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A House Divided Shall Fall

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#61 FupDup


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:02 PM

View PostKhobai, on 11 November 2015 - 08:59 PM, said:

clans have their own versions of both those things. theyre not IS-exclusive tech.


It says outright that the items are Inner Sphere.

Record sheet also has (IS) designation for those items: http://bte.battletec...te/pdf/6255.pdf

#62 -Vompo-


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:10 PM

There is also a tiny group c which understands that there has to be compromise to make the game work.

I know... I know... I said tiny...

#63 Zordicron


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:18 PM

OP has sorta got an idea about seperate views on what people want, but it is worded bad and doesn;t capture the essence of what people rage about on "both" sides.

About lore:
Thats what mechwarrior is. If we ignore it all, then might as well rename the game. It's what brough tpeople here, it's what keeps some here. The tabletop rules have some issues. They can be addressed. PGI has addressed them, BADLY, and in some cases have ignored the issues. This leaves lore hounds rageing, and even non-lore people are left wanting something but then both sides can;t agree for obvious reasons. Usally, both sides have some bit of good idea but largely are misguided due to bias or misunderstanding.

About twitch:
look, MWO is a FPS. but it's supposed to be mechwarrior. Twitch plus MW don;t go together. PGI has pushed them together. SO here we are again, with players raging. here is where the "two" sides end up arguing about how to fix it, etc. here's the thing:

lore guys, tabletop has some big issues. Yo can;t just look at 10 second rules and transpose them. you can;t just take the timeline to 3075 and say "mix tech for all then!". Some one will get ticked off about not having a 3025 game mode then, or whatever. BUT: you are also right, the game has gotten too fast, to much firepower, to much ganks and gank squads.

Twitch FPS guys, mechwarior is not a twitch game. it never was. it has more in common with sim games then about any other "shooter" I can think of going back to commodore 64 PC's without actually being called a sim. You can;t ignore the lore guys, there's 3 decades of history that created the entire premise of the game. That means there's 3 decades of mechwarriors out there that want MWO to be mechwarrior!

And above all else, to anyone:
MWO will NEVER be successful if it tries to blend in with other games, if it tries to copy some other games success, if it ends up too far away from sim and too close to boom, headshot. YOU DON;T MAKE A NICHE FOR A GAME BY COPYING EXISTING GAMES. YOU DON;T CREATE A GROWING POPULATION AND A LONG LASTING PRFITABLE PRODUCT BY RECREATING SOME ONE ELSE'S. This is a lesson MMO dev teams learned over the course of ten years as publishers pushed them to copy WoW over and over. And all those copycats spent big money, launched to a dissapointing start, and fizzled. WHY WOULD ANYONE LEAVE AN EXISTING FPS GAME TO COME TO THIS ONE IF IT THE SAME AS THE ONE THEY ARE ALREADY INVESTED IN? They won;t, and if they do, they won;t stay.

MWO MUST become a battletech game, must become unique, and get back true to it's roots as mechwarior will do that. Only then will you see people coming here, because nobody else has what MWO would have, and staying here because there isn;t anywhere else to get it.

This is what lore guys rage about, the foundation for that unique game IS ALREADY THERE FOR 30 YEARS. PGI has just botched it by basically moving in the wrong direction as they made changes to the tabletop rules(changes that were required mind you) and pushed the battletech basic structure away from the goal, and into the realm of something that OTHER GAMES DO BETTER. thats why we have struggled for years now. We are trying to copy World of tanks, world of warplanes, world of warships, various twitch FPS games, and of course much of it derived from some dream of being an esport and consulting with a very select, very vocal minority of the playerbase.

The answers are there, right there, in the source material. Heatscale(I push on this a lot lately) is allowing mega alphas with little penalty. Because the firepower is so massive, players have responded with more and more speed, because you can;t get caught in the open in a slow mech or you get pasted. Biigger engines mean mechs move/twist/turn faster and faster, because engine size is coupled to those traits.

I don;t want to limit peoples ability to customize mechs. i don;t even want to force them into reduction of firepower. I want to reduce alphastrike power. More trigger pulls for the same firepower. It spreads dmg out, it makes TTK go up, without slowing the pace of battle down(more trigger pulls more often). When TTK goes up, moving fast like a ninja becomes less important because youy can take a few shots, and besides, you might actually want to run a heavy weapon with better range or less heat because DPS gains some favor when you can;t just alphastrike everything all the time. Bigger guns means less tonnage available and a choice between DHS, engine size, and guns actually shows up.

