Nightnova, on 05 January 2016 - 05:15 PM, said:
OH yay more tonnage... nope, more tonnage will not help what you've done. wake up PGI, the mercs are trying to prove a point to you. just because clan wolf took Tukkayyid doesn't mean you nerf clan weapons/mechs. Just because you're giving us more tonnage to play with will not help us take planets when we're outnumbered.
I've said it before on other posts and in email to you all, if you want to balance the game let everyone run clan weapons/tech. make it cost more for IS just like all the other games before this one.
Actually, most merc units swap around on a rotation - this is just normal behavior, not a grand conspiracy designed to support an opinion. That being said, I feel like there may have been too much of an aggregate nerfing to the Clans - but I'm not sure. Needs time to test counterbuilds and the like. Most of the loudly complaining players didn't take that time, and as a result I cannot take their complaints at face value.
There are clear facts about the current iteration of faction balance: the Clans' heat sink changes were a clear nerf to
meta gameplay, lowering the number of successive alphas before overheat; their laser ranges have been reduced from what they once were; and the Inner Sphere's underperforming chassis recieved significant buffs, many of them via internal structure quirks, while their top performers were nerfed. Additionally, while the Gauss Nerf affected both faction's version of that weapon, the Clans made far more use of its low-heat damage via the Gauss/Laser vomit meta. All of these changes are small on their own, but synergize with each other.
There are two claims that can be made from these facts: the imbalance claim is that the synergistic effect of these changes have rendered the Clans unable to sufficiently damage incoming Inner Sphere 'mechs before those 'mechs close to brawling range and rip the Adjective Animals a new smile with heat-efficient, punch-damage brawling weapons - particularly with LRM boats making a resurgence and being used to suppress Clan firing lines. The
counter-claim is that while the old meta may not be viable, the Clans do have effective - if seldom-used - brawling builds available to them, and it is their unwillingness to abandon the meta and move on (even to the extent of slapping AMS on their chassis) - along with the shifting of most big units to the Inner Sphere (often on regular rotations) - that is causing them to get rofflepwned in CW.
I've not done enough CW yet to form an opinion on which of those statements is more correct - but my Ebon Jaguars are almost skilled up. We'll have to see.
PS making Clantech more expensive will not solve the balance issues, it simply ignores it. The devs have said from day one of the
announcement of the Clan Invasion that they don't want Clantech to be clearly superior; to be a tier grind instead of an alternative. If you "solve" balance by just letting everyone use Clan tech, you've punished everyone who bought Inner Sphere technology, and just thrown up your hands on the issue of balance.
Edited by Void Angel, 06 January 2016 - 06:17 PM.