Fen Tetsudo, on 10 January 2016 - 03:35 AM, said:
I don't believe that. I think if those units were as hypercompetitive as you claim, they would find a way to organize drops against each other. And all I've heard are excuses as to why it can't be done.
I never said ANYTHING about being hypercompetitive.
I said that you have literally ZERO idea who your opponents are until you actually drop.
Once you stop assuming you can guess who your opponents are, then you might have a conversation.
I get that it would be inconvenient, but then I remember all the times certain units have inconvenienced themselves to game the system to their benefit. And since it wouldn't be beneficial to them (reward-wise) to do it, they aren't even trying to seek each other out.
I'll bet you that if PGI incentivized payouts (double cbills and LP) for unit vs unit drops, allofasudden you guys would discover creative and interesting ways to set up battles on planets against each other.
Payouts is one problem on its own... the problem is that setting up battles ASSUMES both sides have controls over who they choose to drop against.
Even in the agreed attempt to play against each other, you actually have less control over the queues. It only works when BOTH factions have players that don't queue (if you've attempted sync dropping, you'd have a clue how the queues work).
It only takes a randomly growing queue to have a "sync drop" ruined by others.
Fen Tetsudo, on 10 January 2016 - 04:51 AM, said:
I have. Its not that hard. Not any worse than organizing a league match. Try it and see. Just once.
I beginning to think you guys just want to farm newbies for easy rewards, since you shout down EVERY suggestion that might prevent that, and refuse to come up with some on your own. You're smart enough and creative enough to create meta decks and perfect CW tactics, but you cant come up with a way to seek out units that will give you a challenge? Please.
You are competitve and think CW is hardcore? Show me the threads where you complain to PGI about how boring it is for you to farm newbies. Show me the threads where you all are brainstorming ways to make it easier to fight each other instead of newbies. If you were half as competitive as you claim, Russ's twitter feed would be spammed with complaints about "the new easy mode" and suggestions on how to fix it.
But we won't see any of that. Because you are satisfied with the way things are now. "We don't really want to farm newbies for easy rewards but the devs are making us, oh well. <smirk> Too bad so sad"
Dude, have you ever tried to CONSTRUCT a 12-man? It is harder than you think. I don't know whether you are in a unit or not, but having seen the construction of them.. they are pretty hard to do.
It's not just gathering people together... you also have to spend time setting up dropdecks.
The whole point of complaining to PGI is that we'd like new players to NOT JUMP IN IMMEDIATELY, GET BETTER, THEN COME AND GET EDUCATED ABOUT CW.
This has always been repeated to PGI ad nauseum. The problem is that some people that are just as whiny want MM to "help them out" when that isn't a real solution to the problem.
JaxRiot, on 10 January 2016 - 08:07 AM, said:
But they kind of can.
Its already been stated many times that Pugs hardly ever initiate an attack on a planet because of how the ques work. So if a Unit initiates an attack on a planet, the chances of them getting Pug opposition is high.
Also, if a Unit sees a planet suddenly being attacked, they know that chances are its another Unit attacking so all they have to do to avoid that Unit (if they so choose) is attack a different planet and chances are they will get Pug opposition instead.
People have known how to play the planet reading game for a while now but pretend that it is absolutely impossible to avoid other Units because they cant actually see who is in que.
Also, how is it that a solo/pug player able to choose their team? A pug is a Pick Up Group. Random people. If they were forming groups before the battle begins, then they wouldnt be a Pug, would they? Then it would be a Pre-Made, no?
Again, that's faulty logic, and you're trying too hard to make sense.
If there's a 11-players in the queue, it only takes a 12-man to swoop in to get in front of them.
If there's a 12-man taking too effing long to set up, the 11 players already in queue are more likely to get that +1 to start their match.
This is before you have ANY idea what the opfor did... and you can't really assume unless you watch the queues exclusively AND NOT ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE IN CW.
Some of us actually participate in CW and see what actually goes down instead of spending time on total conjecture w/o actually discussing reality.
That's why it is very hard to take your assertion seriously.