MattNovaCat, on 06 January 2016 - 02:24 PM, said:
No, I don't plan to quit playing, but I am thinking about seeing just how low I can get my PSR to drop.
4 months of playing daily (currently 660 matches) and I am still very firmly in Tier 5. 48 kills, 612 deaths and a 0.08 rating and always seeing my rating drop after each mission.
At what point do you abandon an account and create a new one to start over now that you know what you are doing? Or is there hope of ever seeing Tier 4?
Hm, that's like 12-13 deaths for every kill. Now, if you search the forums you’ll find me stating that K/D ratio alone means nothing, but to be honest this is rather low in T5, especially if you get low avg dmg and little points for other tasks as well.
Now, should you quit? No. Should you make a new account? No. But I think we should be honest enough to say you should reconsider how you play. If you still are on the same ratio as the stats describes. Obviously, you need to change something; however, it’s hard to say what as I don’t know how you play.
Your top 300 dmg matches are not bad. I see several ppl running below 300 in T2 as well. It’s the 0 dmg matches you need to work on. A while ago LRM could be an ok starting point for players struggling like you do, I don’t know how T5 is, but at T2 being successful as an LRM players is actually rather hard in most matches. If you like LRMing search LRM carrying on these forums or youtube. You should find a ok LRM walktrough that should work for higher tiers as well. If you don’t do well with them, ditch them.
If you die with 0 damage you are moving wrong, or not moving at all. Try not to take point or end up at the flanks. Move with the team, but not behind them. Move up to the firing line, place some shots and fall back, cool down and go again. You need to be mobile but not rush or wander off. Rushing is very often a bad move. If you move in, allways think about where you’d like to break off and move out if you need to. Often turning around keeping speed is just as good as stopping and going backwards. Depends on the situation and mech. Notice what parts of your mech gets damage and twist when receiving damage to spread. But know what side you like the most and loose the other side first. Don’t keep amo for right side weapons on the left side if possible.
What mechs are you using, weapons? How do you play? Describe honestly how you like to play? What role do you think you fit in best. I’d try mastering one role and one chassis first.
If your main issues is actually hiting anything, take a fast light to the training grounds. Runn top speed turn and twist and fire at targets to practise. If you have problems hitting, what mouse do you have? Do it have adjustable settings?
I have the sensitivity slider all the way down in the game, and increase it on the mouse software. For me this gives much less pixel jumping. I have 4 settings I shift trough depending on the situation and mech, but usually play more with two of them.
We are here to help, so just keep the discussion going untill you get it turned around.