-9S Iroquois (Big Willie) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__59722

Medium Entrants

FRB-0A Freebooter (Biggs McIntosh) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56832

Hunter (Connor Macleod) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__50938

WW-1D Wild Weasel (Jack Gallows) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56906

RNG-1R Ranger (Nik Van Rhijn) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57109

CS - EM - Mk1 (Mythosha) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57853

MAR-2N Marten (Dayuhan) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58108

Heavy Entrants

KOM -1E Kommandant (Biggs McIntosh) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56832

A-BRW-2R Brawler (Nik Van Rhijn) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__50958

CAE-1A Caedmon (Mason Grimm) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__51050

Triclops (Feor) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57496

OWL-1D Night Owl (Big Willie) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57877

Beamer (Mythosha) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57925

FLA-1A Falchion (Outlaw) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58820

Assault Entrants

DP0-A Desperado (Biggs McIntosh) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56832

HKG-2K Heikegani (Alizabeth Aijou) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__51099

PLD-1F Paladin (Jack Gallows) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56906

Breaker (Mythosha) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57948

HVL-1L Havoc Lord (Gunman5000) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__57994

WHMM-1R Warhammer II (Feor) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58126

Battle Escort (Wolf74) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58878

CHK-N5 Noris (Big Willie) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__59820

DM-3R Dominator (DocBach) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__60089


In going through the clan mechs for the “Name of Kerensky” competition, I found a few light and medium designs (technically just lights, but work with me here). The NoK specifically asks for heavy and assault designs. So in the name of overstepping my bounds, I've decided to create the Name of Aleksandr competition and confine all the acceptable light and medium clan mechs posted to it. Objections? Quineg? Excellent.

Name of Aleksandr
Crab Spider (Biggs McIntosh) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__56832

Stiletto (Datum) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__51117

Wolf Pup (GuardianDashi) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__51122

Name of Kerensky

GLD-DG3N Golden Dragon (Kevin Kirov) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58070

Fire Mole (ManDaisy) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__58528

Lancer LNC-1R (Kevin Kirov) http://mwomercs.com/...dpost__p__64887

Somehow I thought there were more acceptable clan mechs when I was skipping them to compile the IS lists … perhaps I'll have to swallow my prejudice and make an entry for each to add more choice.


I'll keep this updated until Connor closes the competition. If your design was not listed and you wish it to be, check that it has the required fluff, edit the post if needed, and shoot me a PM.

Edited by Biggs McIntosh, 09 January 2012 - 11:02 AM.

#126 Nik Van Rhijn


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 03:24 PM

I thought it time to put in a light (or rather a selection), the Zephyr;
Zephyr ZFR -1R

Mass: 35 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-E
Production Year: 3048
Cost: 7,228,710 C-Bills
Battle Value: 938

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 315 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
4 Medium Lasers
1 Communications Equipment (1.0 tons) (1.0 tons)
1 Beagle Active Probe
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

With the information from the Helm Memory Core NAIS carried out theoretical
studies on a variety of mech types. In the light class there was need for a
multi purpose scout mech. They wanted it to have all the electonic warfare of
the Raven and be able to act as an artillery spotter. As further requirements,
such as being able to act as a lance commandr were added it was obvious tht all
the requirements could not be fitted into a 35 ton chasis. The first thing to
go were the jump jets. To counterbalance this they decided to rely on speed,
the use of an XL engine meant that could achieve the almost unheard of top
speed of 151 kph. By outfitting the engine with double heatsinks, it also enabled the mech
to run cool, even in desert environments. The use of Ferro Fibrouse armour
meant it could carry nearly 70% of the maximum possible armour. The other
compromise was with the weapons. It is probably the lightest armed mech for
it's weight however with only 4 medium Lasers.

