Mechwarrior Online Steam Launch Party!
Posted 13 November 2015 - 02:20 PM
There always will be unfulfilled people in life who think that winning in game is only fun to be had and it somehow makes them superior to anything. Lack of sportsmanship is big problem in any game today.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 02:27 PM
Ed Steele, on 13 November 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:
Yeah, good job referencing a pitiful attempt to derail one woman's life.

This has nothing to do with gamer journalism corruption or sexism in video games. But yeah, it does have to do with a bunch of angry man-child mechwarriors who throw a fit whenever they don't get their way.
Nobody cares. PGI doesn't care, they're just trying to develop a game their passionate about. I don't care, I'm just trying to enjoy a game that I like as it is. There are plenty of people who are content with the current game. What sucks is the toxic community that always figures out a way to criticize PGI or belittle newcomers to the action. I bet if all of their ilk disappeared, this game would have a STELLAR release on Steam.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 02:43 PM
Posted 13 November 2015 - 02:53 PM
Also make sure that new players are absolutely aware that CW is a Beta.
All in all I wouldn't go to Steam before the current PTS changes had at least 4-6 weeks in the Live Environment AND I would prepare a beefy CW update about 1-2 months after the Steam Launch.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 03:10 PM
False info /Outdated info and hatemongers: These are one is the biggest issues I can imagine, and I've been through enough to know it exist. Many of the older players that left due to discrepencies that occured in the past (3PV and Cool run inclusion was by far the ugliest forum war I've seen) will have refused to acknowledge the game anymore and will spread misinformation about, with the most common being that this game has a Pay to Win system. Moreso, many steam users may rely on a reviewer's perspective and will come across AngryJoe's video (not vs the world, the controversies video, even though it's mostly true).
The general bad image of F2P games: another issue that we have now, and with mixed sides. on the one hand, many F2P games are obvious money grabs with P2W models in place like gold ammo and such. However, there are also some F2P games that do it right (Dota 2, TF2 to name a few) and don't force pay ups that are required. Of course, most gamers are leaning towards the idea that all F2P games are more like the former and will misinterpret the game's microtransaction economy (like how Angry Joe went into a F2P game expecting to get "I win" items when he payed for them BEFORE PLAYING THE GAME, forgot the game's name though).
Likewise, a good chunk of this game does feel incomplete for many (paultry CW, 1.5 game modes and so forth), and many here have stated that already. just imagine what them kids at steam will say when they find that out.
Where Mechwarrior Online falls in the F2P spectrum is debateable (though I've yet to see any P2W systems yet) but I can already imagine the many forum posts that will come when this game launches onto steam, most of which will make me cringe.
Just on old man's 2 cents here-----
Edited by Magic Murder Bag, 13 November 2015 - 03:13 PM.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 03:15 PM
Posted 13 November 2015 - 03:18 PM
The game is not ready yet. Among the myriad problems, please fix Medium lasers. Hit registry is awful to non-existent.
Still waiting for that reduction on ECM too.
I hope you are actively looking at NBT-MWO.
You really need to incorporate resource allocation (TO&E) to Community Warfare; make all lights/mediums Trial while in CW. This will, hopefully, bolster CW/ spark interest, most mechs were medium/light class weight throughout the Inner Sphere at this time; group new pilots looking for units into Inner Sphere generic units (Confederation Reserve Cavalry, Sword of Light, Crucis Lancers, Kavalleri, Marik Militia, Lyran Guard, Donegal Guard) to earn their first decals for mechs, and possibly earn cockpit items relating to the "generic" units.
When are we going to see specific factories producing specific lasers, autocannons, etc...??
Hellion lasers more damage
Martell lasers +5% range (example)
Diverse Optics +5% pinpoint
Ceres Arms - +5% Cool down
Armstrong Autocannon + 1pt more damage
Defiance Autocannon +10% range
Pontiac +5% Pinpoint
You need more unit, House and Clan LORE on the website. Need a working Inner Sphere map on the website with the planets and histories.
Good hunting for pilots.
Wishing this game the best, have spent a fortune on it so far.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 05:11 PM
Just get off the forums since you don't understand what they exist for. Please. It's your type who are ruining the game, allowing PGI to think there is nothing they can improve on because it's already perfect.
Pro-tip: it's not perfect.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 05:49 PM
Tank, on 13 November 2015 - 02:20 PM, said:
There always will be unfulfilled people in life who think that winning in game is only fun to be had and it somehow makes them superior to anything. Lack of sportsmanship is big problem in any game today.
This is a very convoluted statement that has little to do with the discussion which is about whether MWO is ready to be released on Steam or not.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 05:49 PM
Yeah, I'm still playing MWO. The sole reason is because there are no other mech games out there. Armored Core is dead, Chromehounds is dead, Hawken is dead, Titanfall is dead. PGI has the market cornered, and the current market is a bunch of players so fueled by nostalgia that they continue to open their wallets whenever a nostalgia-provoking mech comes out.
Complaints I expect to see from Steam:
-harsh learning curve
-lack of fully developed tutorials, guides, walkthroughs (player guides don't count - this should be provided by the devs, not the community)
-frequent game crashes/bugs
-invisible geometry on maps (this is crucial in shooter games, competitive players are going to lose it over this)
-broken jump jet physics (unpredictable/buggy behavior leads to leg damage that should never have happened to begin with)
-stale game modes (everything boils down to a deathmatch)
-harsh economy (see any of the numerous threads on any forum that discusses MWO)
-no incentive to play CW over public queue
-no ranked play of any kind (every arena game has this, come on)
-no/limited competitive scene support
-poor game balance (too many non-viable mechs)
-lack of variety (see parentheses above this)
Oh and all those little screens inside the cockpit that display nothing are going to make the game look cheap. People will realize shortly after beginning their new player experience that game is still not finished and likely never will be at this rate. And yet here PGI is going to a half-baked Steam release.
