Fen Tetsudo, on 09 January 2016 - 11:25 PM, said:
Nope. But neither does "show me on the doll where the 12-man touched you" have any relevance to what I have said. You want to have a civil conversation, then try to have one. Don't insult me and then whine when I insult you back.
Let the newbies play the game. Again, you are playing with strawmen. Resisting the "hardcore" urge to spawncamp newbies in trial mechs does not have to include "losing on purpose" or "ejecting". Why do you keep making these silly arguments instead of simply agreeing that spawncamping newbies in trial mechs is stupid because it runs off the new players we will need to keep CW alive?
Yup, most my drops are that way too. Cool story bro. But I was talking about vets spawncamping new players in trial mechs. Maybe one day you'll figure out a way to respond to what I have actually said.
Nope. Again, I'm not talking about seal clubbing, I'm talking about vets spawncamping noobs in trial mechs. You can roll newbies 48-0 without camping their spawn.
Of course not. If they are hiding in their drop zone, go in and kill them all. Otherwise, give them a chance to form up and push out. It will cost you maybe 2 mins time and you'll still get all your rewards. Difference is, by letting them play the game they are more likely to stick around and join a team, get on faction comms, put together a decent drop deck, and all that other stuff.
They won't do that if they are routinely waiting 20 mins to play only to have their 3rd and 4th mech destroyed before it even lands. They will say "this is stupid" and uninstall.
That takes time to find, learn and do, and CW doesn't have it. Not when you are running them out of the game by spawncamping their 3rd and 4th mechs. You need to keep the new steam crowd around long enough to do that, instead of running them off. Let them play the game and they will be more likely to stick around and join a team, get on faction comms, put together a decent drop deck, etc.
Just make the queques on the planet screen visible to both sides. That way, new players who want to avoid premades can do so. Premades that claim stomping noobs is boring can find drops against other premades. We already do this to some extent - I try to find a drop with premades in que rather than a dozen solos, because I know the odds are I'm likely to get a more organized team.
Yes, but if you don't do something now you will lose the new influx of players and wait times will increase even further, and it will be permanent. You understand there is not another Steam release right? This is the last major influx of new players.
Spawncamping new players in trial mechs is not "hard mode". You guys need to stop using that term, esp if what Russ said about the larger teams deliberately avoiding each other turns out to be true. The "hardcore" rejoinder has become a punch line. Do you get that? That when people like you say "CW is hardcore", the rest of us just laugh and roll our eyes?
Whining and crying? Oh, I see, you're trying to puff up and be insulting again... Do you think it makes you come off as intimidating or something? LOL. This is about basic sportsmanship towards new players so that we can bring them into CW and keep it running. Please go stroke your epeen somewhere else.
all I'm going to say is that if you really aren't trying to say those things, that's how it's coming across.
I dont' know if it's miscommunication, misunderstanding, etc. but just about everything your'e saying is coming across like the following
PUGs and/or solo players are drooling morons who can't read a warning
Anyone not wanting separate queues is some sort of evil big unit just wanting to club seals
Solo players need to be "protected" from other players for some reason
That's really what it sounds like you're getting at with a lot of your arguments. I'm not being facetious or attacking you here, I'm simply trying to point out that after 3 years some of us are kinda tired of listening to the reason some players consistently lose is premades.
The players sitting here trying to tell you and the others like that all you really have to do to be more successful in CW is quite simply use in game VOIP, work together, and use faction chat.
That's all there really is to it. I don't care how you try to spin it, how you try to look at it, how you try to sensationalize it, that's all it is.
Those taht are stubborn, hard-headed, downright beligerent sometimes at the "gall" of someone giving "orders" (IE someone simply trying to help direct traffic so the team knows where to shoot) and continue trying to push PGI to make CW "easier" continue to deny these simple strategies, techniques, tools, and advice that would increase their win and CW experience overall are on their own by their own choice.
If they want to play like that there are perfectly good, functioning, enabled, etc. public queues to drop in where you don't have to worry about those "pesky" premades.
Stop thinking that the entire game and every feature, mode, etc. should revolve exclusively around that specific player. DO you see a single "CW groups are good" type player suggesting they switch the pub queues?
No you do not
Want to know why? Because they know that that particular queue and mode are exclusively for those players and notice that there's only one group of players here trying to restrict even further and segregate even further the player populations in the name of "seal clubbing"
Use your VOIP
Use your faction chat
Use teamwork
Plain and simple
If you cannot, will not, don't, use those two simple things then CW very plainly and simply is not the game mode you're looking for.
Edited by Sandpit, 09 January 2016 - 11:57 PM.