Render, on 11 November 2015 - 12:13 PM, said:
I congratulate you them Madcap72 on you maturity and your ability to separate your previous experiences with MW games and this one.
obviously I’m not as good at it.
I do enjoy the game though, I’ve spent more money on it than I care to admit.
It’s a nagging thought of its potential I have that I am talking of here and how people who have never played a MW game before would not understand me.
See, that's my thing, I'm GREEDY for Mechwarrior. It's my jam.
But take stock of what it is and the game blurs a lot of lines.
It's a vehicle simulator played from a first person perspective in humanoid piloted robots shooting each other.
People don't like to admit it, but it's more of a FPS, then most vehicle simulators. Playing online back in the day one of the only things that set it apart from Quake was better graphics, and that you had to torso twist to circle strafe, while you had to side step in quake to circle strafe. Other than little stuff like that you could have traded skins and never telled the games apart.
As to potential, the strength of MW games for potential was what they did to fit the games into the BT universe via lore in the single player modes. But NONE of that ever was included in the online gameplay. At least MWO while weak, tries to throw in some fluff here and there. Is it great? No. Is it more than the online MW components got? Yes.
The thing that profoundly annoys me, is that we had NOTHING in the way of a legit MW game forever (MWLL doesn't count, it was a hacked together total mod) and MWO comes along and all you ever hear is negativity to the point people actively wish the game goes **** up.
If that happens, I lose my ability to smash face and rake in c-bills online. I don't want that to happen.
Fortunately, since the forum here isn't actually representative of the whole playerbase, I don't see that happening anytime soon.