Right now, the first person reticle is pinpoint, like a laser. Where you mouse over is where the shot goes, regardles of wether you are standing still or moving at 150kph+. But in third person, it's the opposite. The reticle moves. It bounces, sways, and flows with the mechs movement, and it changes in severity depending on range. Why isn't it the other way around?
When you are in First Person, it's like you're buckled into your car. Sure, you move with the car, but you also move independantly of it as well. That same logic applies to your mech. The reticle should be moving in First Person, showing the pilot that the mech is trying to compensate for it's current position, orientation, and speed to give you the best firing solution it can.
When you are in Third Person, you now have a smaller, secondary targeting computer feeding your primary computer extra firing solution data, thereby reducing all the afromentioned variables to almost nil. This in turn gives you rock solid targeting, regardless of the mech's behavior.
This would partially solve the pinpoint problem, but not all of it as everyone would simply switch to Third Person to get their accuracy back. To stop that, while in Third Person, you cut weapons range by 20%, make the camera hip level, and increase deployment and recovery time.
I just realized after posting this that I also just regulated Third Person to primarily scouting use as the afoormentioned drawbacks wouldn't really hurt most light mech builds, thereby promoting scouting. Yay.
Edited by Earthtalker, 25 October 2015 - 07:54 PM.