Lily from animove, on 15 December 2015 - 04:13 AM, said:
KCM had more deciding factor than SWOL. they dropped in 300 less matches yet won a lot more. And this still with only half the amount of players participating. So how and why is anthign wrong with SWOL having those 503 members?
you guys claim skill was not involved, yet just size matters? NO its wrong, 12DG had a lot more active players, yet not even more drops. The argument is just nto reflectign the truth. It is people who have better skills and a just higher amount of time to spent for MWO getting a bit salty for their uneven higher amount for personal time spent in CW not getting their epeen stroked as much as they wish.
its a community goal, its not PVP its RVR setting and no matter what your skill is if the other faction outnoumbered you you will have issues regardless of skill. CW is not PVP, its RVR. And you are not right, in CW you need "every hour" because every win counts and when you play 15 games daily its a difference compared to only 2 games daily. Yes youc an as you said "compete" but only in the one battle you dropped, but not in the whole CW setup where just numbers of drops matter. AND!!!! behind those numbers no one asks if 1700 drops were done by 100 members or just 50. All that matters is racking up as much wins as possible in time X. And when you limit the membercound of units, all you can influence is win ratio and "drop count" which then does lead to maximum no-lifing high skill units = winning cw. This is nto much more fair, its just differently unfair.
Even if you win 100% in your 100 man unit, if you drop only once a day you will never get something comapred to a 20 man unit making 20 games each day having 70% win ratio. Unit size is NOT related to drop quantity as these statistics have shown. Just take these stats and calcuate the drops/active members the unit had in CW. Unit size only matters if the dropquality AND and dropquantity is equal amongst the units. But this is not the case as the statistics show.
why is it even wrong that a unit has 53 members as the SWOL's when actually only 103 participated? Why should they not allow to exist this way compared to a unit having 110 members where 103 participated? What is the reason to spilit such a units community?
This is a community faction based war mode, if you do not build a mode involving everyone you will play it woth your 1% of competitive palyer distributed to those 10 factions. GL with your emptymode then.
I see all those competitive gamers obviously catering their very own needs, and for this they would be willing to sacrifice an entire game mode for the community? You can't be seriously that egoistic.
Ug, I shall actually lower myself to posting on these forums. >.> I feel so dirty.
Every unit had different objectives in this tournament. SWOL viewed it as a great chance to get 50+ new guys playing together and learning with a few vets here and their to provide guidance. Our veterans earned their points and simply flipped to their alt IS accounts or just played pub games. I personally only led around 4 drops. My co-galaxy commander KingUber only played a couple games and similar Lucid I don't even think finished the tournament.
It was our new guys that stepped up and fought in this grueling escapade. Most of our vets are so sick of CW and these sorts of tournaments we just play when we feel. Hell half of us didn't even play CW and just goofed around in pub games.
Along with CWI we hired MS. For SWOL it was simply because we really like playing with MS; most of us couldn't care less about who actually won the planet as the whole thing was pretty random and settled in the very end. There was no "grand" honor at stake for us.
In short, units should stop stroking their egos over a stupid CW event. Each unit has different objectives; SWOL went into this to have fun, get our new guys a bunch of experience, and stop playing after we had our fill and got our prizes. Playing like crazy in these things just makes you burnt out while accomplishing nothing.
Carry on forum warriors. o7