legatoblues, on 10 March 2016 - 09:57 PM, said:
Imperious, I understand you really want the MKII in game. That's great, more power to you. So you're aware, I couldn't care less if it's the next mech in or not. It'll get here eventually and that's fine, no tears from me either way. But really, you need to take things down a notch. That MKVII picture has been around for ages, everyone knows it and this 2 second MS Paint doctoring is really, really poor form. I hope you didn't do it yourself, because taking that kind of approach is the last thing our community needs.
It's a concept that was made by a guy on diviant art of a mech that doesn't exist but still a "MAD CAT design" so I think it's fair game to pull some inspiration from. I just really like it, Alex will do whatever he pleases, and I'm sure like every mech, it will amaze us.
You know what else is poor form, people not being able to spell a persons name correctly when it's right in front of them.
Poor form would be claiming I drew it or something...
Edited by Imperius, 10 March 2016 - 10:19 PM.