The easiest to use weapons in the game are also the most effective, the lightest, and have the least downsides right now. Thats wrong. There have been lots of suggestions on how to fix it. But it isn;t even the weapons, its the more basic rules the weapons haveto follow. heatscale, hardpoints, convergence. PGI says convergence is out the window. You can;t mess with hardpoints without essentially swiinging a nerfhammer or breaking the source material more then they have. that leaves heatscale, which just happens to be switching some numbers in a spread sheet and putting it on PTS to tweak. It fits lore, it brings MWO back to the sim area and away from cray cray twitch esports, it leaves all the flexability in loadouts etc alone, leaves firepower alone, and reduces alphas and increaees TTK. All that, while putting more trigger pulls more often into the game, and raising the skill ceiling for those that can aim well enough to land more shots on one mech section.

This got really long. Lore guys: you need to loosen the grip on the 10 second turn sourcebooks. FPS guys: MWO will fade into the background if you try to keep pushing it into a game that other games already have and do better. MWO needs to be Battletech, needs to move away from boom headshot and back to more DPS, needs to move away from twitch and more to sim, needs to slow down. It needs to be Mechwarrior, and create a unique position for itself to draw people to and grow and thrive.

#64 Saint Scarlett Johan


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:27 PM

View PostRender, on 11 November 2015 - 11:50 AM, said:

Madcap72 is a classic type B.
He plays many games of which this is just another.
He oversimplifies because he does not care and he can not imagine the way I think because he has not played the other games.

who was here first?
This game was started by MW fans and founders.


Your OP contained absolutes, does that not make over simplified?

#65 Khobai


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:31 PM


It says outright that the items are Inner Sphere.

um look at the production date. its a 3137 mech. thats like 90 years in the future.

lmao. its 3050 now. not 3137. so no IS mechs arnt using clan tech and vice versa for a VERY long time.

you cant take mechs from 90 years in the future and then try to apply that to balancing MWO. thats silly.

Edited by Khobai, 11 November 2015 - 09:35 PM.

#66 Death Proof


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:32 PM

I'm an old school fan of the franchise.

I've played every incarnation it has to offer since the early 80s, from the tabletop game, board games, video and computer games, etc.

I just like the franchise and will play whatever Battletech/Mechwarrior game there is as long as it's fun.

So far...in the several years I've been playing this game, I'm still having just as much fun as when I first started playing. I don't really care if they turn it into a twitch shooter or a hardcore sim, or an RTS...or whatever...I'm having fun playing it.

I think people that complain incessantly about this game clearly need to readjust their expectations and develop some sense of propriety — or at least have some sort of dignity. You're just embarrassing yourself and allowing some of the more acerbic people on this forum to make fun of you.

In other words, despite what you might think, nobody cares about your departure from the game. Go....be free...play a game that doesn't hurt your asss so much.

You deserve it.


#67 FinnMcKool


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:46 PM

View PostMadcap72, on 11 November 2015 - 12:06 PM, said:

The other common breakdown it seems are people that think only THEY are true believers in MW/ BT and NO ONE ELSE can possibly know as much as they do, or like the game as much as they do and anyone that disagrees with them is WRONG, and clearly not on their level.


you may be right ,,,but tyake a look at your self and what you already posted.

#68 Moldur


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:48 PM

Thanks for speaking for me. Didn't know I wasn't allowed to just voice my opinion in this trainwreck of a forum like everyone else.

#69 ChewBaka


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:51 PM

Lore is important, as is a degree of clan superiority. Without it, this would become a generic robo shooter like Hawken.

Its supposed to be a Battletech game. Let's keep it that way, or I'm likely to leave myself.

#70 FupDup


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 10:27 PM

View PostKhobai, on 11 November 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:

um look at the production date. its a 3137 mech. thats like 90 years in the future.

lmao. its 3050 now. not 3137. so no IS mechs arnt using clan tech and vice versa for a VERY long time.

you cant take mechs from 90 years in the future and then try to apply that to balancing MWO. thats silly.

I didn't say it was balanced, I just said it was possible under the BT rules.

#71 Madcap72


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 10:45 PM

View PostFinnMcKool, on 11 November 2015 - 09:46 PM, said:

you may be right ,,,but tyake a look at your self and what you already posted.

I'm proof I'm right, right? ;)

#72 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 02:49 AM

View PostDAYLEET, on 11 November 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

I don't even begin to understand why we buy mech without being able to read the history of those mech. I have the same problem with Elite Dangerous, you buy a ship and all you see is the stats. Read the manual of the very first ED and they describe the ships interior and i swear you want to live in and own that ship, there is little ownership or immersion in ED just like MWO and it would be so easy and basic to implement.

I remember the old Elite manual from my Atari ST days. I always wanted to see the interiors of those ships, like the Moray Starboat or the Fer-de-lance.

