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Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Youtube Archive

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#41 Homeless Bill


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:05 PM

Since the game moved to 12v12, the strength of deathballing has been further exacerbated, resulting in static, predictable gameplay, the death of flanking, and a lower time-to-kill. Are there any plans to overhaul game modes or objectives to discourage deathballing or elevate objectives to more than a secondary concern?

#42 shameless


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:10 PM

What is the release schedule for the remainder of the Classic Series? Will there be clan versions (the various IIC mechs) and will they release one at a time, or as a single pack. I love the new designs, but this is getting quite expensive.

alternate question- What is the status of CW phase 3? Are there going to be more maps, more game modes for variety's sake.

Will we ever see capture the flag, or king of the mountain game modes?

#43 GreyNovember


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:10 PM

CW 4v4 please?
There has been very little word on this.

How would you make it so that the Jenner IIC doesnt immediately eclipse the Oxide? To recap, the IIC is the same weight as the oxide, but has 2 more hardpoints, can jump, has a clan xl, and lighter weapons. Would you buff the oxide or nerf the IIc preemptively?

Other than that, I second Mcgral's question on the balance approval process. Id like to know what the decision process is like.

#44 WarGruf


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:16 PM

Only one thing to ask... Can we PLEASE fix Srms!!!

I miss them so much........ :huh:



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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:19 PM

On a scale of 13 to 37, how cool is DAYLEET?

Edited by DAYLEET, 21 October 2015 - 05:20 PM.

#46 Kael Posavatz


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:21 PM

When will House Kurita and Clan Wolf receive ComStar Intercept events?

Is there any plan to continue doing these?

Edited by Kael 17, 21 October 2015 - 05:22 PM.

#47 Nightmare1


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:23 PM

Hello and thank you for the opportunity to post questions! Here are mine below:

1) Jump Jets: A rehaul of the JJ system is long overdue. With the current laser meta, poptarting is no longer as dangerous as it once was. Can we have the old thrust restored? Nerfs such as heat and screen shake can be retained, but please, please can we have thrust back? I think most players are tired of hover jets and would like to see the "Jump" put back into Jump Jets.

2) ETA on new modules? We could use some new consumables to spice things up a bit. Any word on whether we will get smoke, chaff, or flares?

3) ETA on new weapons? The ones we have are great, but we need less new Mech content and more new component content at this time.

4) Will there be a timeskip soon? This would allow for more Mechs and equipment to be introduced, as well as provide better balancing options for the IS and Clans.

5) Clan unlocks: It's about time Clan Mechs had their chassis fully unlocked. One of the big drawbacks to purchasing them is the fact that we pay for an entire Mech but only get to truly own half of it. Playing Legos in the Mechlab is one of the great features of the game; will we ever be able to change out engines, JJs, and heatsinks? I personally am not purchasing any more Clan Mechs until this happens and regret buying my Wave I Mechs.

6) ETA on an in-game, player-driven economy or black market?

7) ETA on planetary ownership bonuses and quirks?

8) ETA on uses for the Unit coffers?

9) Can we have an update on the Mentorship System that is supposedly in the works? There is a thread for this under Feature Suggestions, but it appears dead despite large amounts of player feedback. Such a system would go a long ways towards improving new player experiences.

10) When will collisions and knock-downs return? Collisions are sorely needed as the current "Rubber-band effect" is maddening, and knock-downs have always been a MechWarrior staple. Not having them is really sad and detracts from the game.

13) Will we ever see "Death from Above" and "Highlander Burial" get implemented?

14) Will we ever get our old heat vision (Predator Vision) back?

I think that sums mine up for now. Thanks again! :)

#48 Cion


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:41 PM

Any chance of having mech hangars instead of dropships for starting locations?

Any chance of having fluff flavored weapons with bonuses? (no game play bonuses, just fluff like loyalty points. TheArisen's idea, link here)

How did the sales of the Maurader go?

Did you fire / buy out Bryan E.? (or is he working on something else)

Edit: Added thread link from TheArisen

Edit 2: added question: When can we exit the game completely and not just go back to log in screen?

Edited by Cion, 22 October 2015 - 08:09 AM.

#49 OznerpaG


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:46 PM

why is PSR based on the hard match score when it should be how you do in comparison with the rest of your team, especially in the solo queue? If my team gets rolled by the other team in a match which doesn't allow me to get a decent match score but i lead my team in match score, why is my PSR still penalized for it?

