Yes to talk about this mech, again. There are some out there who know about this mech all too well and to the Hardcore Battletech fans, that it is to far out for the time line (yes we know this) I am not here to necessarily discuss that, just general discussion on the mech. Yes there are many Mech's out there, no I am not saying this takes priority over any though I would say it should be towards the top of the list when considering future mech's. Either if they jump the time line OR looking for mech's that can fit technologically
Before we start, I would like to give credit to Imperious his passion is unrivaled for this mech some could say.
Mad Cat Mk.II:
90 Ton Clan Assault BattleMech
Mad Cat Mk II by Shimmering-Sword
To quote from Sarna.
Despite this, Mk II's most notable potential buyers, Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon, did not purchase even a single unit, though they won some numbers in Trials. Significant numbers of Mad Cat Mk II were sold to Clan Nova Cat, and the Mech served also in Clan Ice Hellion, Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Wolf-in-Exile in addition to Diamond Shark itself.
On a limited basis, Clan Diamond Shark sold unmodified Mad Cat Mk IIs to Inner Sphere factions, most notably the Draconis Combine and Federated Commonwealth, and also the Lyran Alliance bought an unknown amount of Mad Cat Mark IIs.
Weapons: Mad Cat MK II's primary weapons are a pair of Gauss Rifles, each of which can strip off a ton of armor at six hundred and thirty meters. The rifles are supported by two LRM-10s which give the 'Mech indirect fire capability. For short range combat, four ER Medium Lasers can chew up what's left of the opposition. The Mech's primary role is long to medium range combat, with best performance within 450 meters where all of its weapons can reach the opponent.
Official TRO 3067 information on the Madcat Mk.II:

There are several designs out there for various Timberwolf/Madcat's some are written in official Battletech some are purely concept art.
-The official Madcat Mk.II however only has 2 designs produced so far with in Battletech lore.
Of these the more reliable of these is probably right out of the Tabletop or TRO
(with Direwolf/Warhawk legs)
There is also the original design from the Mechwarrior 4 series:
The basic concept should reflect the original design idea of a up gunned and armored Timberwolf!
Other artworks of Timberwolfs/Madcat'ssome have mentioned for inspiration are that of later variants of the Timberwolf Heavy chassis.
Mad Cat Mk.II MWO concept by CK16
Mad Cat Mk.II Concept by LastKahn.
(Madcat Mk.II Enhanced Assault Mech)
(Madcat Mk.VII Heavy Mech concept)
(Madcat Mk.IV/Savagewolf Heavy Mech)
(Madcat III Medium Mech)
Inspiration could be used to take a little bit off each of these, but I still feel the base for what the MWO design would be based off the Tabletop design and maybe off the MW4. However those angled launchers just scream SHOOT ME and ridge pocking with those would be almost impossible.
(Left to Right: Madcat Mk.II Enhanced, Madcat Mk.II, Timberwolf, Savagewolf)
Mad Cat Mk.II:
90 Ton Assault Mech
14 DHS
Ferro-Fiberous Armor
Mad Cat Mk.II (MC-MK-II)

LT 1x Missile 2x Energy (1x LRM 10, 2x ER-Medium Laser)
RT 1x Missile 2x Energy (1x LRM 10, 2x ER-Medium Laser)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
Mad Cat Mk.II 2 (MC-MK-II-2)

LT 2x Missile 1x Energy (2x SRM-4, 1 x ER-Medium Laser)
RT 2x Missile 1x Energy (2x SRM-4, 1 x ER-Medium Laser)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
Mad Cat Mk.II 4 (MC-MK-II-4)

LT 1x Missile (1x LRM 15, Clan Active Probe)
RT 1x Missile (1x LRM 15)
LA 2x Energy (2x ER-Large Laser)
RA 2x Energy (2x ER-Large Laser)
Mad Cat Mk.II 6 (MC-MK-II-6)

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 2x Energy (2x ER-Medium)
RT 2x Energy (2x ER-Medium)
LA 1x Energy (1x ER-PPC)
RA 1x Energy (1x ER-PPC)
Mad Cat Mk.II " Beat Stick" (MC-MK-II-BS)

(Hero/Champion?):Was a favorite among players used by many in MW:LL
CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 1x Ballistic(1x LB 10-X AC)
RT 1x Ballistic (1x LB 10-X AC)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
Mad Cat Mk.II "Siege Engine" (MC-MK-II-SE)

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 1x Missile (1x LRM 20)
RT 1x Missile (1x LRM 20)
LA 2x Ballistic (2x UAC 5)
RA 2x Ballistic (2x UAC 5)
Mad Cat Mk.II ALT B (MC-MK-II-B )

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 2x Missile (2x SSRM 6)
RT 2x Missile (2x SSRM 6)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x UAC 20)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x UAC 20)

Now, some at first might cringe thinking of the hit boxes a bit on this mech, and to add to the fact that it isn't the most heavily armored assault mech out there they might have a point. However though not playing the roll of a front line assault mech leading a charge and brawling and taking a beating, this design could be very well suited to mid to long range engagements, the weapon placement on all variants is at cockpit level or higher for the most part (the torso's energy points are slightly below). The mix of LRM's and Gauss Rifles on the original give it great long range firepower and once with in the range of the 4x ER Medium's could rip up any mech out there. The top speed of 68 kph is great combined with the ability to mount Jump jet's give this thing great mobility for an Assault matching some Heavy's! Though yes the earliest! We could see this mech is 3061, technologically it does fit into the game right now, all variants fit.
So I would guess we will be getting it sooner rather then later. 2016 early? I do not think so but with in the next few years if all goes well for the game and PGI. I feel we might get it before a time jump or a time jump will happen and this mech would be one of the first additions to the game for the time jump along with many others that MW fan's have been asking for ages (ie. Bushwacker, Nova Cat, Uziel, Thanatos, ect.) and if they could add a few more tech/weapons a few more options as well (Blood Asp, Fafnir ect). I would be very interested in seeing this added to the game as it could bring in more of the crowd who started playing during MW4 and wanted to see more of the Mech's they wanted but were not in game (yet)
Please keep it civil in here guys, this is a healthy discussion about the Madcat Mk.II and it's place in the game among many others.
Thank You
Special Thanks to Odanan for the Concept art cover!
Edited by CK16, 18 March 2017 - 03:00 PM.