El Bandito, on 25 October 2015 - 09:08 PM, said:
And here we can observe a Clan tech superiority denialist, in his natural environment.
Compact and durable CXL engine, 2 slot DHS, 7 slot endo & ferro, free CASE that even protects the limbs, lighter and more compact equipments and weapons... only thing that is holding up the IS side is heavy quirks.
Haven't had time to check this topic lately, but would like to chime in on this one way back on page 1. I'm not a Clan elitist or any such ****, yes I play clans in CW but I also run my IS beauties in pub queue (currently XPing out the Jenner). I never said the clan tech was balanced vs the IS, all I said was that it wasn't as OP as everyone bitched out. The problem was always the outlying mechs that had ALL the advantages, meanwhile the other clan omnis were comparable in performance. Its why you always only saw a handful of, and the same, clan mechs used in meta every time.
1. CXL gets negatives when a torso is taken out and no clan mech can take a standard. Speed also can't be changed (but yes, heavies are already pretty damn quick) like the IS mechs and swapped to increase tonnage or use up left over.
2. 2 Slot DHS/Lighter+smaller equipment - Most Clan mechs have less overall tonnage and space than a comparable IS mech. The outliers being the obvious exception and part of the reason clan tech seems more overpowered than it is. (I'm not saying its not, just not quite as bad as whined about)
3. You also can't change the Endo/FF on any of the mechs. This is part of the reason Clan omnis within themselves are imbalanced. Things like the Crow, Timber, and others have all this and the room to spare, creating a massive power difference even between them and the rest of the clan lineup.
4. Free CASE - Most clan mechs don't have any leg/head spots to throw ammo into and keep it safe like you can on most IS mechs. But then again if I remember correctly its also technically built in as part of their tonnage so its technically not 'free', its just not a visible, modifiable factor. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not 100% on the Clan omni construction from TT or the values behind this game.
Pre-quirk, a test was done and yes the Clans were winning, by a few percent. There was less than a 10% difference in the wins between both sides if I remember right, so its a joke to say that the Clans were really that overpowered. Sure the tech may have been better but a clan mech isn't gonna win a game, the pilot does that.
That aside, the new PTS tests so far have been encouraging and look like balance may finally be headed in the right direction. People like to ***** and moan about what PGI does, but for the small team they are they've pumped out considerable content for a live game that they also have to QA constantly and bug fix. Things are not close to perfect, but from the absolutely ****** point they were at under IGP, progress HAS been made, and now they're going back and working on tweaking things to balance it.
Besides, with TT the tech was imbalanced for a damn good lore reason, silly IS and their technological losses and all. Plus it was balanced because Clanners as you said cost more and had to use smaller forces, and they fought under a code that IS did not. I'm one of those people that wouldn't have taken any of that 'captured clan mech with an IS pilot' ******** that people pulled constantly.