#50 david21298


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:47 PM

Going off something Crankey Puppy posted, is there any plans for more diversity in the battlefield in relation to teams? For instance different sized teams (i like the 4v4 plan but that's just CW) and different amounts of teams. Multiple teams could bring that diversity that the community has been looking for and with all of the revamped maps I feel think the game could support this. Also a huge thank you goes out to everyone at PGI for bringing us this game.

#51 Deathlike


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:58 PM

What is CW Phase 3?

What is it's projected ETA?

#52 LordLosh


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:05 PM

same endless long drawn out questions over and over again. We need a better system then first come first serve. How about most likes or a vote system or scan through all post and pick 10 most repeated questions, something different. Anything! not even close to half of these questions posted here will even remotely get answered.
I have supported every package and I'm getting sick of not getting results we need to make this game thrive!
  • NO MORE MECHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *for awhile* I know you need revenue but good lord man we set for mechs for awhile. how about a map pack or clan wars pack. I will help revenue with those. NO more mechs!
  • Solaris 7? Give you a thousand dollars to help kick start it right now.
  • We need substance for Clan wars! I don't play because capturing a planet means nothing.
  • Decals
  • We need new game modes. Capture flag. hold point with a random moving point, secure kill, tons and tons of proven tested modes to choose from.
  • end match Point system needs work to say the least = $hit
  • We need new weapons, new modules, new equipment etc.
  • Pilot skill and mech skill tree rebuild or additions?
  • balance plans or ideas thinking about working on?

Edited by LordLosh, 21 October 2015 - 06:08 PM.

#53 Kaosity


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:15 PM

Great frustration after scoring high damage, high kills, and high match score for both teams in the public queue but in a losing cause and having my PSR drop, even though individually I out played 23 other players.

Are there any plans to modify how PSR is evaluated in the public queue so that it represents the player's skill rather than how lucky he was regarding the random selection of 11 other players?

Edited by ChaosCity, 21 October 2015 - 06:18 PM.

#54 Azeem447


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:15 PM

Some things I really would like to see is more Battletech in this game. I play the table top to this day and love ALL the game mechanics in it. Mechanics I wish were in this game.

Will we see any of these in the next year:2016?

1)4 Jump jets on a 70 ton mech= 120meters distance?

2) A re-work of the heat Mechanic that more closely follows Battletech.= 2 medium lasers take 6 heat and no heat penalty?
(right now, even if I only have 2 medium lasers on a Spyder and 10 double heat sinks, =14 heat dissipation, my mech will still over heat in no more than 3-4 continues shots. this is nothing like the normal heat mechanic and in many cases only leads to frustration for me and others.

3) Collision and Fall mechanics? A staple in the battletech univers that made gamers think twice before making a crazy move.

4) Destructible enviorment? I know we have tree's and lamp post's, but what about cars, boats, and even BUILDINGS? this mechanic has been in not only the table top game since the beginning, but also in EVERY SINGLE MECHWARRIOR GAME EVER! except this one, why? how? how does a 60 ton mech fireing a 220 mm Cannon not blow up a radio tower? it would also add in a huge tactical renewal to the game as now we would be able to destroy bridges to slow enemy movement, or destroy buildings so enemys couldn't use them as cover to cower behind.

5) weapon damage duration reduction? Im personly not a fan of this especially on energy weapons as it has lead to the now "laser vomit" problem we have. laser vomit is the only way now to get any dessent damage in one location because of how long it takes a simple medium laser to do even 1 damage to a left torso.

also side note: how does the laser vomit not automatically over heat any mech that uses this tactic? that's got to be an average of at least 30 heat or more per shot! two shots with that build and any normal battletech mech would literally BLOW UP! Again I thinks this also has to do with question #2 on heat scale mechanic. its seems weird that a mech with the same amount of heat sinks but more, and bigger, energy weapons can, (in some cases), fire just as many if not more times than my to ML spyder can.

these are some of the immedent questions that I have but another big one I have is: will we have get missions like: Escort, base defend, seek and destroy, or my personly favorite, Combined arms= tanks, v-tal's, and infantry to step on with my Orion?

#55 Xozia


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:18 PM

Have you considered using knockdowns/collisions to curb the light 'mech zerg-rush in CW? It would make it much more difficult as most of the lights are constantly running into each other at the moment.
Also, along the same lines, it was mentioned that there were more complex issues that pulled this from the game back in closed beta, have those been addressed or do they still have something to do with why this is not in the game?

