Enough Whining
Posted 19 November 2015 - 07:49 AM
Yet, from closed beta up to now, PGI cater to those bringing in the fast money, the casuals.
Players that come, drop money, play a little and leave or maybe just play a little and leave...no hurt done.
Thats the theorie.
Guess what ?
Its wrong.
Why ?
Cause nobody gives a sh.. about Battletech and Mechwarrior.
Its an almost closed community.
There are no large revenues from casuals.
So why do they still cater to casuals who are not comming in masses ?
Because its easy, its already done and the diehard tryhards are still playing.
So they apply bandaide after bandaide and those woolgathering diehard tryhards dreaming of large organized mechbattles on large cool maps with real campaign goals are still waiting and dreaming and buying stuff.
So why am I here you ask ?
Oh I'm a casual....at least I became one.
I play from time to time, get slaughtered and once in a month I get a kill or two and be happy and am chuckling about those still dreaming they would ever get more than MW4 with modernized Graphics.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 07:54 AM
Michal R, on 19 November 2015 - 07:34 AM, said:
Men even when I play pug vs 12 premade I do 1500 DMG and some kills - ALWAYS And i'm a average player.
Why? Becouse I don't bring bad mechs.
Will look out for your name in CW and keep an eye on your performance and possibly learn from you.

Michal R, on 19 November 2015 - 07:34 AM, said:
So, your brain and your mechs make up for matchmaking? You alone take on 12-premade when assorted with 11 hopeless examples of solo PUGers? Hard to believe, if I'm honest.

Let's take the infamous soccer example: two teams play each other. Of course it helps to bring proper gear (i.e. shoes instead of flipflops) but there's a reason behind it why Real Madrid does not regularly play against your average neighborhood group of beerbellies.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 08:30 AM
What is very surprising to me is how balanced a pug Vs Pug match is in CW compared to a Pug Vs 12 man team. A mixed CW team match is balanced quite well also. I only have 1 mech purchased so far a Ebon Jaguar-A I find it is a good mech but it lacks Armor or it has many weak spots but from what I'm reading on the Forums many of MWO'S mechs have flaws.
MWO so far is fun and exciting to me maybe the shine has not wore off yet but please be more friendly in Matches to many players yell if your new or yell if a match goes badly and it ruins the emersion for me so please stop yelling at people in games those that are so unhappy with MWO and CW

P.S To those who beat me in Solo or CW (Good Game) I only hope everyone can get along play fair and have fun I know I do when players are not Complaining all the time Thanks

Posted 19 November 2015 - 12:01 PM
& yeah, when we get a group of 12 and more importantly communicate, we do pretty well.
This seems to me the opposite of a problem.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:31 PM
Commander A9, on 07 November 2015 - 10:38 PM, said:
If you want to win, learn how to play as a team. Drop with a unit, get Teamspeak, change up your loadout, focus fire, call targets, maneuver properly. Short of that, drop on a planet that doesn't have a 12-man team sitting on it.
Winning the match starts with what you choose to do for your team.
I win all the time and I abhor the idea of joining a team.
Also, There are way more PUG players than dedicated team players. Eventually, capitalism dictates, CW will be tailored more for us and less for you.

Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:24 PM
PFC Carsten, on 19 November 2015 - 01:34 AM, said:
So, it's poor attitude when you desire a fair match? FWIW, right now, there's absolutely no matchmaking. Consider having a soccer/football leagues without divisioning into classes, so that your friendly neighborhood team would face Real Madrid - and not for charity, but when they want to achieve something.
Because: „Solo players“ is not the correct assumption. Impromptu Teams would be correct.
Easy solution: Separate group and solo queue as in „quick play“-mode. Problem solved. Units have to wait hours for a game? Cry moar.
You missed the point of what I was saying. Poor attitude to get fair match? that is not what I said. Poor attitude to be anti teamwork/social...? Hell yes.
The deliberate anti teamwork/socials we have here are the problem, I like fair too-BUt the main cause of "not fair" in CW is the players themselves refusing to get involved with other players.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:17 PM
When no one listens to me, I go into solo mode and try to carry.
I am not sure where I am going with this. But I really like bacon.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:57 PM
We decided to stay at that planet and every match our tactics got better, winning us 7 matches in a row all very clearly.
Just talk to each other and the game gets even more fun

Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:05 PM
kamiko kross, on 19 November 2015 - 09:24 PM, said:
The deliberate anti teamwork/socials we have here are the problem, I like fair too-BUt the main cause of "not fair" in CW is the players themselves refusing to get involved with other players.
Sorry, but then I migh add solo players are not necessarily opposed to teamwork. But apparently not all unit-organized players can be bothered to work in teams with PUGs as well (which I know you didn't say, but I wanted to mention it). Just had this exact example yesterday. A 4-man group from a unit tried to orchestrate some kind of tactic for the rest of the team, two guys from another unit just ran off, doing their own thing (which resultet in them being quickly killed multiple times) - and one of them said, quote: Piss off, I'm pro, I know what I'm doing unquote when asked to come back and join the team. So, there's that.
Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:13 PM
It is used because it is an indestructible, 40+ alpha, super fast, ecm OP mech that would be used in 4 ACH dropdecks if not for weight limits. There are NO mechs that compete with it, because it is broken.
The Artic Cockroach is broken, you know it is broken. Use it if you like, but then DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT HONOR.
Edited by MechregSurn, 20 November 2015 - 12:15 PM.
Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:16 PM
DarthHias, on 19 November 2015 - 10:57 PM, said:
We decided to stay at that planet and every match our tactics got better, winning us 7 matches in a row all very clearly.
Just talk to each other and the game gets even more fun

