Khereg, on 03 February 2016 - 12:26 PM, said:
But I'd say running a business sometimes requires you to do things that may be somewhat out of the ordinary for the sake of the greater good. I personally like that PGI is willing to assess the situation and make a judgment call that betters the game without suffering from excessive bureaucratic red tape.
You know what you get with red tape? The development progress they made with IGP at the helm...
As long as they use their powers for good, I'm ok with it. I wouldn't have cared if it was 228, KCom, SroT, SWOL or any other group that suggested it. The fact that it was -MS- is irrelevant. If it's -MS- supposedly benefiting from this that has you torqued, then I'd say your issue is your perception of -MS- and not the actual events that transpired.
After all, -MS- only offered. Russ accepted. If Russ had said no, we would have taken our vote as planned, let our contract expire, and moved on to the voted faction last night. We and the larger community would have suffered 3 days of limited matches in CW as a result. I personally think this outcome is better for everyone on the whole.
I get that you have a lot of excuses for why giving MS special treatment was OK and why you should get exceptions and benefits not given to others.
I'm saying this with genuine <3 here Khereg, please don't feel I'm attacking you but...
F**king stop it. Just stop. Go no further in that line of thinking. The moment you start thinking and feeling that you are any better or deserve special treatment compared to every other schlub in the game you start the transformation into entitled toxic self-important aholes.
Which isn't who you are. If MS is just another group of players like every other playing the same game in the same pool it's a good thing. We're all simpatico and while there's always salt over a big group or a successful group it's all good.
If however MS is not playing by the same rules or acts like and is treated like they are different/other/better it's going to get bad fast. Don't do that. Don't be those guys, don't try to make yourself seem better than everyone else, don't try and turn MS into a "them" as opposed to "us".
Which, make no mistake, is what these sorts of things are. I get that isn't the intent but it's still doing it. MS is in a dangerous position of being able to try and throw its weight around and get its way where other groups of players can't.
Don't go down that road. It leads to bad places and is just going to make the game suck. I get that you have reasons and justifications, every bad idea does. However when your position is "the rules of the game shouldn't apply to me because...." It's a bad one.
Stop it. Back up, reevaluate the position, don't do it again. No need to make a big deal about it just don't ever ever do anything like it again. Be an "us". Don't try to be a "them".