This mech has the speed to enable it to rapidly cover large areas of
countryside while it's Beagle Active Probe enable it to spot most mechs, even
when normally they would be hidden. At the same time The Guardian ECM suite
helps it stay hidden itself. To enable it to stay in contact with it's
lancemates or HQ it carries advanced communications gear. When it finds the
enemy it can either shadow them from a distance, or spot them with a TAG for
the artillery.

Battle History:
To date this mech has not seen any active service.

Initially it is intended that this mech is deployed to lead scout lances or to
act as a lone scout. In the long term if no prblems crop up it is inrended to
produce a fire support and attck variants to give an excedingly mobile lance
capable of hunting down

ZFR-1P - this drops all the electronics gear and lasers to mount an ER PPC and
up the armour to 6.5 tons

ZFR-1L - this drops the ER PPC and replaces it with an ER Large laser and Medium Pulse laser while
keeping the armour

ZFR-1M - This is projected as the fire support mech with 3 LRM5's each with a
ton of ammo and case. The armour has been dropped to 4 tons. Altough it has
been projected, the weaknesses mean that this variant may never get off the
drawing board.

Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 58 points 3.50
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 315 11.00
Walking MP: 9
Running MP: 14
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 10(20) 0.00
Gyro: Standard 4.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 80 4.50
Armor Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL

Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 11 12
Center Torso (rear) 3
L/R Torso 8 10
L/R Torso (rear) 2
L/R Arm 6 7
L/R Leg 8 9

Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Communications Equipment (1.0 tons) (1.0 tons) HD 0 1 1.00
TAG CT 0 1 1.00
Medium Laser RT 3 1 1.00
Beagle Active Probe RT 0 2 1.50
Medium Laser LT 3 1 1.00
Guardian ECM Suite LT 0 2 1.50
Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
Medium Laser LA 3 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 17

BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 3 Points: 9
9 2 2 0 0 1 0 Structure: 2
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, TAG, ECM, ENE, SRCH, ES, SOA

Edited by Nik Van Rhijn, 23 December 2011 - 03:27 PM.

#127 Connor Macleod


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 09:58 PM

I am resurrecting this topic with the power of the OP!!!! Sorry for being away for so long, guys, I've been extremely busy this past month. But not to worry! Within the next 24 hours, I'll be picking the winners for the original contest. Since there are so few Kerensky contestants, the sub-contest will remain active until we have at least 10 'Mechs competing for the blood name.

Also, for s**** and giggles, I will be posting a few more of my 'Mech designs, just because I want to.

#128 Connor Macleod


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 11:15 PM

Roadrunner RDR-1BPBP

Mass: 25 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Age of War/Star League
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/D-F-E
Production Year: 2765
Cost: 4,313,854 C-Bills
Battle Value: 826

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 275 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 118.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 183.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
3 Medium Lasers
1 Small Laser
1 Flamer
Manufacturer: Ryan's Roughnecks
Primary Factory: Small World
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Physical Description: The Roadrunner looks to its namesake for its design inspiration. The light 'Mech is a chicken walker, with a small torso, with a head shaped like a bird head. Though, coincidentally it shares some resemblance to the Raven, the Road Runner has arms with hands, and has a larger torso, whereas the Raven looks like a bird head with legs.


Edited by Connor Macleod, 06 January 2012 - 11:21 PM.

#129 Connor Macleod


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 01:00 PM

Alright, the Assault entry winner has been chosen. Jack Gallows takes the competition with his Paladin! Alot of great entries have been entered, and I enjoyed reading about most of them. Special thanks to Biggs McIntosh for making my job easier. The Assault category has been chosen, so that category is at this time closed. I will be reviewing the Heavies next, then Mediums, and then Lights. If you have a last minute entry for said 'Mechs, I will be happy to consider them. Or if you just want to show off your designs just because, well, I'm not stopping you.