#73 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 02:59 AM

View Postcdlord, on 11 November 2015 - 12:38 PM, said:

Posted Image

"A BattleTech Game." This invalidates Type B. Type B's game is Hawken or any number of FPS PC or Console games.

exatly this is the point, why OP is totaly off.

#74 -Vompo-


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 03:38 AM

To you Battletech fans which is more important lore or tabletop? I'm sure there are plenty of things in lore that are missing from the tabletop game.
I don't know anything about either. I'm a (or used to be) Warhammer 40k player but I don't want 40k games to take anything from the tabletop. Instead I want them to follow the lore.

#75 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 05:56 AM

View PostMetus regem, on 11 November 2015 - 02:58 PM, said:

Sure, it does twice the damage if an AC/5 for 50% more weight, and only 3 hexs less range, with no minimum range. A fantastic all-round weapon, if you ask me, but MWO doesn't do it any justice, as the AC/5 is better here, due to range advantage.

I don't get the hatred of the AC10.... I have several mechs outfitted with it and they perform very well. My Gray Death is one of my top performers with an AC10.

#76 FrontGuard


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 06:34 AM

View PostEldagore, on 11 November 2015 - 09:18 PM, said:

OP has sorta got an idea about seperate views on what people want, but it is worded bad and doesn;t capture the essence of what people rage about on "both" sides.

About lore:
Thats what mechwarrior is. If we ignore it all, then might as well rename the game. It's what brough tpeople here, it's what keeps some here. The tabletop rules have some issues. They can be addressed. PGI has addressed them, BADLY, and in some cases have ignored the issues. This leaves lore hounds rageing, and even non-lore people are left wanting something but then both sides can;t agree for obvious reasons. Usally, both sides have some bit of good idea but largely are misguided due to bias or misunderstanding.

About twitch:
look, MWO is a FPS. but it's supposed to be mechwarrior. Twitch plus MW don;t go together. PGI has pushed them together. SO here we are again, with players raging. here is where the "two" sides end up arguing about how to fix it, etc. here's the thing:

lore guys, tabletop has some big issues. Yo can;t just look at 10 second rules and transpose them. you can;t just take the timeline to 3075 and say "mix tech for all then!". Some one will get ticked off about not having a 3025 game mode then, or whatever. BUT: you are also right, the game has gotten too fast, to much firepower, to much ganks and gank squads.

Twitch FPS guys, mechwarior is not a twitch game. it never was. it has more in common with sim games then about any other "shooter" I can think of going back to commodore 64 PC's without actually being called a sim. You can;t ignore the lore guys, there's 3 decades of history that created the entire premise of the game. That means there's 3 decades of mechwarriors out there that want MWO to be mechwarrior!

And above all else, to anyone:
MWO will NEVER be successful if it tries to blend in with other games, if it tries to copy some other games success, if it ends up too far away from sim and too close to boom, headshot. YOU DON;T MAKE A NICHE FOR A GAME BY COPYING EXISTING GAMES. YOU DON;T CREATE A GROWING POPULATION AND A LONG LASTING PRFITABLE PRODUCT BY RECREATING SOME ONE ELSE'S. This is a lesson MMO dev teams learned over the course of ten years as publishers pushed them to copy WoW over and over. And all those copycats spent big money, launched to a dissapointing start, and fizzled. WHY WOULD ANYONE LEAVE AN EXISTING FPS GAME TO COME TO THIS ONE IF IT THE SAME AS THE ONE THEY ARE ALREADY INVESTED IN? They won;t, and if they do, they won;t stay.

MWO MUST become a battletech game, must become unique, and get back true to it's roots as mechwarior will do that. Only then will you see people coming here, because nobody else has what MWO would have, and staying here because there isn;t anywhere else to get it.

This is what lore guys rage about, the foundation for that unique game IS ALREADY THERE FOR 30 YEARS. PGI has just botched it by basically moving in the wrong direction as they made changes to the tabletop rules(changes that were required mind you) and pushed the battletech basic structure away from the goal, and into the realm of something that OTHER GAMES DO BETTER. thats why we have struggled for years now. We are trying to copy World of tanks, world of warplanes, world of warships, various twitch FPS games, and of course much of it derived from some dream of being an esport and consulting with a very select, very vocal minority of the playerbase.

The answers are there, right there, in the source material. Heatscale(I push on this a lot lately) is allowing mega alphas with little penalty. Because the firepower is so massive, players have responded with more and more speed, because you can;t get caught in the open in a slow mech or you get pasted. Biigger engines mean mechs move/twist/turn faster and faster, because engine size is coupled to those traits.

