ScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:08 AM, said:
The problem is multi-fold.
First, this is not YOUR game. It's a team game. You should expect, at all times, to remain competitive for the sake of the other 11 players on your team. If you bring a bad mech and a bad build, you're forcing the 11 other players to carry you. And while you might be having fun slumming it in a bad mech, the 11 other players on your team that are suffering for you probably won't be enjoying the game nearly as much.
Second, I completely agree that you should be able to take whatever build you want, as long as it has the potential to be competitive. Your D-DC build is far from that. 300-600pts of damage in a match is nowhere near competitive for an Atlas. Hell, it's not even competitive for a 35-ton light mech. And much of the damage you're laying down is LRM damage, which in reality is worth half of what the damage total actually is because it's spread all over and not contributing directly to kills. If you were able to rack up ungodly stats in that Atlas, you'd put all naysayers to bed... but you're not. You're posting sub-par stats.
Third, you're not using the hardpoint configuration to best effect for your build, and you're not utilizing the mech itself for its strengths and weaknesses. To have an ECM mech sitting in the back lobbing LRMs (and a paultry number of those as it is) is an insult to the team, and the perfect picture of selfishness. A D-DC should be up front shielding the team and soaking damage. Beyond that, simply the configuration you've chosen under-utilizes the hardpoints you have available... namely the 2 ballistics in the purse, and the many smaller-tube missile racks. Your arrangement of the LRMs is poor, which leads to those weapons mounted to not work as well as they should. You're not using the defining traits of the mech, namely the second ballistic slot and the ECM. You've mounted an engine that is too small for the mech, making you a liability for ambush during the match.
I'm sorry. But you've got a bad build. You put up bad stats in that build. And the playstyle that build is built around is nothing but a liability for the team. All you've done for them is waste an assault slot. I know all this is kinda harsh, and your OP shows clearly you're not receptive to the advice... but it's best to simply change the build to something effective and useful to the team. You'll put up better numbers, enjoy the game more, and the team will thank you for it.
Sorry, but I buy a game for one purpose, and one purpose only, for ME to have fun. I could give a crap less if you are having fun, I did not buy this game for you, I bought it for me, and with being a founder, clans 1,2,and3, resistance 1 and 2, IIC, Phoenix, Marauder, WH, Riffleman, Archer, Kodiak(all of them with heroes), and sarahs purchaser, I really could care less about how you feel in this game. Unless you feel like coming over and tickling my jimmies while I play to make my purchases even more worth it, you matter very little to me.
Second, in tier 3, anything above 300 is above avg. The only players I have seen in matches with 1000+ consistently are players that I know are comp players, but anything over 800 is not a common thing to see in tier 3 matches. I am a decent player, and though some games when I am trying out a new build (like a Rifleman for the first time and die fast to XL check with 90 dmg) I only pull high 3s to 700s consistently. With a 1200+ dmg match when I jump in my dakka to say 300 is low on an avg player in a light mech is just ludicrous. This is solo queue, not group, and not CW.
Third, meta is great in the right hands, but personally, I suck with gauss. I can use them, but nowhere near as effectively as I can other slug throwers, or the laser vomit. PPCs are the same for me, I just can never produce the damage I see other pilots push with them, I gimp the team when I try and play with meta weapons that I am no good at using. I am far more effective with what you might call a sub-optimal build because I can place the shots i want when I want them, versus using the gauss and failing. Forcing others into meta may seem like a great idea, but if those players just can not use those weapons, whether because of the charge mechanic or travel time compensation etc, it would be better for them to focus on weapons they can use.
ScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:
Not sure how that's so. It's a bad build. He does poorly in it. His bad build and play is a liability to the team. There are many many better builds for the D-DC out there that anyone can do better in that utilizes the mech in what it's good at.
The advice, then, is to get a better build. Do better with it. Be a bonus to the team.
The OP clearly doesn't want advice. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants to come onto the forums and seek pity and validation for his bad choices. Some people are inclined to do that. I'm not one of them.
And if this were a single-player game, literally noone would care. That justification... that he can do whatever he wants because HE'S having fun... it's backwards. He's not the only player on his team. He effects each and every one of them and THEIR experience. To choose his experience over theirs is the definition of selfishness.
His mech may not be optimal, but in the end, if that guy is smiling, and so am I, I could care less. They are here for the same things as I am, fun. If you want meta monkey shenanigans, go to the group queue, or CW. We drop solo so we can be who we are in this game. The biggest kick I get, is when i find one of you meta humpers, and I kill you with a sub-optimal build. It is a delight, and I can quit playing the rest of the day knowing I dropped one of your kind with what you would call a horrible mech lol.
To force someone to play the way you want him to play so that you can have fun is the TRUE definition of selfishness. To feel that people have to pay what they have paid, and follow your rules, get off it. I have spent far more than most in this game, and will bow to no one when it comes to my fun, and I expect no one to bow to my demands either. That is like asking the guy who just bought a Stingray to stay in the slow lane, or someone who bought a Jeep for offroading to keep it on the tar because electric and green is the new driving meta, ha, screw that, I bought my mechs so I could play with tiny little pixels that look like the giant stompy robots I played in 1980 on my TT, the way I want to play them, and when I want to play them. I did not spend this much money for some tool to tell me I am doing it wrong. LMFAO, grow up.