#130 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 10:13 PM

Never actually done one till now but I figured I'd give it a shot

VPS-K5UNE "Kitsune"
Medium Mech
Inner Sphere Manufacture
50 ton
Cost: 4,613,000 c-bills
BV: 1,167

Chassis: Endo-Steel
Powerplant: Magna 250 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54kph
Maximum Speed: 85kph
Jumpjets: 2 standard
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Armor: 4.5 tons of Ferro Fibrous armor
heatsinks: 15 double heatsinks
Large Laser
Medium Laser X2
Small Laser X2
AC/5 w/ CASE for 1 ton of ammunition
Anti-Missile system X2

Variant B: Replaces the large laser with a PPC, and the AC/5 with an AC/2. Used primarily as a sniper, close range combat capacity is somewhat reduced however.
Variant C: Replaces the standard fusion powerplant with an XL engine. The weight reduction is used to increase overall protection to ten tons of ferro fiberous armor, and adds another small laser to the left arm.
Variant D: Refit as variant C, with the armament changes of variant B.

The kitsune was originally conceived as an anti-LRM mech, capable of decent speeds and having reasonable agility, while having point defenses against missiles. Produced in small numbers, it is capable of taking on a variety of mechs despite it's weight. The right arm holds the primary weapons, the AC/5 gives it reasonable range, often used to target legs while moving in closer, where the large laser allows it to do some reasonable damage at a medium range. For close range combat it carries two medium lasers in its left arm, and a small laser on either side of the torso. The mech has a digitigrade leg design with a low profile torso with anti-missile systems on the left side of the torso, and the cockpit to the right of them. Both arms lack a lower arm, both of which are taken up by their respective weapons. Overall it does well, although armor is somewhat lower than what may be preferable, and as such the design is more suited to hit and run tactics when able.

While it has little combat history being a modern design, field tests have shown it quite capable, being able to effectively counter 'mechs of it's primary target type, such as the Catapult and Archer. In the hands of a skilled pilot, it is able to go toe to toe with most any 'mech of heavy class or lower, due to it's layout.

It was quickly called the Kitsune, for its leg shape and it's general agility, while not the fastest mech around it is able to perform quite well, and it allows for various tactics to outsmart an enemy, as well as being able to hide due to it's general low profile. The digitigrade design also gives it an advantage when it wants to give the appearance that it is not there, as the multiple joints allow it to lower itself quite close to the ground, giving it another advantage against incoming missiles as it can 'hit the dirt' if need be.

Introduced into select forces of House Marik in 3043, it has proven to be an effective multi purpose mech, often used as an escort for slower moving units as part of a lance, often being point at long range, using it's dual anti-missile system to shoot down missiles while it moves itself out of the way, effectively reducing the effectiveness of many LRM barrages, then returning fire with its AC/5 while the heavier mechs move into range.

Edited by Vulpesveritas, 10 January 2012 - 08:15 AM.

#131 Nik Van Rhijn


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 05:07 AM

Yet another for the medium pot - this started to see just how fast you could get a medium mech up to using the tech limits. While unable to catch the Roadrunner ^_^ there isn't much else it can't catch. The rear laser isn't in for the usual reason of stopping lights behind you but to use in "drive bye" attacks as a parting insult. Still considering putting the other medium at rear as well.

Speed Hawk SHK 1a

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-E
Production Year: 3049
Cost: 13,144,723 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,456

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 385 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
2 Medium Lasers
1 Beagle Active Probe
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Using the latest technologies the NAIS looked at creating a fast mediium mech
for use as a scout mech killer and raider. To this end it was decided that it
should be fitted with the largest XL engine that they could cram into it's
frame without compromising armour or weapons too much.

To speed up and simlify production the blueprints for the venerable Shadow Hawk
were used and a family resemblance can bee seen in the finalised design. The
skeleton was constructed of Endo Steel to save weight.The new Ferro-fibrous
armour has more rounded surfaces, both to improve it's aerodynamics and to aid
resistance to ballistic fire.

The end product was called the Speed Hawk, as it's top speed of nearly 120kph
equaled that of the Jenner.

