Dino Might, on 09 February 2016 - 05:34 AM, said:
Reread - it is a good MODEL. If you can create the deterministic calculations and run them in a game engine (and you'll have to develop your own decision mechanic for wind shifts and the like), then by all means. But CoF is a simplification of all of those factors.
Much like neutron transport - while the actual path of the neutron is probably deterministic, the model we use is probabilistic in nature, and it works really really well.
Take the data from comp target shooting, and compare it with the CoF MODEL, and you will see that the model works very very well.
Modeling is all about simplifying the complex multitude of factors in a deterministic environment and creating a predictive machine. That's what we're wanting to do here.
Competitive shooters will manage their natural point of aim, breathing, environmental factors, etc. to minimize their CoF, and then shoot. Call it praying to RNG or not, there is always some sight instability that you ignore while shooting. That is effectively modeled with CoF. The ones that can minimize that deviation, (modeled by CoF) are the ones that win, consistently.
What are you talking about? Modeling? People playing this game allegedly can't even handle two reticles and geometry, and you want to talk about some weird stuff like "simplifying the complex multitude of factors in a deterministic environment and creating a predictive machine".
See what I mean?
Hit the Deck, on 09 February 2016 - 05:35 AM, said:
Mister Blastman is also a proponent of this idea but your proposal still lacks an important detail - that the crosshairs offset from the center have to be constantly adjusted/redrawn according to the range you are aiming at. If you think that this could look bad in game when your point of aim change quickly from place to place (this is not World of Warships where you could hold a point of aim at certain range for a long time), consider how much mental calculation you have to do when you want to lead a shot at a moving Mech!
Edited by Mystere, 09 February 2016 - 09:40 AM.