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Kurita Waking Up?

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#61 MahKraah


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 01:04 PM

thx god the coordinator is not reading forums, if he´d see this inhouse hostilitys , developing since cw1, he´d invite the responsible pilots to his garden on luthien...........

the 36th finished kurita rank 6.
can everyone else report his units rank to allow me to compile a list of cw active kurita units?

and for those that havent seen it already(could not resist...):

#62 Musashi Alexander


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 02:03 PM

Awesome MahKraah

#63 DJFrost


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 02:17 PM

View PostCrockdaddy, on 08 December 2015 - 08:22 PM, said:

DJ ... hold onto the hate. Hope it keeps you warm at night. You guys were mad at us and sworn to undermine NS during that CW event. You LOST 8 members over it. Remember that? We were fighting for first place in the Inner Sphere and you purposely would ghost defend a planet we had tagged trying to get a defense just to remove a planet tic. WE have screen shots of your forum posts. You came at us with your secret knives. All we did was fight for long portions of time to keep Smoke Jag from taking Arkab from Kurita and you guys got salty. Then you doubled down when you worked hard on taking a planet the next day and the planet went to NS. Well sorry about that, I didn't even know you were on that planet as as PWN alluded too we had 2 to 3 12 man groups running with mixed units as well. You then called us MERC trash ... among other things and accused us of poaching your players while you worked to back cap your ally. Not defending but actively back capping us. We didn't poach your players. They wanted to leave. I informed your leader Shahadet MONTHS before that even happened. I warned him more than once that guys wanted a competitive group and were talking about joining us. If I was poaching I don't think I would have done that. You lost my confidence and permanent trust during that time. We never betrayed Arkab and we spent / offered help time and again to your unit. You spit on us and stabbed the knife as deeply as you could. Too bad for you we are better than that. Good luck to you and your unit.

Jumping into TS midmatch, interrupting our coms to poach our players to join your smaller cw group never happened? Your group talking about ghost dropping to take our tags while one of Arkabs members was sitting in your ts room listening to your oh so honorable tactics never happened? Our response was just that, a response. I had no issue with anyone from NS until that night. After that, your unit then decided to launch an all out troll fest on Arkab claiming you were saviours of the planet etc, and how we were so horrible for apparently not being there. NS can claim innocence all they like, but the truth is known, I was there and watched the whole thing go down before I ever said a word, and honestly, I got over it pretty quick, but, after the complete disrespect trolling our recruitment post on the steam thread, you lost all chance at respect from me and many others and really pissed me off.

Would love to see the NS response if one of Arkab had started that with your recruitment posts first......let alone what NS would say if one of Arkab had interrupted one of your matches to steal players.

#64 callmejon


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 04:07 PM

View PostMusashi Alexander, on 10 December 2015 - 02:03 PM, said:

Awesome MahKraah

yeah that was pretty awesome nice work.

#65 pwnface


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 06:18 PM

View PostDJFrost, on 10 December 2015 - 02:17 PM, said:

Your group talking about ghost dropping to take our tags while one of Arkabs members was sitting in your ts room listening to your oh so honorable tactics never happened?

This absolutely never happened. Nobody in NS has ever said "let's take Arkab from Arkab", we simply defended as many planets as we could as effectively as we could. The fact that you actually think this happened is ridiculous. The truth is Arkab was under attack and there were not enough Arkab pilots online to defend the planet. Are you really so petty that you'd rather another faction take the planet than have NS tags on it?

View PostDJFrost, on 10 December 2015 - 02:17 PM, said:

After that, your unit then decided to launch an all out troll fest on Arkab claiming you were saviours of the planet etc, and how we were so horrible for apparently not being there.

Anything we said or did after the event was in response to Arkab talking smack about NS stealing your planet when you guys weren't even available to defend. Not only that, you guys proceeded to ban people from your teamspeak on the grounds that they were "spying" for us. Arkab leadership was absolutely delusional about losing the tags on a planet when in fact Arkab had taken NS tags off of planets while we were competing for leaderboards. There was an inactive planet with only 1 attacker win with our tags on them which Arkab convenient ghost dropped a defense while claiming to "help". Despite your units attempts to sabotage us from the leaderboards, we managed to do just fine.

#66 Connor Sellock


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 08:04 PM

View PostMahKraah, on 10 December 2015 - 01:04 PM, said:

thx god the coordinator is not reading forums, if he´d see this inhouse hostilitys , developing since cw1, he´d invite the responsible pilots to his garden on luthien...........

the 36th finished kurita rank 6.
can everyone else report his units rank to allow me to compile a list of cw active kurita units?

and for those that havent seen it already(could not resist...):

Posted Image

...the Dragon made manifest...

..not read the forums?

(Whatever helps you sleep through the night.)

Edited by Connor Sellock, 10 December 2015 - 08:05 PM.

#67 Mistress Lilium Magnus


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 10:16 PM

Why do four-letter tags in fine print on the top of a planet suddenly matter? Since when does anything on the actual CW map matter? When it's convenient to start civil disputes over it? Knock it off, guys.