Ok, go try that on the Inner Sphere side.
Posted 21 November 2015 - 03:39 AM
Commander A9, on 21 November 2015 - 12:14 AM, said:
MS and Rasalhague have a good system of how to fight effectively on the Inner Sphere side.
So does 228.
So does KCOM.
So does 313th.
Except for the weekend event KCOM, 228, and MS were all clan (and still are) We had a huge influx of new players on the FRR Hub and we didn't have the experienced commanders to lead them, or the experienced players to carry them. A lot of them got frustrated after getting rolled over and over by competitive 12 mans with highly refined drop decks and just never came back. We had a few MS guys on the hub, but in general they had pretty crappy attitudes towards the new people (Lots of whining about how not good the new people were at the game)
So I saw at least half of the new people that came in immediately get discouraged and quit because they didn't have the equipment or the experience to compete. Getting rolled made a lot of anger and misunderstanding on the FRR Hub that we was pretty tough to deal with as well. Watching people walking away from the game mode I want to play is bad for ALL of us.
The simple facts should be evident. You can't sit back and say CW should only be for god tier elite units fighting in 12 mans, because there's already less than ~200ish people playing at any given time. If you want to foster a COMMUNITY for community warfare there's a few things that you can do without waiting on PGI's glacial pace of development.
First you can't put all the blame on the people who did exactly what you recommended and got frustrated by it, they don't want to spend days/weeks/months getting rolled to 'learn2play'. Second you can also do something about it instead of pointing fingers.
I think one of the simplest solutions to this is to just balance which factions the more dominant units are in more consistently. Get everyone together and keep a healthy balance between IS and Clans. I don't have much knowledge of what's gone on before as I've only been back for 10 days, but right now it seems like that most of the experienced players/units are on the Clan side. We've been rolling tons of 12 mans out of the FRR hub and just keep getting slaughtered.
The other thing would be to get active players from your units out there to be ambassadors on other comm hubs. There's one great guy in MS doing this on FRR hub right now, but he's mainly just trying to keep new people from ragequitting so that MS can roll them some more (Kidding).
If the people at the top don't foster this community they're going to eventually strangle this game mode completely, and I personally enjoy the CW format a lot more than normal games. So instead of each side accusing each other of whining how about we come together to help new players and get a higher quantity of higher quality matches for everyone?
Posted 21 November 2015 - 04:18 AM
I had a certain MS pilot drop a pug with me recently. Nothing but cussing, whining and belittling everyone on the team as soon as things wernt going favorably.
Posted 21 November 2015 - 05:30 AM
W A R K H A N, on 21 November 2015 - 04:18 AM, said:
I had a certain MS pilot drop a pug with me recently. Nothing but cussing, whining and belittling everyone on the team as soon as things wernt going favorably.
Makes you wonder what part of "minimally viable product" people don't quite understand, doesn't it?
3+ years in, getting ready for a Steam release....and they're still only shooting for "minimally viable product."
Posted 23 November 2015 - 06:18 AM
Khereg, on 08 November 2015 - 11:14 PM, said:
In PGI's defense, they aren't in business to teach people how to be grownups.
No, but they are in business to make money and large, established, well oiled organizations are not who they make money off of, it's the new PUGS they will get once they are on Steam.
Posted 23 November 2015 - 07:30 AM
The argument for joining teams is arrogant, overbearing and willfully ignorant. It is the definition of insanity to assume people must join teams 'or else.'
There have been plenty of times people have posted valid reasons for not joining teams. Work schedule does not allow for it, too many real life responsibilities, etc. Yet all these get ignored by people who clearly have a lot of time and income on their hands and take video gaming way too seriously.
There is also the point of how many other online games out there do not have these demands on them in PvP. You can play solo PvP or join a group without joining a team and have a lot less friction than here, usually in the non-shooter games.
There is also the point of how certain Mechs and loadouts are considered superior therefore a must have, that is partly the fault of game design.
Using VOIP programs can tax some people's systems, not everyone has the disposable income to drop on 'needed gear' according to the standards of certain people.
It is real easy to sit behind the screen and fault others for things beyond their control. I do believe people have a certain amount of Individual Responsibility but not everything is their fault.
Posted 24 November 2015 - 01:51 AM
Wildstreak, on 23 November 2015 - 07:30 AM, said:
The argument for joining teams is arrogant, overbearing and willfully ignorant. It is the definition of insanity to assume people must join teams 'or else.'
Sorry but this is not overambitious in a community warfare mode. Dropping with a unit in TS is basically a totally different game experience, like it or not. If you prefer to go as lone starr, deal with the consequences. Or enjoy the pugging, which i chose for myself.
You seem a bit bitter over certain things. A headset costs around 15 bucks in my book and there are plenty of units, which are pretty easy going about participation and attendance.
Posted 24 November 2015 - 02:45 AM
Posted 24 November 2015 - 08:56 AM
Wildstreak, on 23 November 2015 - 07:30 AM, said:
The argument for joining teams is arrogant, overbearing and willfully ignorant. It is the definition of insanity to assume people must join teams 'or else.'
There have been plenty of times people have posted valid reasons for not joining teams. Work schedule does not allow for it, too many real life responsibilities, etc. Yet all these get ignored by people who clearly have a lot of time and income on their hands and take video gaming way too seriously.
There is also the point of how many other online games out there do not have these demands on them in PvP. You can play solo PvP or join a group without joining a team and have a lot less friction than here, usually in the non-shooter games.
There is also the point of how certain Mechs and loadouts are considered superior therefore a must have, that is partly the fault of game design.
Using VOIP programs can tax some people's systems, not everyone has the disposable income to drop on 'needed gear' according to the standards of certain people.
It is real easy to sit behind the screen and fault others for things beyond their control. I do believe people have a certain amount of Individual Responsibility but not everything is their fault.
Wildstreak ...
Its about Battletech. Its about Armys, groups, teamplay.
Oh writing in capitals is ridiculous and insulting because it is considdered screaming in netiquettes you say ?
Well I've found myself screeming because i felt ridiculed and insulted by your post.
CW: This game mode just is not for the casuals.
Casuals jammered and screemed an whined and got a seperate queue. Solo queue.
They still went on pub ts servers hooked up other casuals and get their faces melted in group queue by larger, trained and organized groups.
Why ?
Stay in your solo drops g..d...it.
PuGs jammered and whined and cryed when it was suggested that CW was only for Communitys.
Ok ok let them be... so get some puggys to fill up the groups .... whahahahahar
Nope they are still jammering and crying and begging, even if they still get the candy basicaly for nonparticipation, cause again they went against ORGANIZED TEAMS or COMMUNITYS in COMMUNITY WARFARE and effin EARNED to get FACEMELTED !
Well am I the only one that finds this unlogicaly ?
Edited by The Basilisk, 24 November 2015 - 09:01 AM.
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