SWAccelerated Gaming, on 23 October 2015 - 12:59 AM, said:
Assault game mode = pilot mech across map, stand on base and win/lose.
I un-checked this game mode until fixed, who else did the same?
assault mode= choices, people like choices-trip base, break up enemy team, kill them one by one as they come back to stop the cap or as they turn to return to stop the cap and get hit from behind by your front line, unless of course you like poking your head in front of a death-ball gunline. I find it is much more enjoyable to face them 1V1 than 1 V the entire enemy team.
I unselected skirmish and refuse to play it as it is nothing but 1 blob chasing another blob in a big circle jerk. it uses the least amount of the map area and is incredibly boring because there are no objectives. now if it was only 4 V 4 it would be interesting because scouts would have to find the enemy and the ability to focus fire down a single mech isn't there.