I love Arkab and I love Night's Scorn, in my top three for IS, but this is really silly. That is energy that needs to be directed at preventing yet another Clan takeover. You want to measure the girth of tags on virtual worlds? Go put them on theirs.

#68 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 10:17 PM

The fact that this is still an issue is ******* pathetic.

Get a life.

#69 Time Bandit


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 11:28 PM

All I gotta say....Holy Hell is someone trying to channel the old "i hate NS" Time Bandit? He's dead.

#70 Scoops Kerensky


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 11:29 PM

Really now, can't we all come together and agree that NKVA is the ******* of our house?

A bit late but NS is absolutely the backbone of Kurita. Back in phase 1 when people were still invested in CW nobody put more effort or hours in. The efforts of all our house units and merc support together not only held the line against all 4 clans at once and marik backbiters, but actually pushed them back and was steadily rolling over nearly half a year of clanner progress before the Tukayyid fight.

#71 Chef Kerensky


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 04:26 AM

View PostMahKraah, on 10 December 2015 - 01:04 PM, said:

thx god the coordinator is not reading forums, if he´d see this inhouse hostilitys , developing since cw1, he´d invite the responsible pilots to his garden on luthien...........


I can confirm Dear Coordinator's personal gardens are very nice. He's a very meticulous groundskeeper, as in all other things.

Dear Coordinator once explained to me that patience in all things is key, and that tending the sakura trees helps one develop a sense for this. Then he shot a man in the knee for stepping off the footpath. Ha ha ha.

#72 pwnface


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 04:40 AM

Is NKVA making a return to MWO?

#73 Murphy7


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 04:41 AM

That would be awesome if they were. Or just a return to the forums, I miss their band of merry pranksters.

#74 Lujke85


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 06:42 AM

My friends and I just spent a month under the Kurita banner, and we had some pretty good drops with great premades. Dropped last night with some NS folks and had a ball. Had fun fighting under the dragon, and once we're done with the rest of our IS tour we'll be back!

#75 Harvey Batchall Kerensky at Law


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 07:02 AM

lol arkab, jesus christ

If someone thinks that during the time when people actually played CW NS wasn't the backbone, well that tells you a little bit about the mental capacity of that unit

#76 MahKraah


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 12:27 PM

for those that did not understand the reference to the coordinators garden:
in medival japanese cultur a lord would "invite" subordinates that faild the cause to come to him and commit sepuku(ritual sucide)
following this invitation and commiting suicide was the ONLY possible way to restore personal integrity and saving your whole family from becomming parias. often it was done at special/ quiet/ sacred places, a zen garden for example would be well suited,
and would help with the mess

in modern words: you screwed up kill yourselfe, i allow you to use my garden...... NOW

Edited by MahKraah, 11 December 2015 - 12:28 PM.

#77 Harvey Batchall Kerensky at Law


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 01:35 PM

View PostMahKraah, on 11 December 2015 - 12:27 PM, said:

for those that did not understand the reference to the coordinators garden:
in medival japanese cultur a lord would "invite" subordinates that faild the cause to come to him and commit sepuku(ritual sucide)
following this invitation and commiting suicide was the ONLY possible way to restore personal integrity and saving your whole family from becomming parias. often it was done at special/ quiet/ sacred places, a zen garden for example would be well suited,
and would help with the mess

in modern words: you screwed up kill yourselfe, i allow you to use my garden...... NOW


#78 Chef Kerensky


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 03:59 PM

View PostMahKraah, on 11 December 2015 - 12:27 PM, said:

for those that did not understand the reference to the coordinators garden:
in medival japanese cultur a lord would "invite" subordinates that faild the cause to come to him and commit sepuku(ritual sucide)
following this invitation and commiting suicide was the ONLY possible way to restore personal integrity and saving your whole family from becomming parias. often it was done at special/ quiet/ sacred places, a zen garden for example would be well suited,
and would help with the mess

in modern words: you screwed up kill yourselfe, i allow you to use my garden...... NOW

Uh thank you MahKraah but I was not present at the garden for my own sudoku, I was the second. And Scoops was the third. And Tasker the fourth. And so on and so forth. Smaller pieces make for easier removal from garden, ha ha ha.

#79 Espertine


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 04:28 PM

View PostChameleon257, on 10 December 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

I actually have no animosity anymore to NS I can't help those in NS that hold it against us anymore. We do our thing they do theirs we just don't get in each other's way. During the event we had 12s running and extras even played with NS with no problems people need to just play the game the way they want to play the game and go on a low sodium diet.

Your my boy blue! and as always NS WP, nothing but respect for ya

Did anyone else notice that Conner just liked this?.............

#80 Crockdaddy


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 10:08 PM

No one hates 6RNT anymore ... maybe Time Bandit a little bit still but otherwise CW beta 2 sucked out the hatred and much of the bitter happiness too. I almost can't muster any hate towards the Kuritan Uragirimono either.

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