It's main armament is an ERPPC which gives it impressive striking power from a
distance. This is backed up by only a Medum Laser in the left Torso, with a
rear firing medium in the right torso.

Although a light weapon load for it's size it was felt adequate for it's job.
To improve survivabilty for long periods in the field the mech carries 9.5 tons
of armour.

The resulting design is faster than anything that can kill it and capable of
catching and killing almost any lighter mech, with the aid of it's Beagle
Active Probe.

This mech is intended to be deployed on it's own rather than in a lance as a
hunter/killer or long distance raider.

There are no variants

Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 91 points 3.00
Internal Locations: 1 HD, 1 LT, 1 RT, 5 LA, 6 RA
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 385 22.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 4 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL 2.00
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
Gyro: Standard 4.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 170 9.50
Armor Locations: 7 LT, 7 RT

Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 26
Center Torso (rear) 7
L/R Torso 13 19
L/R Torso (rear) 7
L/R Arm 9 17
L/R Leg 13 21

Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Beagle Active Probe CT 0 2 1.50
® Medium Laser RT 3 1 1.00
Medium Laser LT 3 1 1.00
ER PPC LA 15 3 7.00
Free Critical Slots: 2

BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 6 Points: 15
7/3j 2 2 1 0 2 0 Structure: 3
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, ENE, SRCH, ES, SOA

#132 zorak ramone


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 01:13 PM

Hope this isn't too late. This mech is a 75 ton heavy cavalry mech that uses TSM for speed and for physical attacks. Its based off of the cannon Hansen's Roughriders merc unit, and my own MW4 team which, like the cannon HRR, liked fighting up close and personal.

Roughrider HRR-1R

Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E
Production Year: 3058
Cost: 10,569,625 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,164

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 300 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.0 km/h (53.75 km/h)
Maximum Speed: 64.5 km/h (86.0 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor w/ CASE
1 LB 20-X AC
4 Medium Lasers
2 Small Lasers
1 C3 Computer (Slave)
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown






Technical Readout

#133 Jack Gallows


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:52 AM

View PostConnor Macleod, on 07 January 2012 - 01:00 PM, said:

Alright, the Assault entry winner has been chosen. Jack Gallows takes the competition with his Paladin! Alot of great entries have been entered, and I enjoyed reading about most of them. Special thanks to Biggs McIntosh for making my job easier. The Assault category has been chosen, so that category is at this time closed. I will be reviewing the Heavies next, then Mediums, and then Lights. If you have a last minute entry for said 'Mechs, I will be happy to consider them. Or if you just want to show off your designs just because, well, I'm not stopping you.


Yea, there's a LOT of amazing entries, kind of really excited mine got chosen, lol.

This thread has been great, so many people have really great ideas and I really enjoy reading about all the different mechs and fluff!

#134 Name145613


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 06:36 AM

Crusader 2
Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-F
Production Year: 3071
Cost: 16.766.860 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2.408
Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 325 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54,0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
1 LRM-20
2 ER Medium Lasers
1 ATM-6
1 Narc Launcher
2 SRM-2s
1 Active Probe
1 Angel ECM
1 Laser Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 104 points 3,50
Internal Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 325 12,00
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 5 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 2 LT, 2 RT 5,00
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 14(28) 4,00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT
Gyro: Standard 4,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 192 10,00
Armor Locations: 2 LT, 4 RT, 1 LA
CASE Locations: LT, RT, LA, RA 0,00
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 21 31
Center Torso (rear) 8
L/R Torso 15 22
L/R Torso (rear) 6
L/R Arm 10 20
L/R Leg 15 24
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Narc Launcher HD 0 1 2,00
Angel ECM RT 0 2 2,00
Active Probe LT 0 1 1,00
Laser Anti-Missile System LT 5 1 1,00
ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1,00
LRM-20 RA 6 4 5,00
ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1,00
ATM-6 LA 4 3 3,50
SRM-2 RL 2 1 0,50
SRM-2 LL 2 1 0,50
@Narc (Homing) (6) RT - 1 1,00
@SRM-2 (Inferno) (50) LT - 1 1,00
@LRM-20 (12) RA - 2 2,00
@ATM-6 (HE) (10) LA - 1 1,00
@ATM-6 (10) LA - 1 1,00
Free Critical Slots: 0
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 6 Points: 24
5j 3 3 1 0 3 0 Structure: 4
Special Abilities: SNARC, PRB, RCN, AECM, AMS, CASE, SRCH, ES, SOA, LRM 1/1/1, IF 1

