Posted 06 September 2018 - 04:59 AM
I don't have discord and cannot download it from where I'm from.
Posted 06 September 2018 - 11:04 PM
Posted 07 September 2018 - 02:08 PM
Posted 07 September 2018 - 02:17 PM
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses" of pug yarning for high match scores and c-bill payouts. We love playing this game and you can too!!!
Commander Ralphy, RSRV
Edited by Commander Ralphy, 07 September 2018 - 02:18 PM.
Posted 08 September 2018 - 02:37 PM
Geirail, on 07 September 2018 - 10:02 PM, said:
I am sympathetic to your plight. The stated goal of RSRV is to train new players, or like me to assist with the deep learning curve for returning players. Without a medium outside of MWO training is difficult if not fully possible. I do not speak for the leadership of RSRV because I am not one, however I do not see a way to help you without discord. Maybe an IT expert can brainstorm away to get you on discord in your country. I am not sure if there is legal ramifications for you or if it worth a risk to bypass a countries firewall, especially for a game.
If Discord is in deed impossible for you I do have a few suggestions.
1. Watch YouTube videos of game play.
2. Ask to join a Unit that is based in your country or speaks your native language. I would post a Looking for unit request in your native language forum.
3. Read the forum and the Guides available.
Good Luck!
Edited by Joe Kid, 08 September 2018 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 11 September 2018 - 04:46 AM
Posted 11 September 2018 - 02:18 PM
Click the plus sign on the bottom of your server list, then click join server, and then copy paste that link in and press enter.
Posted 17 September 2018 - 07:41 AM
We had a previous incident where, because someone paid for a teamspeak; they declared themselves a lord and required fealty from all who played on their servers; trying to make the reserves a loyalist training unit for that server ( and quite a few units left to play on their own or the Comstar public TS ).
This was against the whole point of a ' mech bay tour' - back then you needed 3 mechs to fully skill a chassis, and mech bays are the main 'pay wall' for new players - loyalty was harder to change... not putting new players in loyalist units was one of the founding reasons for a 'boot camp' unit.
The other was to "tour" teamspeaks (discords now ) to meet units. That hasn't changed.
On the other hand, the planet "Outreach" common-ground server is still a good idea, and I've asked our former XO to remain there and help them with training, in-house.
The remaining trainers and cadet mechwarriors are free to pursue either; and when this is worked out; the up-coming forum post for the new training unit associated with outreach will be referenced here; and those wishing to play with other units not associated with that discord server are welcome to remain in the original RSRV, who will continue operations after personnel are settled.
Thank you for support. "Hail from the ReSeRVes new player training unit!"
And, when people tell me my unit is their in-house anything, I laugh and cue up Die Antwood: Fok julle naaiers!!
Edited by Mercie, 17 September 2018 - 11:17 AM.
Posted 18 September 2018 - 10:47 AM
I'm not running the ReSeRVes again - I'm not of the mind to, or heart to; I only intervened to keep that(one up) from happening.
I would rather have dis-banded it entirely, than have someone take it and make it thus.
There was unfortunate confusion between the Planet "Outreach" discord being the Reserves discord (incorrect: it's for an alliance of units links to each's discords; RSRV has had it's own discord ), and that the RSRV's purpose was to train there, also incorrect, and amended above.
The distinction was important enough for me to post as the unit's founder, my retired character.
Most of the current "batch" of recruits will be staying where they were introduced, on planet Outreach discord; and the previous RSRV XO was encouraged to make a in-house training unit for that https://mwomercs.com...urning-players/ ;
Omwyfiz, on 11 September 2018 - 02:18 PM, said:
The unit was specifically not disbanded to facilitate Omwyfiz 's efforts and initiatives in this role, when he has decided how and when he wants to start in this capacity, he'll be posting the RSRV's discord for recruits that want to "tour" and play with a wider variety of units, presumably after some in-house training drills or what-not; but again, that's for Omwyfiz and his command staff to decide.