On a side note, just watch as I get flamed into oblivion for posting this on the forum. I can the hear torches being lit and pitchforks being grabbed by the yes-men as I type this all out. Yes I do enjoy playing MechWarrior, it's just unfortunate that the ones in control of the game are so out of touch with their own game that they seem to stumble to make any improvements, and the obvious improvements to be made (stated above) have not come in 3+ years. GG MWO
EDIT 11/29/15:
Looks like PGI has been making moves to rectify some of the issues I (and many others) have mentioned. The economy is much better (so long as you perform well in-game) and I saw on their Instagram that they'll be adding displays to those blanks screens. Time will tell if those displays are actually of any use but something is better than nothing.
I'll withhold my judgment on mech balance until the PTS changes go live - despite the hiccups and community uproar over some of the changes, aspects of it look promising. Vastly different from the current landscape of the game, but there's potential there so long as they continue to tweak values as they go instead of releasing it to live play and then letting it sit for a whole year.
I still think invisible geometry and glitchy jump jet physics should be high up on the list of fixes but will survive without those updates. I know where most of the invisible walls are but that doesn't mean it's okay for them to be a part of the game.
Something certainly needs to be done to add more variety to quick play game modes as I still feel they all boil down to a skirmish albeit with secondary win conditions available. Community Warfare does not have much immersion factor as it is currently a skirmish with respawns and secondary objectives. Taking a planet doesn't mean anything, among other complaints.
Edited by 0111101, 29 November 2015 - 03:40 PM.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 06:17 PM
AT LEAST before the rebalance. You'll get an influx of players who will start to learn the game only to have everything they know turned on it's head from the rebalancing.
I've been a supporter and defender of PGI as even though some decision making seems slow you guys always seem to find the light and make necessary changes. But i really can't agree with this move.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 06:45 PM
Arkhangel, on 12 November 2015 - 09:03 PM, said:
win-win-win as they say. no one says that, except Sir Hammerlock.
Well good luck with all that...hope that works for you...
I am so looking forward to this coming event.
Log into my Tier 3-4 alt account... maybe even drop a cool $20-30 on a gift store mech pack...
Line them newbs and devs up... Then money $$$$
Cue the mic and some music then you all will be able to watch this on my twitch channel!
Edited by EpicWarlord, 13 November 2015 - 06:49 PM.
Posted 13 November 2015 - 07:16 PM
Posted 13 November 2015 - 07:38 PM
Look, the game is already free. And it already received a pretty big recognition on media back two or three years ago when MWO vs Hawken was still worth talking about. I reckon that anyone with slightest bit of interest would have given this game a chance by now.
Having said that, Steam will increase exposure to the public, bring in some much needed cashflow to PGI and some new players. Sure, we'll probably see a short term surge of kids checking things out and bltching up a storm, but those crowds will be gone soon enough, and if we are lucky we will be left with couple hundread new long term players. That simply can't be bad, will help this company keep its doors open for few more years.
Edited by LordPhreaka, 14 November 2015 - 03:11 AM.
Posted 14 November 2015 - 02:03 AM
Teamwork has always won games. it's a team game. and it will continue to win games regardless of how things change.
Posted 14 November 2015 - 06:05 AM
KruczekIIV, on 13 November 2015 - 07:16 PM, said:
Re-balance = Game manipulation for cash grab. Your old mechs will suck more and only new mechs will be competitive. Until they Nerf them to make you get newer new mechs. I would love to see PGI admit the obvious, that they are play to win. Just admit it PiGGie..... Be brave, admit your sins.
Edited by RENEGADEMOON, 14 November 2015 - 03:45 PM.
Posted 14 November 2015 - 06:10 AM
Sable, on 13 November 2015 - 06:17 PM, said:
AT LEAST before the rebalance. You'll get an influx of players who will start to learn the game only to have everything they know turned on it's head from the rebalancing.
I've been a supporter and defender of PGI as even though some decision making seems slow you guys always seem to find the light and make necessary changes. But i really can't agree with this move.
That is the idea. They drop cash, use the mechs, then have to drop more cash after re-manipulation. Where you been Herbert?
Posted 14 November 2015 - 08:39 AM
RENEGADEMOON, on 14 November 2015 - 06:05 AM, said:
Re-balance = Game manipulation for cash grab. Your old mechs will suck more and only new mechs will be competitive. Until they Nerf them to make you get newer new mechs. I would love to se PGI admit the obvious, that they are play to win. Just admit it PiGGie..... Be brave, admit your sins.
Well, the pattern is usually that the preorder mechs are OP until they are released for Cbills and nerfed.
Posted 14 November 2015 - 11:19 AM
Reality is not binding you to fight here.
Desire and hope meets fears.
Fears founded, foundered on the shores of perfections tempted.
Tempted to meet desire and needs. To form an UN-union with the union of us and them. The altruistic and the Android, the tabletop to what's Tabletop? From elite twitch player to the encyclopedic cerebral cannon player.
Perceptions change, but I think we see what we want to see. This is applicable to every position taken. Logic fights for every side, and the articulate win with or without permission. The stubborn win without admission, and popularity wins because of peer.
The point I am making is no point really, just a question: are you sponge worthy?
I love this game and being blown apart component by component, doing the same in my turn to you..
With all the desire, hope, fear, anger, helpful caring, rudeness, trolling...
You folk are mostly awesome in an Evil Jenner or Dire Whale sort of way. Always there for good and not so good. Gl hf
Edited by plodder, 14 November 2015 - 11:21 AM.
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