#135 Kip Wilson


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 09:36 PM

Last minute entry for the light class.... a 3025 design!!! *shocker I know but I'm old school*

The pic is kinda cheezy but it took me 10 minutes to put together, so theres that lol.


#136 Valery Vixen


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 01:26 AM

I hope it is not too late to enter.

Mass: 35 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Production Year: 3051
Cost: 7,002,900 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,257
Chassis: Endo-Steel
Power Plant: 280 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h (172.8 km/h)
Jump Jets: Yes
Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
2 Medium Pulse Lasers
Engine: XL Fusion Engine: 280 (8.00 tons)
Walking MP: 8
Running MP: 12 (16)
Jumping MP: 7 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL (3.50 tons)
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink: 10 (0.00 tons)
Gyro: Standard (3.00 tons)
Cockpit: Standard (3.00 tons)
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA - R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 86 (4.50 tons)
Armor values
Head: 9
Center Torso 12
Center Torso (rear): 3
L/R Torso: 11
L/R Torso (rear): 3
L/R Arm: 7
L/R Leg: 10
MASC – CT (1.00 ton)
ER PPC – RA (6.00 tons)
2 Medium Pulse Lasers – LA (4.00 tons)

The Talon was designed to be a hunter/killer ‘mech.
It was designed to engage opponents of heavier weight categories by utilising its speed and manoeuvrability. It’s very fast speed, and extreme jumping range allows the Talon to engage or evade opponents as it sees fit. This ensures that the Talon always has the advantage when targeting the enemy.
The ©ER-PPC provides the bulk of the Talon’s firepower, allowing this light ‘mech to sheer away the armor of larger opponents, and even pierce rear armor in a single blast. This ambush weapon allows the Talon to strike and fade away before the opponent has time to react. The two ©Medium Pulse Lasers provide decent close range support fire while keeping the weight down. The heat generated by these energy weapons, and the jump jets is combated by the standard number of heat sinks, but they have been upgraded to double heat sinks. Without reliance on ammunition based weapons, the Talon can operate for far longer periods of time then most ‘mechs. Additionally, without ammunition, the Talon can ‘run hot’ if need be as there is no risk of an ammunition explosion.
Some have called the Talon a ‘dishonourable’ ‘mech however, a skilled pilot can engage multiple opponents of higher weight categories and come off with little to know damage by utilising hit and run strategies. If only a single talon ever fires on a single ‘mech, no honour has been lost.

This ‘mech was designed by the Clan Snow Raven, to integrate with its Feather Light scouting triad. A light ‘mech that can keep up with aerospace fighters and hover tanks allows the entire triad to outpace any opposition they encounter.

(I do not own this image, but I built this mech design to go with this image so many years ago that I can't remember)
Posted Image

#137 Valery Vixen


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 01:33 AM

How many people are using 'Solaris Skunk Werks' to make their mechs?
I know I'm guilty.

#138 Biggs McIntosh


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 08:17 PM

I've been using HeavyMetal Pro

#139 Jack Gallows


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 09:02 AM

Hrm, wonder if Connor is going to come back and look at any of the other levels of entries

#140 Blkcat


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 01:34 AM

View PostAlizabeth Aijou, on 11 December 2011 - 03:38 PM, said:

No cnstruction rules for those. ;)

As per the Aerotech boxed set, conversion equipment costs 10% of the total mechs weight.

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