kamiko kross, on 13 January 2016 - 11:51 AM, said:
I would just like to make one point here about the alpha, wastage of damage is a very important factor don't forget. Our damage on the main is very efficient and precise. Hitting less hard but more efficiently(and more often) is better than splatting it all over the place^^
I agree with your first point to some degree, but balance currently still isn't right. Saying it's "fine" is still not right thing to say.
Question is, what should PGI do to actually balance the tech?
You can't balance IS vs. Clan, and preserve the "Clans always have better" aspect of the original lore, IF, you're going to maintain a 12v12 IS vs Clans CW.
You just can't. PGI has said they can't make any other combination work in CW, so let us forget that aspect of lore completely.
Next, you can't balance the game on a 'per weapon' scale as one side (the Clans) get a HUGE amount of base quirks:
Smaller, lighter, more durable XLs.
Smaller, lighter, harder hitting weapons (for the most part)
Longer reaching energy (except for a few specifically quirked 'mechs)
Smaller, lighter endo steel and ferro fibrous armor
Free case, no weight or crit slot required, built in to ever portion of every Clan 'mech
Functional TC
Changeable hard points
Generally lighter and/or smaller equipment (enhanced heatsinks are smaller, TC's smaller/lighter up to a point, can't recall for sure, but I think even Clan BAP and ECM are smaller/lighter than the IS equivalent).
The supposed balancing factors in the Clan tech are:
Most 'mechs can't change their engines.
Most 'mechs can't change their endo/ferro fibrous config.
Most energy weapons have longer burn durations.
Ballistics are effectively 'pulse based' in damage.
These are just what comes off the top of my head.
Ultimately though, what's got this game out of whack in my opinion is the following:
No knock down. While, yes, it's possible to 'grief' some player by repeatedly knocking him down, what the lack of knock down has done is allow mediocre pilots use very fast 'mechs and purposely ram them into other 'mechs blasting HUGE short range alphas (seriously, some of the alphas we're seeing on lights and mediums, for BOTH IS and Clans, are TOTALLY ridiculous) and not having to risk being, AT LEAST, knocked over when they smash into their target at 100+ kph... The significant advantage to lights is obvious.
No real heat affects table. Put in actual heat affects that kick in when heat starts building up into the higher ranges and we'll see a LOT less alpha vomiting taking place. Get above 50% heat capacity and have your 'mech start slowing down, and misfires of weapons, and shaking reticules, etc., will bring back heat management as REAL important factor in this game that can't be ignored for 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of your total heat capacity for the entire match.