I don;t want to limit peoples ability to customize mechs. i don;t even want to force them into reduction of firepower. I want to reduce alphastrike power. More trigger pulls for the same firepower. It spreads dmg out, it makes TTK go up, without slowing the pace of battle down(more trigger pulls more often). When TTK goes up, moving fast like a ninja becomes less important because youy can take a few shots, and besides, you might actually want to run a heavy weapon with better range or less heat because DPS gains some favor when you can;t just alphastrike everything all the time. Bigger guns means less tonnage available and a choice between DHS, engine size, and guns actually shows up.

The easiest to use weapons in the game are also the most effective, the lightest, and have the least downsides right now. Thats wrong. There have been lots of suggestions on how to fix it. But it isn;t even the weapons, its the more basic rules the weapons haveto follow. heatscale, hardpoints, convergence. PGI says convergence is out the window. You can;t mess with hardpoints without essentially swiinging a nerfhammer or breaking the source material more then they have. that leaves heatscale, which just happens to be switching some numbers in a spread sheet and putting it on PTS to tweak. It fits lore, it brings MWO back to the sim area and away from cray cray twitch esports, it leaves all the flexability in loadouts etc alone, leaves firepower alone, and reduces alphas and increaees TTK. All that, while putting more trigger pulls more often into the game, and raising the skill ceiling for those that can aim well enough to land more shots on one mech section.

This got really long. Lore guys: you need to loosen the grip on the 10 second turn sourcebooks. FPS guys: MWO will fade into the background if you try to keep pushing it into a game that other games already have and do better. MWO needs to be Battletech, needs to move away from boom headshot and back to more DPS, needs to move away from twitch and more to sim, needs to slow down. It needs to be Mechwarrior, and create a unique position for itself to draw people to and grow and thrive.

I think this is the long version of what the OP had in mind.

Edited by FrontGuard, 12 November 2015 - 06:35 AM.

#77 Metus regem


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 06:53 AM

View Postcdlord, on 12 November 2015 - 05:56 AM, said:

I don't get the hatred of the AC10.... I have several mechs outfitted with it and they perform very well. My Gray Death is one of my top performers with an AC10.

With the exclusion of my CN9-LYW, all other Centurions are out fitted with AC/10's if they can mount them.... Hell several Clan mechs in my stable make use of the UAC-10.... I like them, good bang for the buck, but a little slow on the reload.

#78 Mawai


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 07:25 AM

Honestly, if both A and B types exist, I suspect that they can both agree that TTK is too quick at the moment for the type of game this is.

Leaving all battletech lore aside, MechWarrior is a game where large mechanized humanoid shaped war machines engage each other in battle. These machines are not weak. A single strike from an opponent does not destroy them (most of the time), a single strike may not even significantly weaken them. These are fundamental characteristics of the kind of game this is ... and has nothing to do with being type A or B. Take these things away and it isn't a MechWarrior game.

It isn't a classic first person shooter where a sniper can kill at range with one shot on a regular basis ... or a tank game where a single round that hits has a good chance of blowing up the target. It just isn't, and never has been that type of game.

Each mech has a selection of weapons that may be customized .. these can be effective in different ways and balance their space, weight, ammunition and heat requirements against the damage they can inflict. There are different classes of weapons that have different base characteristics .. ballistics, energy, missiles.

These are all aspects of what makes this a MechWarrior game ... irrespective of any lore you may want to invoke. In general, MWO meets these criteria and as a result, I enjoy playing it.

However, personally, I don't require stock builds or battletech lore to have fun with a mechwarrior computer game ... it just needs the basic characteristics described above ... and then some polish to make the game reasonably balanced while retaining the character of different mechs and their capabilities.

So .. I am neither A nor B despite being with the franchise since close to the beginning ... I played Battletech in the 80's and off and on ever since and I started with the video games around Mechwarrior 2 since I am not sure I had a machine that would play the original Mechwarrior.

#79 Lootee


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 07:26 AM

View PostDarian DelFord, on 11 November 2015 - 11:58 AM, said:

Hence my Tag and rhetorical question :>

Hell I rememebr leaving Crescent Hawk's Inception on all night just to run up my C-Bills in the Comstar.

My favorite thing was stealing the Chameleon from the first fight by running out of the map. Did you ever manage to salvage one of those attacking Jenners ?

BTech lovers have no place here. HBS is the new hope.

#80 Kira Onime


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 08:03 AM

Here's what I'm gona do. I'm gona take this.

View PostRender, on 11 November 2015 - 01:39 PM, said:

All I said was there are generally two types of people who play this game and that is correct

And I'm gona throw your own quote back at you.

View PostRender, on 11 November 2015 - 01:39 PM, said:

You Do not speak for me, You do not know me.

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