Hopefully, the mission remains as thus: https://vignette.wik...=20131003125515
Me? I'm back to Griffin Base, New Canton; and retirement.
Edited by Mercie, 23 September 2018 - 01:03 PM.
Posted 18 September 2018 - 06:54 PM
Victor Hawke, on 06 March 2018 - 04:08 AM, said:
If you ever fancy a scrim for training or other wise with LORE. Just hit me, MrAni or J U R A P H up on here or the FRR Hub mate.
Playing against LORE can be a "What the funk just happened" moment. They even easily carried me for several FW matches in a row.
Plus I had some of the best damage I've done in a while even though it was hard to get a kill because they are so good.
Due to their sheer aggressiveness, I had to stop my habit of throwing out an airstrike to attack a group of enemy mechs, they move so fast we were running into my strikes.
I semi begged them (I do not have the money to bribe them) to write an FW guide and a guide to Drop Calling.
MrAni has 3 books worth on info in his head. Over and over I'd find myself thinking "wow, I did not know that" or "hey, I remember being told that" and he would reinforce it.
Edited by LikeUntoBuddha, 18 September 2018 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 18 September 2018 - 06:58 PM
Koniving, on 15 May 2017 - 11:21 AM, said:
Come on man, not Friday night! And how about some morning times?
Mercie, on 18 September 2018 - 10:47 AM, said:
I'm not running the ReSeRVes again - I'm not of the mind to, or heart to; I only intervened to keep that(one up ) from happening.
I would rather have dis-banded it entirely.
There was unfortunate confusion between the Planet "Outreach" discord being the Reserves discord (incorrect: it's for an alliance of units links to each's discords; RSRV has had it's own discord ), and that the RSRV's purpose was to train there, also incorrect, and amended above.
The distinction was important enough for me to post as the unit's founder, my retired character.
Most of the current "batch" of recruits will be staying where they were introduced, on planet Outreach discord; and the previous RSRV XO was encouraged to make a in-house training unit for that; while
Takes over the original, touring thru teamspeaks/discords to get recruits placed RSRV unit as, for all intents and purposes, leader; he plans to re-institute scheduled training nights and, likely, scrimmages with counterpart training units we've met on the field.
The unit was specifically not disbanded to facilitate Omwyfiz 's efforts and initiatives in this role, when he has decided how and when he wants to start in this capacity, he'll be posting the RSRV's discord for recruits that want to "tour" and play with a wider variety of units, presumably after some in-house training drills or what-not; but again, that's for Omwyfiz and his command staff to decide.
Hopefully, the mission remains as thus: https://vignette.wik...=20131003125515
Me? I'm back to Griffin Base, New Canton; and retirement.
You are making my brain hurt.....
Posted 19 September 2018 - 10:47 AM
LikeUntoBuddha, on 18 September 2018 - 06:58 PM, said:
I work 12 hour shifts overnight, ending at 5, get home at 5:30 if I'm lucky....and if I'm really lucky my toddler doesn't wake up til 10. So not much in the way of mornings for me.
Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:14 PM
I am the current commander of the ReSeRVes and i would like to announce the ReSeRVes discord: https://discord.gg/Ww4NtGF
I plan on being available every Saturday, for most of the Saturday, for training purposes. A training day, if you will.
Those who are not officially in the ReSeRVes are welcome to come and partake!
If it happens to be Saturday, and nothing seems to be going on, check the announcements and see if we are training on a different voice server. (Or it might be too early and i'm still asleep, i'll make an announcement when i get on in the announcements channel)
It should also be known that i do not view the ReSeRVes as being mutually exclusive, if you want to be a cadet, but also want to be a part of another unit i do not have a problem with that.
And if you want to be a cadet, or want know more about anything, to feel free to message me, i'll try to log in on the forums often but discord is probably the fastest way to contact me.
Posted 26 September 2018 - 06:29 AM
As a btw; those "Thegns" are 'ringers' or corners from an old unit, whom not only had a hand in encouraging the formation of the training unit, but would go on to make a 'reserves' training sub-unit of their home unit. Currently extant under a slightly different name. Under any name, it's a valid idea/program.
