Lucian Nostra, on 08 March 2016 - 11:37 PM, said:
What I've grabbed has been from the Sourcebooks and not the novels so lets delve deeper. The issue you have is that your reading the TRO without knowing whats behind it.
So I hate to break it to you but Irece was lost to Clan Nova Cat in wave 5. So the Combine literally had no dealings there.. The mech was under production at the clan homeworlds till the plant came online in early '59 and production was shifted there as since you know the Nova Cats where abjured shortly there after.
Operation Bird Dog (the precursor to Operation Bulldog) didn't kick off till May 13th 3059. Irece was hit in wave 1 which was May 29th - June 2nd (possibly later but wave 2 was june 26th) which is mid 59. Production was already underway when the DCMS reclaimed Irece which by the way was a drinking contest.. I liked the football game more myself
The wording in the TRO can be misleading because you have to remember Irece IS in the Inner Sphere but it was a clan controlled planet till Operation Bulldog.
This is similar to when they say the Ghost Bears relocated their assets to the Inner Sphere.. it doesnt mean they became Spheroids
ps: so again. .trust me
Oh we do? where? The only source for this is from you. Infact the TRO pretty specifically points out that it would be the opposite and it was Nova Cat designed as again just entering talks with the combine
"Following Clan Nova Cat's defeat at Tukayyid, that Clan began talks with the Draconis COmbine, Khan Severen Leroux at the same time ordered construction of a new heavy OmniMech" And also the whole deal of production on a clan controlled planet which I've already covered above meaning no they didn't build up jack
The only other faction pointed at as having Nova Cats after Bulldog where the Smoke Jaguars. Possibly later as they became part of the Combine the DCMS might of gotten some but as Clan Nova Cat was always trying to rebuild I fail to see how the Combine could field them in huge numbers.
Oh also the new 3060 book is a reprint not one of the upgrade line so it'll be just a reprint of the older 3060 book with the correct wording of "Began talks with" Sarna being a public source was written wrong and I've fixed that thank you for pointing it out so others wont be confused in the future
I had an awesome and detailed response to this, since you actually took the time for a proper discussion. Unfortunately, somewhere in the writing the forums logged me out and I lost the bulk of it.
Now, since you understand that "abjured" means that Nova Cat was no longer affiliated with the "Clans" in any way as of 3060, and that in fact this made them an official enemy of that faction, I won't go into any more detail for this rewrite. Suffice it to say, I did go into further detail for folks like CK16 who seem not to understand at what point a Clan is no longer a "Clan." Obviously, at the point where your former allies rip you from your home world, take all your stuff, try to kill you, destroy your whole genetic lineage, and finally eject you completely from their part of the galaxy - you're no longer affiliated. Clan Nova Cat, officially as of 3060, was no longer a "Clan" except in name.
But by far the most important piece of information here, and one you've ignored, is that, in the lead-up to Operation Bulldog, Clan Nova Cat coordinated with the Draconis Combine to participate in a series of mock Trials, which they then intentionally lost, and offered their losing forces to the Combine, as well as all their Inner Sphere holdings - which by this time were extensively developed. According to Sarna (and I'll confirm with the TROs when I have a chance), Nova Cat invested heavily into rebuilding and developing their IS holdings, and brought lots of personnel and equipment into the Sphere. This included rebuilding the mech production facilities in Irece that would later produce the Nova Cat mech (and many others).
The Draconis Combine accepted those Nova Cat forces into the Combine as
abtakha. Essentially this means, for the uninitiated, a captured enemy that is welcomed into the capturing faction as a full member. This let Nova Cat join the Inner Sphere in a manner that was in keeping with Clan traditions. Nova Cat was then granted some of their former holdings and were charged with governing these holdings in the name of the Combine and with fighting on their behalf as a regular affiliated unit. For all intents and purposes, Nova Cat became an integrated part of the Combine government, society, and military as of 3058 - PRIOR to the start of mass production of the Nova Cat mech in 3059. It also means that, because it was a sub-faction of the Draconis Combine, Clan Nova Cat was officially an Inner Sphere unit.
That said, while many Nova Cat mechs produced wore Kurita colors, technically every single one ever made was property of the Draconis Combine.
It also means that the only Clans listed as ever fielding the Mad Cat MkII, Nova Cat and Wolf-in-Exile, were not allied with the "Clans," who are noted specifically as never fielding it (both were abjured, and thus are enemies of the "Clans", and using mechs won through Trials does not count as fielding for the purposes of MWO). All factions listed as having fielded the MkII were, thus, Inner Sphere, including Nova Cat (for all the reasons above), and Wolf-in-exile (for reasons that should go without saying).
Edited by ScarecrowES, 09 March 2016 - 05:46 PM.