DAYLEET, on 25 October 2015 - 10:06 PM, said:
If you are losing side torso on a stalker you need to pay more face time because you dont torsotwist with a stalker, you have a hitbox that makes the st hard to hit and firepower to make others twist. Mine always were sucessful, esp in CW where my deck is Malinche+Misery. Those 2 will get 1500 2k damage and if both dies it;s pretty much over anyway.
Ofcourse this all depends on your play style and loadout. But if stalker dont have enough survivability for you i suggest... well play clan or at worse BNC-TDR.
Stalkers are my first assault mech, first to reach 1000+ damage, etc.
I own nearly all clan mechs, I got at least 3 mechs of each chassis I own but I do not own the Gargoyle yet. I also own the origins mechs.
I am not sure how you play the stalker. But I think it is public single cue you mostly play in- this is not an insault on your abilities but in a team situation I doubt an XL stalker survives a lot as most premades love flanking. My nova or hunchback takes the side torso of a stalker in seconds and most often if the stalker tries to dare turn to face me now my entire team faces it's other torso or back. And virtually all stalkers are XL-less. I should state that what makes a mech XL friendly is large CT and small ST's, the Stalker is nearly the complete opposite and that's why it is a popular standard engine meta mech as it can spread damage easily away from the ST.
On the topic of clan mechs: I own a lot of clan mechs and they do not feel that much different to most of my IS mechs in the whole standard engine/ xl engine debate and at times iwth some clan mechs with no endo/ ferro, to a degree the mech acts if it has an UP Standard engine more than an OP XL engine. What can also add to it is if it is the same weight as a superior engine so you do not get as much bang for your buck.
However there is all sorts of problems with clan XL's, ranging from the mechs that use them (Direwolf, Stormcrow, which profile can make it very hard to protect yourself or to manage where shots land, or in other cases a CT magnet or huge ST magnet that LRM's / srm's / Lbx will strip both ST's faster then it would kill a IS mech... yes, this kinda means clans are weak to missiles in some cases but not all but there is a different topic to touch on)
Omnimechs have so many built in balances... and to a degree so do the IIC's... each of them is much easier to hit or focus on parts than the IS counterpart, ie if you think 1 hunch is bad enough for the hunchback, now you got 2 making you more fragile but also tunnel visioned... Orion now double the width-ish... Jenner IIC being bigger, etc... However this isn't true for all Clan battlemechs, such as highlander IIC, Kodiak, Etc...
1 idea I suggest time and time again is increase or add penalties to the battlemech version, such as making their SRM's stream out and so on. in terms of XL engine double the current penalty for losing a Side torso or maybe x2.5 it. There is the option to switch engines and use standard engines on battlemechs so the problem is averted , these nerfs can be altered by quirks on some chassis that may need it despretly... for eg the Orion IIC, Highlander IIC, Supernova, Kodiak, etc.
Simular logic can apply to some clan omnimechs in terms of altering a nerf to benefit a mech, for eg allowing adders to get more than 10 damage ER PPC's but reduced splash or having a kitfox or summoner have no reduced damage at min range for LRM's...
Also control on XL penalties could be altered depending on the omnipods and chassis, such as the timberwolf A side torso (possibly after lossing some hurtufl penalties) making it lose more heat effeciency when you loose a ST- any ST. Just my 10 cents.