Ps: at that time, ISENgrim wasn't necessarily.. an amazing unit, now they're in the semi-finals for the world championships; arguably the most-improved team in the game. Say what else you will, you have to respect
Omwyfiz, on 20 September 2018 - 11:14 PM, said:
I plan on being available every Saturday, for most of the Saturday, for training purposes. A training day, if you will.
Those who are not officially in the ReSeRVes are welcome to come and partake!
It should also be known that i do not view the ReSeRVes as being mutually exclusive, if you want to be a cadet, but also want to be a part of another unit i do not have a problem with that.
Well said, sir: I'd like to consider the OP our "charter", and by that token, you're consistent- it says play with the ReSeRVes if you're in a unit or not, to train, or train with. Well done.
If the RSRV morphs into "Omwyfiz's weekly church of skill", that is fine as well, 'paying it forward'
Edit: removing myself from that discord so that it is about
Omwyfiz said:
Edited by Mercie, 28 September 2018 - 06:26 AM.
Posted 29 September 2018 - 08:08 PM
Edited by draiocht, 29 September 2018 - 11:14 PM.
unconstructive, replies removed
Posted 03 October 2018 - 10:34 PM
we'll help you practice.
got bad mechs? bad loadouts? or none?
we can fix that, we'll work with you.
odds are, if you're reading this, you're interested in getting better, or " honoring the social contract of team" (paraphrasing here) another fella - whom you should respect right proper; said himself.
To me , it's the same difference.
Other people are in charge of training now; "I did my time"; i tried to pay it forward.
Call it cognitive dissonance, call it what you will, some people just keep repeating the same mistakes.
Like my healer in DDO online said: " I can't heal stupid"
and, aside from Dunning-Krueger ( sp?) effect;
a nicer way of saying this is; " you can lead a horse to water; you can't make it drink"
Some, on the other hand; want to learn, to adapt- video elsewhere on " learning from losing"...
In games, in real life, whether it's for own betterment, or not wanting to let others down, it's all the same...
Physical skills improve with time; personal resources improve as you play and " get loot" - what only YOU can help with, is if you want to listen to the hard-won wisdom of those who walked before you, or believe you are a special snow-flake that has re-invented the wheel.
The choice is yours.
If you're reading this; odds are, unless you're trolling ; you're here to listen, and thus learn;
from the mistakes of others.
we have provided the resources.
We have provided the people - those who have moved far enough up " Maslowe's Hierarchy of Needs" - that all they "need" is to Pay it Forward.
Great movie, btw. Off-subject? Perhaps not.
attend to the many posts in the new player/ guides/ etc... attend, now theat Heimdal doesn't do church of skill, to Omwyfiz's...
put aside your personal disputes; your petty bickerings- save that for the dojo / square/ ring, settle it like a man. Anything else is the petty barking of dogs on the wind. ( pro- tip: NEVER say anything to someone over the internet you wouldn't say face to face, and be willing to *die* for. be polite.. That's just good practice. Machiavelli would agree with me. )
It's a game, but .. games are how people "frame" real life... social contract; my friends.
Be good to each other, and " pay it forward"- when you get there. Let these be your watchwords.
If you're new, look for those willing to help, not those seeking to glorify their own " unit".
If you're not new, again, be " good guy greg"- pass on what you know, climb Maslowe's ladder, and pay it forward, as was shared with you.
Now; with me, share a laugh.
We all know, the truth is, you can - and should- "teamwork" - at any level of "casual" or " competitive" - to steal a succinct summary- that's just social contract.
You dont have to be a " try-hard " to have seen these mistakes... a million times.
But - choose: will you be the guy to mock? to say nothing and laugh later? or to try to help them see why it's " funny" to players who aren't new?
This last whiskey shot? In honor to you who choose option 3, the rescue-a- kitten; maslowe's ladder, pay it forward; option. To, all you " good guy gregs".
Edited by Mercie, 04 October 2018 - 07:51 PM.
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