Diddi Doedel, on 08 December 2015 - 02:51 AM, said:
But I agree. PGI, please make it impossible on Taiga or any other CW map to kill gens or Omega from outside the gates.
Have been complaining about this as well, but PGI won't fix. So it's working as intended and I intend to use it as often as i can. BUT: quirked IS ERLL are doing even better at it, because of lower damage fall-of.
Ninjah, on 08 December 2015 - 03:52 AM, said:
Yes, even better, as IS solo PUG (374 avg. for the matches until I got over 4000 at which point i stopped, so not 18k total score. Srsly, get a life dude!