OK, just caught up on the last 20 pages, I'm taking a whole page over.
tortuousGoddess, on 09 February 2016 - 08:38 AM, said:
Incorrect, requiring me to chainfire requires me to maintain facetime, putting me at a significant defensive disadvantage.
.... Everyone is effected equally.... how are you the only one at a disadvantage?
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 February 2016 - 11:47 AM, said:
So I have a question then, if I have a mech with 2 AC5, and I fire both at the same time, is that an alpha strike? Is there something wrong with firing 2 AC5 at the same time?
some weapons are only viable when in large groups (small lasers) and should affect spread less than others.
Krivvan, on 09 February 2016 - 12:35 PM, said:
You want to argue about lasers doing a bit too much pinpoint damage? You should be arguing about duration then, but that's a completely different argument.
This is about all weapons being able to be fired completely accurately at the same time under all circumstances except masc and jumping, not just lasers, but lasers are of course a part.
Gas Guzzler, on 09 February 2016 - 01:06 PM, said:
The discussion should be about gameplay not about realism.
MWO is described as a simulator so it should be about realism, but of course gameplay is taken in to account, as real missiles are supersonic and canons can fire for miles.
Khereg, on 09 February 2016 - 02:15 PM, said:
Oh, who the hell am I asking. Nobody's reading this any more anyway. Carry on.
I'm still reading, and I'm tier 1 so I'm super important.
SQW, on 09 February 2016 - 04:04 PM, said:
Unfortunately, many vets are so invested in the current play style to want (or be able to) shift away from pinpoint accurate hit scan weapons.
Vets will adapt, just like we always have. And some are arguing that comp players won't be able to handle this..... please.
LordKnightFandragon, on 10 February 2016 - 09:40 AM, said:
RUn and gun doesnt mean being able to endlessly spam your fire button pin point accurately all the time. Run and gun is generally very inaccurate anyway. I mean, just try it in RL, grab 2 airsoft rifles, hang them below your arms like a battlemech and just try to shoot a target at like 50 yards while jogging back and forth.
that experiment alone would really display how much sense CoF actually makes.
Exactly, or even try using sights while running, or hell, even walking. COF would add much needed realism.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 10 February 2016 - 09:59 AM, said:
that seems to be thing you don't get, the whole point of adding CoF is making alpha strikes worthless so that only chain-fire lives, especially given that heat is a factor as well.
What you don't get is that no one wants to make alpha strikes useless, just not the go to solution for every occasion.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 10 February 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
No I'm saying that any worthwhile alpha is bound to have an insane amount of spread otherwise the CoF fails to actually stop alphas.
Why does everyone jump from zero spread to "insane amount"? Just a little bit so that there's a downside to dumping your entire payload in an instant.
Gloris, on 10 February 2016 - 11:52 AM, said:
How is it not RNG to have a big aiming circle, where it's random what point of the circle your shots go to?
Because this is a simulator, or at least should be. Weapons have inaccuracies, it's the shooters job to fire under circumstances where those inaccuracies aren't a factor.
FupDup, on 10 February 2016 - 12:23 PM, said:
Yes it is actually. You have some control over how big the cone is, sure, but no matter what the size of the cone is you still never know WHERE in that cone that the shot will land. It just gives you the maximum boundaries of where it can/can't land.
So for example with cones I might shoot a bullet and it goes straight to the left of the aiming point. Or it might go up and to the right diagonally. Or it could go in any other number of directions. For all intents and purposes, it's still "random."
Yeah, just like real life. Given a Glock in any shooter, you wouldn't whine because you missed a 1000m shot even though your aim was dead on, and especially if you were sprinting off a ledge. Because it's exactly what would happen in real life. We're just asking for an extra bit of simulation to be added. Of course not WoT awful, but a little bit could do this game good.
Dakota1000, on 10 February 2016 - 01:13 PM, said:
I do see that as a fatal flaw in OP's post, as most of IS can't mount one.
Dakota1000, on 10 February 2016 - 01:20 PM, said:
Also just wondering, since alpha strikes are punished but chain fire isn't, what does the Locust 1V with its one ERLL do?
I love Locusts. Just slow down to take a long range shot, or if you're within brawling range, accept that your shots will slightly spread, it's not a problem.
Mystere, on 10 February 2016 - 02:07 PM, said:
Well, it's entirely your fault you used those big circles. Now almost everyone thinks those are the actual sizes and not that you did those "for illustrative purposes only".
Seriously, OP went a little to WoT with his pictures and shot himself in the foot, which would be a very hard shot from his picture, unless he had a TC7.
lex conway, on 10 February 2016 - 05:05 PM, said:
Skill is better than chance. There will always be an element of chance in cones. If there is no RNG in aiming, then all factors can be predictable and by extension controllable. If I miss it's my fault. When I hit, I'm the best, not lucky.
Close the distance to be more accurate with my long range, direct fire weapon? Nay, drink again.
Maneuver to within your weapon's ideal range and/or take steps to minimize weapon inaccuracies. It adds a new skill to the game, adds depth and realism, I think this game needs it.