From my perspective, the CW community plummeted shortly after the reset. Is there anything specific in the works for bringing the community back to CW (Aside from random new features) such as some value to taking planets?
Along this same line I had thought about (towards the beginning of CW beta 1) instead of having the three 8h time zones as three separate engagements, instead having planets split into zones that would be captured over the process of the different time zones. This, as I see it, would maintain the importance for all time zones to be involved but slow the capture of planets to something more manageable. Now my questions is, are you comfortable with the current turnover rate of planets? And if not, what do you guys have in mind/in the works to change it?
I actually miss CW beta 1 right now.

Is there any work looking into ways to make planets in CW have a slightly more realistic biome setting? Such as an ice planet with only Boreal Vault or a forest planet with Emerald Taiga and Boreal Vault in the poles or anything along those lines?

How's the AI coming along?

As mentioned in previous questions in this thread, I would like to know about progress on PVE and another PGI tournament.

#56 Anarcho


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:27 PM

When are we having a final release for CW? You know, a immersive CW with logistics, planetary defenses, AI, missions and stuff that will keep players playing it?

#57 AnimeFreak40K


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:29 PM

Question: When can we expect some new content? By new content, I am not talking about Events or Mechs. (I have more mechs than I can play or care to play as-is). I'm talking about maps. I'm talking about PvE elements...heck even melee combat! Something to bring new people in!

My thought-process for asking it (or, why am I bringing this up?):
As it stands, I don't play as much as I used to because it's just the same thing over and over again: Kill them all. I used to play CW far more than public, but even that is boring because there is nothing new and/or interesting going on there, mostly due to the low population (you need to do something about that! You want people to keep coming back to play your game instead of moving on to something else when they get bored!)

Question: When will PGI start reaching out to others for assistance on areas where they may be lacking?
My thought-process for asking it (or, why am I bringing this up?):
There are a number of games that kinda do what MWO does (FPS game, various modes, etc.), and folks have suggested that you bring in people who have the sole job of doing things that you are lacking on. Why don't you just take the steps necessary to make the best game possible? I mean, look at HareBrained Studios! They aren't afraid to reach out to experts in the field! WHy are you?

Question: When will you update the website in its entirety to reflect the current status of the game?
My thought-process for asking it (or, why am I bringing this up?): I have noticed some positive changes, and I think that these are great and move things forward, however, digging past the front page into some of the other content, I notice that there really isn't any. Why is this? I recently took a look at some other Free-to-Play games (such as SMITE), and these guys have a nice way of presenting their game in a manner that makes folks want to get in and play. Why don't you have something this? Also, where is your external advertising? Why don't I see web advertisements for MWO anywhere online? Do you have a marketing team? If not, why?!?

General aside:
To be clear, I love this game. I've dropped a stupid amount of money on the maximum packs for every single pack except Founders (because I got into the game after that boat sailed) and the Saber Reinforcement (I don't care for Mediums which is the only thing that was offered for that one...and I am admittedly regretting that choice.) I was actually tempted to get a Gold mech pack (or at least upgrade to one), but I just couldn't legitimize the costs/returns.

I bring this fact up because I am a firm believer in supporting the things that I like. And for a game like MWO, the best way that I can show my support is investing money into this game. It's the only real way I know of to show you guys that I love what you're doing and thanking you for your work and efforts. I want this game to succeed! I want this game to be the best iteration of MechWarrior on the planet and I would love it if this game were to be known as *THE* Gold Standard when it comes to playing a game using giant stompy robots.

However, the fact of the matter is that to me, this game is not exciting anymore. The Resistance II was very disappointing to me (3/4 mechs are all effectively identical), there is no real new content or any reason for me to peek my head in other than to see if there are any weekend events or to do make videos that pretty much consist of my thoughts of new releases. Look, I'm pretty stubborn and also a die-hard mecha-geek as a general thing and the way I see it, if I'm starting to get bored and wishing for something new and/or interesting, what hope do you have of keeping the attention of the Steam-Kiddies who have the attention span of a gnat?

Edited by AnimeFreak40K, 21 October 2015 - 06:39 PM.

#58 sycocys


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:41 PM

Laser minimum range slopes? Can we give it a shot? Nothing ghost or magical about it, just mechanical balance between the laser types.

Guy made some graphs.

#59 Kiiyor


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:44 PM


Is it possible to make stats like 'solo kill' and 'kill most damage dealt' available on the stats page?

Implied task:
Can you please make the stats like 'solo kill' and 'kill most damage dealt' available on the stats page?

#60 Azghuld


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:51 PM

could you please expound on the future of IS "Unseen" and Clan IIC mech releases. how many do you plan on doing, in what package types, Hero clan mechs (if any)???

and most importantly,

who's car do we have to fire bomb to get the Kodiak put in game?

Edited by Nathan Dune, 21 October 2015 - 06:53 PM.

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